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File: javascript/functions.js

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  Classes of Axel Hahn   Pimped Apache Status   javascript/functions.js   Download  
File: javascript/functions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Pimped Apache Status
Display the requests handled by an Apache server
Author: By
Last change: 2018-04-15: v2.00.01
fix search in the serverlist
2018-04-15: v2.00.23
- navigation to subheaders as subitems in menu
- add link go to top
- config editor: add and remove values in compare tab
2018-03-20: v2.00.21
- optimize tiles on top
2018-03-17: v2.00.20
- initial setup offers to disable user auth
2018-02-08 - v2.00.18
* update jquery -> 3.3.1
* update tiles: smaller circles and additional horizontal bar
* removed lang
* update original server status tabs
* update settings tabs
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 11,742 bytes



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/* ====================================================================== * Axels PIMPED APACHE SERVER STATUS * initial functions for a page ====================================================================== */ /** * scan h3 headers and draw on the top * @returns {undefined} */ function initDrawH3list() { var sHtml = ''; var sMenuid = '.sidebar-menu>>span.submenu'; var sH3id = false; // menu animation // $('#sbright').hide() && window.setTimeout("$('#sbright').slideDown(400)", 50); var i = 0; $("h3").each(function () { sH3id = ? : "h3" + this.innerHTML.replace(/\W/g, ''); if (! = sH3id; if ( !== "h3menu") { i++; sHtml += '<li><a href="#' + sH3id + '" class="scroll-link"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>' + this.innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, "") + '</a></li>'; } }); if (i < 2) { sHtml = ''; $(sMenuid).hide(); } else { $(sMenuid).html('<ul class="treeview-menu" style="display: block;">'+sHtml+'</ul>'); } } /** * initialize soft scrolling for links with css class "scroll-link" * @see * @returns {undefined} */ function initSoftscroll() { $(function () { // $('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').click(function() { $('a.scroll-link').click(function () { if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') === this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname === this.hostname) { var target = $(this.hash); target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']'); if (target.length) { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: target.offset().top - 70 }, 300); return false; } } }); }); } /** * filter display of server list in the menu * * @param {string} s filtertext * @returns {undefined} */ function filterServer(s){ var iCount=0; if(s==='null'){ s=''; } localStorage.setItem('apachestatusFilterServer', s); $('#serverlist ul li a').each(function () { if (!s || $(this).html().indexOf(s)>=0){ iCount++; $(this).css("display", "block" ); } else { $(this).css("display", "none" ); } }); // show count of hits $('#srvcounter').html( s ? iCount : '' ); // enable active server $('#serverlist ul a').each(function () { $(this).css("display", "block" ); }); // switch view between list and cascaded menu var bShowAsListmenu=iCount<25; $('#serverlist>li ').each(function () { bShowAsListmenu ? $(this).removeClass("dropdown-submenu") : $(this).addClass("dropdown-submenu"); $(this).attr("onmouseover", bShowAsListmenu ? "" : "$(this).addClass(\'open\');" ); $(this).attr("onmouseout", bShowAsListmenu ? "" : "$(this).removeClass(\'open\');" ); }); // show count of items and filtered view $('#serverlist li ul').each(function () { bShowAsListmenu ? $(this).removeClass("dropdown-menu") : $(this).addClass("dropdown-menu"); iCountItems=$(this).find("li>a").length; iCountVisibleItems=0; oUL=$(this); $(oUL).find("li>a").each(function () { if ($(this).css("display")==="block"){ iCountVisibleItems++; } }); sInfotext=iCountVisibleItems!=iCountItems ? iCountVisibleItems + '/ ' + iCountItems : iCountItems ; $(oUL).prev().children(".info").html(' ('+sInfotext+')'); $(oUL).prev().css("display", iCountVisibleItems ? "block" : "none"); }); } /** * initialize server filter * @since 1.25 * @returns {undefined} */ function initServerFilter(){ var iServer=0; $('#serverlist li').each(function () { iServer++; }); var sFiltertext=localStorage.getItem('apachestatusFilterServer')+''; if(sFiltertext===undefined){ sFiltertext=''; } if (iServer>5){ $('#serverlist >li>a').append('<span class="info" style="margin-right: 1em;">-</span>'); var sHtml='<li><form class="form-inline">\n\ <div class="form-group" style="margin-bottom: 0.5em; min-width: 20em;">\n\ <input type="text" id="esrvfilter" style="margin-left: 1em;" \n\ onkeypress="filterServer(this.value);" class="form-control" onkeydown="filterServer(this.value);" onkeyup="filterServer(this.value);" \n\ placeholder="'+aLang['srvFilterPlaceholder']+'"\n\ value="'+sFiltertext+'" />\n\ <span id="srvcounter"></span>\n\ </div></form></li>'; $('#serverlist').prepend(sHtml); } filterServer(sFiltertext); } /** * init knob in tiles * @since 1.26 * @returns {undefined} */ function initKnob(){ var i=0; var sTilename=false; var aData=false; var sFgColor=$('.tile .dial').css("color"); var sBgColor=$('.tile .dial').css("background-color"); $(".tile .dial").each(function () { i++; // tial name is the id "dial-[server]-[tilename]" // @see php class datarenderer->renderTile() sId=$(this).attr('id').replace(/^dial\-/, ''); sSrv=sId.replace(/\-.