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File: inc_functions.php

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  Classes of Axel Hahn   Pimped Apache Status   inc_functions.php   Download  
File: inc_functions.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Sample output
Class: Pimped Apache Status
Display the requests handled by an Apache server
Author: By
Last change: 2018-04-14: v2.00.22
- optimize user interaction in upgrade process 1.x -> 2.x
- fix highlight admin menu item
- config-items: use arrays instead of comma seperated lists
2018-04-14: v2.00.22
- optimize user interaction in upgrade process 1.x -> 2.x
2018-03-17: v2.00.20
- initial setup offers to disable user auth
2018-02-08 - v2.00.17
* added updater class using ahwebinstall
* activated updater for beta releases
* removed unused old template dirs, js files and others
* fix missing lang entries
* block initial setup on second request
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 10,299 bytes



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<?php /* * PIMPED APACHE-STATUS * FUNCTIONS (included by ./inc_config.php) * */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNKTIONEN // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * get new querystring - create the new querystring by existing query string * of current request and given new parameters * @param array $aQueryParams * @return string */ function getNewQs($aQueryParams = array()) { $s = false; $aDelParams = array("doinstall"); if ($_GET) { $aDefaults = $_GET; foreach ($aDelParams as $sParam) { if (array_key_exists($sParam, $aDefaults)) { unset($aDefaults[$sParam]); } } $aQueryParams = array_merge($aDefaults, $aQueryParams); } foreach ($aQueryParams as $var => $value) { if ($value) $s .= "&amp;" . $var . "=" . urlencode($value); } $s = "?" . $s; return $s; } /** * follow a given url by checking http header data and follow locations * @param string $url url to follow * @return string */ function httpFollowUrl($sUrl) { $sReturn = $sUrl; $sData = httpGet($sUrl, 1); preg_match('/Location:\ (.*)/', $sData, $aTmp); if (count($aTmp)) { $sNextUrl = trim($aTmp[1]); if ($sNextUrl && $sNextUrl !== $sUrl) { $sReturn = httpFollowUrl($sNextUrl); } } return $sReturn; } /** * make an http get request and return the response body * @param string $url url to fetch * @param boolean $bHeaderOnly send header only * @return string */ function httpGet($url, $bHeaderOnly = false) { global $oLog; $ch = curl_init($url); $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . "($url, $bHeaderOnly) - START"); if ($bHeaderOnly) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'pimped apache status'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . "($url, $bHeaderOnly) - done."); return ($res); } /** * check authentication if a user and password were configured * @global array $aCfg config from ./config/config_user.json * @return boolean */ function checkAuth() { global $aCfg; global $aLangTxt; // echo '<pre>'.print_r($aCfg, 1).'</pre>'; die(); if ( !$aCfg['auth'] || !array_key_exists('user', $aCfg['auth']) || !array_key_exists('password', $aCfg['auth']) || ($aCfg['auth']['user'] == 'admin' && !$aCfg['auth']['password'] ) ) { return true; } if ( array_key_exists('PHP_AUTH_USER', $_SERVER) && array_key_exists('PHP_AUTH_PW', $_SERVER) && $aCfg['auth']['user'] == $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] && $aCfg['auth']['password'] == md5($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ) { return true; } header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Pimped Apache Status"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); die($aLangTxt["authAccessDenied"]); } /** * search temp directory using tmpdir in config. if false then use system * temp dir * @param bool $bForce force check and ignore ttl * @return type */ function getTempdir(){ global $aCfg; global $oLog; $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . '() start'); $sTmpDir=(isset($aCfg['tmpdir']) && $aCfg['tmpdir']) ? $aCfg['tmpdir'] : sys_get_temp_dir(); if($sTmpDir && !($sTmpDir[0]==='/' || $sTmpDir[1]===':')){ $sTmpDir=__DIR__ . '/' . $sTmpDir; } if(!is_writable($sTmpDir)){ echo 'WARNING: directory is not writable: '.$sTmpDir.' - check write access or set a new value for "tmpdir"<br>'; $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . '() - directory is not writable: '.$sTmpDir.' - check write access or set a new value for tmpdir', 'error'); } $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . '() - set temp dir '.$sTmpDir); return $sTmpDir; } /** * check for an update of the product * @param bool $bForce force check and ignore ttl * @return type */ function checkUpdate($bForce = false) { global $aLangTxt; global $aEnv; global $aCfg; global $oLog; $iTtl = (int) $aCfg["checkupdate"]; // if the user does not want an update check then respect it if (!$iTtl && !