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File: testscript

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  Classes of Róbert Koszorús   ROPE   testscript   Download  
File: testscript
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example script
Class: ROPE
Runtime Operational template Processing Extension
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 3,630 bytes



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// program: ROPE Aplication Examples
// module: Main
// coder: Koszorus
// date: 20. 09. 02
// modify: 29. 07. 03
// system: Web (HTML/PHP/ROPE)
// interpreter: PHP4
// Version: 2.12
require_once( "rope_oo.php" );

$my_globals["some"][1] = "Some text 1";
$my_globals["some"][2] = "Some text 2";
$my_globals["some"][3] = 0;
$my_globals["some"][4] = "";

if (
$lang == "en" )
$my_globals["include_filename"]["a"]["b"]["c"] = "test_inc_en.html";
$my_globals["include_filename"]["a"]["b"]["c"] = "test_inc.html";

// **** here is a MySQL query for example: ****

$query_result = mysql_query( ... )

$query_row_cntr = 0;
while ($query_row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $query_result) )
        $query_col_cntr = 0;
        foreach( $query_row as $query_name => $query_val )
                $my_globals["row"][$query_row_cntr]["col"][$query_col_cntr] = $query_val;



// **** the MySQL query above generates something like this: ****
// change it for testing ROPE!!!
$my_globals["row"][0]["id"] = 10;
$my_globals["row"][0]["selectable"] = 1;
$my_globals["row"][0]["checked"] = "checked";
$my_globals["row"][0]["col"][0] = "Robert";
$my_globals["row"][0]["col"][1] = "Koszorus";
$my_globals["row"][0]["col"][2] = "REIDEA Informatic";
$my_globals["row"][0]["col"][3] = "Hungary";
$my_globals["row"][0]["col"][4] = "";

$my_globals["row"][1]["id"] = 1;
$my_globals["row"][1]["selectable"] = 1;
$my_globals["row"][1]["checked"] = "";
$my_globals["row"][1]["col"][0] = "Attila";
$my_globals["row"][1]["col"][1] = "Zsebi";
$my_globals["row"][1]["col"][2] = "Pocketbase";
$my_globals["row"][1]["col"][3] = "Hungary";
$my_globals["row"][1]["col"][4] = "zsebi@nospam.please";

$my_globals["row"][2]["id"] = 21;
$my_globals["row"][2]["selectable"] = 0;
$my_globals["row"][2]["checked"] = "";
$my_globals["row"][2]["col"][0] = "Some";
$my_globals["row"][2]["col"][1] = "Body";
$my_globals["row"][2]["col"][2] = "Some Co.";
$my_globals["row"][2]["col"][3] = "Eldorado";
$my_globals["row"][2]["col"][4] = "who@where";

$my_globals["row"][3]["id"] = 2;
$my_globals["row"][3]["selectable"] = 1;
$my_globals["row"][3]["checked"] = "";
$my_globals["row"][3]["col"][0] = "Lacko";
$my_globals["row"][3]["col"][1] = "Hege";
$my_globals["row"][3]["col"][2] = "OMSZ";
$my_globals["row"][3]["col"][3] = "Hungary";
$my_globals["row"][3]["col"][4] = "";

// **** with an other simple MySQL qery you can get the name of fields(or anything what you want there are no ranges :)):
// we store some fictive column name for demonstrate multiple reference of ROPE local symboles
$my_globals["colname"][0] = "First name";
$my_globals["colname"][1] = "Last name";
$my_globals["colname"][2] = "Company";
$my_globals["colname"][3] = "Country";
$my_globals["colname"][4] = "E-mail";

$rope = new rope_class;

// call ROPE to process the template with our global symboles
if ( $lang == "en" )
$rope->rope_process( "rope_test_en.html", $my_globals );
$rope->rope_process( "rope_test.html", $my_globals );