*/, ''); sTilename=sId.replace(/^.*\-/, ''); if (sTilename){ var oCounter = new counterhistory(sSrv, sTilename); aData=oCounter.getLast(50); aDataLast=oCounter.getLast(1); currentVal=aDataLast['max']; /* console.log('----- ' + sTilename + ' ('+sId+') - max ' + aData['max'] + ' current: ' + currentVal ); console.log(aData); console.log(aDataLast); */ if(aData){ $(this).knob({ readOnly: true, fgColor: sFgColor, bgColor: sBgColor, max: aData['max']*1000, 'width': '90px', 'height': '90px', thickness: 0.04 }); $(this).val(currentVal*1000).trigger('change'); $('#progress-'+sId).css('width', (currentVal/aData['max']*100)+'%'); } } }); } /** * init page * @returns {undefined} */ function initPage() { initDrawH3list(); initSoftscroll(); initServerFilter(); initKnob(); $('body').append('<div id="' + sDivPlotter + '" class="plotter"></div>'); } /** * handle tabs of a 2nd tab row * @param {type} id * @returns {Boolean} */ function showTab(id){ mydiv='.subh2 '; $(mydiv + ' > h3').hide(); $(mydiv + ' > .subh3').hide(); $(mydiv + ' > '+id).show(); $(mydiv + ' > '+id+' + div.subh3').show(); $(mydiv + ' li a').blur(); return false; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // plotter @since v1.22 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- var sDivPlotter = "divPlotter"; var bPlotterSticky = false; /** * render statistical graph and make it sticky. * see datarenderer.class.php - function renderTile * @param {string} sSrv serverlist * @param {string} sVarname name of tile * @param {string} sTitle title in popup * @returns {undefined} */ function stickyGraph(sSrv, sVarname, sTitle) { var sav = bPlotterSticky; bPlotterSticky = false; $('#'+sDivPlotter+' .btnclose').hide(); showGraph(sSrv, sVarname, sTitle); if (!sav) { bPlotterSticky = true; $('#'+sDivPlotter+' .btnclose').show(); } } /** * render statistical graph wih onmouseover or called by stickyGraph * see datarenderer.class.php - function renderTile * @param {string} sSrv serverlist * @param {string} sVarname name of tile * @param {string} sTitle title in popup * @returns {undefined} */ function showGraph(sSrv, sVarname, sTitle) { if (bPlotterSticky) { return false; } var oCounter = new counterhistory(sSrv, sVarname); renderHistory(sDivPlotter, oCounter.getLast(50), sTitle); } /** * hide statistical graph and remove sticky flag * @returns {Boolean} */ function hideGraph(bUnsticky) { if(bUnsticky){ bPlotterSticky=false; } if (bPlotterSticky) { return false; } $('#' + sDivPlotter).hide(); } /** * helper function: return two digit value; if value is lower 10 then a "0" * will be added * @param {integer} iVal * @returns {String} */ function twodigits(iVal) { return iVal > 9 ? iVal : "0" + iVal; } /** * render statistical graph; called by showGraph * @param {string} sDivname target div where to put the bars * @param {array} aData data items with date and value * @param {string} sTitle title in popup * @returns {Boolean} */ function renderHistory(sDivname, aData, sTitle) { if (!aData || !aData['data'] || aData['data'].length < 10 || !aData['max']) { return false; } var sHtml = '', sInfo = '', iDataHeight = 250, iDataWidth = 600, sClass = false, sHint = false, date = false; sHtml += '<div class="btnclose" onclick="hideGraph(1);"> X </div>' + '<div class="graph">' + '<div class="title">' + sTitle + '</div>' ; for (var i = aData['data'].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { val = aData['data'][i][1] / 1; date = new Date(aData['data'][i][0]); iH = val / aData['max'] * iDataHeight; iW = iDataWidth / aData['data'].length; sClass = (i === 0) ? 'barcur' : ''; sHint = val + "\n\n" + twodigits(date.getDate()) + "." + twodigits(date.getMonth() + 1) + "." + date.getFullYear() + "\n" + twodigits(date.getHours()) + ":" + twodigits(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + twodigits(date.getSeconds()) ; sHtml += '<div class="barcontainer" style="width:' + iW + 'px; height: ' + iDataHeight + 'px" title="' + sHint + '">' + '<div class="bar ' + sClass + '" style="width:' + iW + 'px; height: ' + iH + 'px; margin-top:' + (iDataHeight - iH) + 'px; "> </div>' + '</div>'; } ihAvg = aData['avg'] / aData['max'] * iDataHeight; ihCurrent = aData['data'][0][1] / aData['max'] * iDataHeight; if (aLang) { sInfo += (aLang['statsCurrent']) ? aLang['statsCurrent'] + ': ' + aData['data'][0][1] + '<br>' : ''; sInfo += (aLang['statsMin']) ? aLang['statsMin'] + ': ' + aData['min'] + '<br>' : ''; sInfo += (aLang['statsMax']) ? aLang['statsMax'] + ': ' + aData['max'] + '<br>' : ''; sInfo += (aLang['statsAvg']) ? aLang['statsAvg'] + ': ' + aData['avg'] + '<br>' : ''; } sHtml += '' + '<div class="avg" style="margin-top:' + (iDataHeight - ihAvg) + 'px; "> </div>' + '<div class="current" style="margin-top:' + (iDataHeight - ihCurrent) + 'px; "> </div>' + (sInfo ? '<div class="infos">' + sInfo + '</div>' : '') + '</div>'; $("#" + sDivname).html(sHtml).show(); return true; }