$bForce) { $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . ": is disabled"); return '<a href="' . $aEnv['links']['update']['updater']['url'] . '"' . ' target="./admin/' . $aEnv['links']['update']['updater']['target'] . '&skin=' . $aEnv['active']['skin'] . '&lang=' . $aEnv['active']['lang'] . '"' . ' class="button"' . '>' . $aLangTxt['versionManualCheck'] . '</a>'; // return false; } $sUrlCheck = str_replace(" ", "%20", $aEnv['links']['update']['check']['url']); $sTarget = getTempdir() . '/checkupdate_' . md5($sUrlCheck) . '.tmp'; $bExec = true; if (file_exists($sTarget)) { $bExec = false; $aStat = stat($sTarget); $iAge = time() - $aStat[9]; if ($iAge > $iTtl) { $bExec = true; } $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " last exec: " . $iAge . " s ago - timer is $iTtl"); } else { $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " last exec: never (touchfile was not found)"); } if ($bForce) { $bExec = true; $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " last exec: override: force parameter was found"); } if ($bExec) { $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " fetching $sUrlCheck ..."); $sResult = httpGet($sUrlCheck); if (!$sResult) { $sResult = ' <span class="version-updateerror">' . $aLangTxt['versionError'] . '</span>'; $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " unable to check version."); } else { $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " <pre>$sResult</pre>"); if (!file_put_contents($sTarget, $sResult)){ $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " unable to write file [$sTarget]", "error"); } } } else { $oLog->add(__FUNCTION__ . " reading cache $sTarget ..."); $sResult = file_get_contents($sTarget); } $sVersion = str_replace("UPDATE: v", "", str_replace(" is available", "", $sResult)); if (strpos($sResult, "UPDATE") === 0) { $sUrl = getNewQs() . '&lang=' . $aEnv['active']['lang'] . '&skin=' . $aEnv['active']['skin'] . '&action=update' ; $sResult = ' <span class="version-updateavailable" title="' . $sResult . '">' . '<a href="' . $sUrl . '">' . sprintf($aLangTxt['versionUpdateAvailable'], $sVersion) . '</a>' . '</span>'; } else if (strpos($sResult, "OK") === 0) { $sResult = ' <span class="version-uptodate" title="' . $sResult . '">' . $aLangTxt['versionUptodate'] . '</span>'; } return '<div id="checkversion">' . $sResult . '</div>'; } /** * return a bool only: does exist a newer version or not? * (used in views/update.php) * @param string * @return bool */ function hasNewVersion($sUpdateOut = '') { $sResult = $sUpdateOut ? $sUpdateOut : checkUpdate(true); // echo htmlentities($sResult); return (strpos($sResult, "UPDATE") > 0 ? true : false); } function getHtmlHead($aLangTxt) { global $aEnv; require_once(__DIR__ . '/classes/cdnorlocal.class.php'); $sVendorUrl=(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/admin/') ? '.' : '') . './vendor/'; $oCdn = new axelhahn\cdnorlocal(array( 'vendordir'=>__DIR__ . '/vendor', 'vendorurl'=>$sVendorUrl, 'debug'=>0 )); $aLangJs = array(); foreach ($aLangTxt as $sKey => $sVal) { if (strpos($sKey, 'js::') === 0) { $aLangJs[str_replace('js::', '', $sKey)] = $sVal; } } $oCdn->setLibs($aEnv['vendor']); /* echo '<!-- '; print_r($oCdn->getLibs()); // echo $oCdn->getLibVersion('jquery'); echo $oCdn->getLibRelpath('jquery'); echo '--> '; */ $sHeader = '<script>var aLang=' . json_encode($aLangJs) . ';</script>' . "\n" // jQuery . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('jquery')."/jquery.min.js") . '"></script>' . "\n" // datatbles . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('datatables')."/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js") . '"></script>' . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('datatables')."/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css") . '">' . "\n" // Admin LTE . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('admin-lte')."/js/adminlte.min.js") . '" type="text/javascript"></script>' . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('admin-lte')."/css/AdminLTE.min.css") . '">' . "\n" . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('admin-lte')."/css/skins/_all-skins.min.css") . '">' . "\n" // Bootstrap . '<link href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('twitter-bootstrap').'/css/bootstrap.min.css') . '" rel="stylesheet">' . '<link href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('twitter-bootstrap').'/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css') . '" rel="stylesheet">' . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl($oCdn->getLibRelpath('twitter-bootstrap').'/js/bootstrap.min.js') . '" type="text/javascript"></script>' // Font awesome . '<link href="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl('font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css') . '" rel="stylesheet">' // Morris . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl("raphael/2.2.7/raphael.min.js") . '"></script>' . "\n" . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl("morris.js/0.5.1/morris.min.js") . '"></script>' . "\n" // Knob . '<script src="' . $oCdn->getFullUrl("jQuery-Knob/1.2.13/jquery.knob.min.js") . '"></script>' . "\n" ; return $sHeader; }