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File: todo.txt

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  Classes of Samuel Adeshina   PHP Sentence Parser   todo.txt   Download  
File: todo.txt
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: NIL
Class: PHP Sentence Parser
Parses and analyzes words in sentences
Author: By
Last change: Update of todo.txt
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 1,351 bytes



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/*----------------------------------------- *1.Add a method that checks * for synonyms to words. This class should be able to isolate the best/closest synonym to such words depending on the context in which it is used 2. Using this synonyms from the method above, another class will be created for generating sentences similar/connotes almost the same meaning as the one used for instantiating the class but using different words 3. Another method for generating completely opposite meaning to a sentence will be provided using a method that gets the opposite (Antonyms) to a word #####-------SUMMARY OF THIS TODO LIST-------##### Four more methods shall be added. Possible names include 1. check_syn(<parameters not yet none>) checks for the synonyms to words 2. check_ant(<parameters not yet none>) checks for the antonyms to words 3. generate_same(<parameters not yet none>) generates sentences with the same semantical meaning but different syntactical connotation 4. generate_opposite(<parameters not yet none>) generates the exact opposite meaning to a sentence #####-------WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER-------##### >>>>> FORK ME ON GITHUB: >>>>> FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: #Samuel.Adeshina6 >>>>> LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK: >>>>> SEND ME AN EMAIL: