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File: src/resources/config/reserved_keywords.yml

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  Classes of WsdlToPhp   PHP SOAP Package Generator   src/resources/config/reserved_keywords.yml   Download  
File: src/resources/config/reserved_keywords.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP SOAP Package Generator
Generate package to call SOAP services using WSDL
Author: By
Last change: issue #41 - add parent as PHP reserved keyword
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 3,933 bytes



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# List of PHP reserved keywords that must not be used within generated classes. # If an element matched one of this reserved keywords, it is replaced by "_" + {reserved_keyword} + nb_used_times # It includes the pre defined functions by PackageBase classes too. reserved_keywords: # constants - "PHP_VERSION" - "PHP_MAJOR_VERSION" - "PHP_MINOR_VERSION" - "PHP_RELEASE_VERSION" - "PHP_VERSION_ID" - "PHP_EXTRA_VERSION" - "PHP_ZTS" - "PHP_DEBUG" - "PHP_MAXPATHLEN" - "PHP_OS" - "PHP_SAPI" - "PHP_EOL" - "PHP_INT_MAX" - "PHP_INT_SIZE" - "DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH" - "PEAR_INSTALL_DIR" - "PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR" - "PHP_EXTENSION_DIR" - "PHP_PREFIX" - "PHP_BINDIR" - "PHP_BINARY" - "PHP_MANDIR" - "PHP_LIBDIR" - "PHP_DATADIR" - "PHP_SYSCONFDIR" - "PHP_LOCALSTATEDIR" - "PHP_CONFIG_FILE_PATH" - "PHP_CONFIG_FILE_SCAN_DIR" - "PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX" - "E_ERROR" - "E_WARNING" - "E_PARSE" - "E_NOTICE" - "E_CORE_ERROR" - "E_CORE_WARNING" - "E_COMPILE_ERROR" - "E_COMPILE_WARNING" - "E_USER_ERROR" - "E_USER_WARNING" - "E_USER_NOTICE" - "E_DEPRECATED" - "E_USER_DEPRECATED" - "E_ALL" - "E_STRICT" - "__COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__" - "TRUE" - "FALSE" - "NULL" - "__CLASS__" - "__DIR__" - "__FILE__" - "__FUNCTION__" - "__LINE__" - "__METHOD__" - "__NAMESPACE__" - "__TRAIT__" # keywords - "__halt_compiler" - "abstract" - "and" - "array" - "as" - "break" - "callable" - "case" - "catch" - "class" - "clone" - "const" - "continue" - "declare" - "default" - "die" - "do" - "echo" - "else" - "elseif" - "empty" - "enddeclare" - "endfor" - "endforeach" - "endif" - "endswitch" - "endwhile" - "eval" - "exit" - "extends" - "final" - "finally" - "for" - "foreach" - "function" - "global" - "goto" - "if" - "implements" - "include" - "include_once" - "instanceof" - "insteadof" - "interface" - "isset" - "list" - "namespace" - "new" - "or" - "parent" - "print" - "private" - "protected" - "public" - "require" - "require_once" - "return" - "static" - "switch" - "throw" - "trait" - "try" - "unset" - "use" - "var" - "while" - "xor" - "yield" # magic methods - "__construct" - "__destruct" - "__call" - "__callStatic" - "__get" - "__set" - "__isset" - "__unset" - "__sleep" - "__wakeup" - "__toString" - "__invoke" - "__set_state" - "__clone" - "__debugInfo" # methods from AbstractSoapClientBase - "__construct" - "getSoapClient" - "setSoapClient" - "initSoapClient" - "getSoapClientClassName" - "getDefaultWsdlOptions" - "setLocation" - "getLastRequest" - "getLastResponse" - "getLastXml" - "getLastRequestHeaders" - "getLastResponseHeaders" - "getLastHeaders" - "getFormatedXml" - "convertStringHeadersToArray" - "setSoapHeader" - "setHttpHeader" - "getLastError" - "setLastError" - "saveLastError" - "getLastErrorForMethod" - "getResult" - "setResult" # methods from AbstractStructBase - "_set" - "_get" # methods from AbstractStructArrayBase - "getAttributeName" - "length" - "count" - "current" - "next" - "rewind" - "valid" - "key" - "item" - "add" - "first" - "last" - "offsetExists" - "offsetGet" - "offsetSet" - "offsetUnset" - "getInternArray" - "setInternArray" - "getInternArrayOffset" - "initInternArray" - "setInternArrayOffset" - "getInternArrayIsArray" - "setInternArrayIsArray"