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File: test.object.draw.php

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  Classes of Nguyen Duy Quang   Draw Chart   test.object.draw.php   Download  
File: test.object.draw.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Call obj.draw_chart.php
Class: Draw Chart
Draw a chart using coordinate values from arrays
Author: By
Last change: Fixed for PHP new version 5+
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 1,021 bytes



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// Report all errors except E_NOTICE
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

$img_width = 470;
$img_height = 240;
$common1 = "Text for common 1";
$common2 = "Text for common 2";
$commonimg = "The common for this image";
$_arr_val_of = Array();
$_arr_val_of[0] = 11;
$_arr_val_of[1] = 31;
$_arr_val_of[2] = 15;
$_arr_val_of[3] = 41;
$_arr_val_of[4] = 21;
$_arr_val_of[5] = 10;
$_arr_val_of[6] = 30;
        $_arr_val_of[7] = 35;
        $_arr_val_of[8] = 75;
        $_arr_val_of[9] = 108;
        $_arr_val_of[10] = 95;
        $_arr_val_of[11] = 55;
$_arr_val_of2 = Array();
$_arr_val_of2[0] = 10;
$_arr_val_of2[1] = 7;
$_arr_val_of2[2] = 8;
$_arr_val_of2[3] = 12;
$_arr_val_of2[4] = 4;
$_arr_val_of2[5] = 8;
$_arr_val_of2[6] = 9;
$cls_draw_chart = new DRAW_CHART($img_width, $img_height);
$img = $cls_draw_chart->create_image($_arr_val_of, $_arr_val_of2, $common1, $common2, $commonimg);