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File: plato.stateSel.php

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File: plato.stateSel.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: state select box plugin
Class: plato
Template parsing engine
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 2,816 bytes



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    Function stateSel() will create a state select box
    // --Recognized Vars
    // var[name] = select name
    // var[output] = short or full - length of
    // var[selected] = the selected index
    // --Additional Vars
    // any other vars passed will be added to the select tag
    // example: var[class] = input
    // <select name="selectname" class="input">...
function _stateSel($vars = array())
$stateArray = array("AL" => "Alabama", "AK" => "Alaska", "AZ" => "Arizona", "AR" => "Arkansas", "CA" => "California", "CO" => "Colorado", "CT" => "Connecticut", "DE" => "Delaware", "DC" => "District of Columbia", "FL" => "Florida", "GA" => "Georgia", "HI" => "Hawaii", "ID" => "Idaho", "IL" => "Illinois", "IN" => "Indiana", "IA" => "Iowa", "KS" => "Kansas", "KY" => "Kentucky", "LA" => "Louisiana", "ME" => "Maine", "MD" => "Maryland", "MA" => "Massachusetts", "MI" => "Michigan", "MN" => "Minnesota", "MS" => "Mississippi", "MO" => "Missouri", "MT" => "Montana", "NE" => "Nebraska", "ND" => "North Dakota", "OH" => "Ohio", "OK" => "Oklahoma", "OR" => "Oregon", "PA" => "Pennsylvania", "PR" => "Puerto Rico", "RI" => "Rhode Island", "SA" => "South America", "NV" => "Nevada", "NH" => "New Hampshire", "NJ" => "New Jersey", "NM" => "New Mexico", "NY" => "New York", "NC" => "North Carolina", "SC" => "South Carolina", "SD" => "South Dakota", "TN" => "Tennessee", "TX" => "Texas", "UT" => "Utah", "VT" => "Vermont", "WV" => "West Virginia", "WI" => "Wisconsin", "WY" => "Wyoming", "VA" => "Virginia", "WA" => "Washington");
strlen($vars["name"]) > 0 ? $name = $vars["name"] : $name = "stateSel";
strlen($vars["output"]) > 0 ? $output = $vars["output"] : $output = "short";
strlen($vars["selected"]) > 0 ? $selected = $vars["selected"] : $selected = "";
$i = 0;
$keys = array_keys($vars);
    for (
$j = 0; $j < count($keys); $j++){
        if ((
$keys[$j] != "name") && ($keys[$j] != "output") && ($keys[$j] != "selected")){
$varKey[$i] = $keys[$j];
    if (
count($varKey) > 0){
        for (
$j = 0; $j < count($varKey); $j++){
$selectStr = sprintf(" %s=\"%s\"", $varKey[$j], $vars[$varKey[$j]]);
$sel = sprintf("<select name=\"%s\"%s>\n", $name, $selectStr);
    for (
$i = 0; $i < count($stateArray); $i++){
$key = key($stateArray);
$val = $stateArray[$key];
        if (
$output == "short"){
$selected == $key ? $sel .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s\" selected=\"selected\">%s</option>\n", $key, $key) : $sel .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $key, $key);
            } else {
$selected == $key ? $sel .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s\" selected=\"selected\">%s</option>\n", $key, $val) : $sel .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s\">%s</option>\n", $key, $val);
$sel .= sprintf("</select>");