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File: config.xml

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File: config.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Data Source
Class: Mrasnika's configuration system
Store and retrieve settings from XML files
Author: By
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Date: 20 years ago
Size: 13,707 bytes



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<?xml version="1.0"?> <config saveDate="2004-01-05 12:54:09" authorAdmin="super-administrator" authorIP=""> <administrationSettings> <administrator name="BUILT-IN" lastLoginDate="2003-11-10 18:12:45" lastLoginIP=""> <description>This is the build-in master-administrator account. It's not written to the database administrator accont list, and it's not used in general, except when some problems occur with the application, e.g. database crash.</description> <alias name="ADMIN_ALIAS" value="admin" default="supervisor"> </alias> <password name="ADMIN_PASSWORD" value="25e4ee4e9229397b6b17776bfceaf8e7" default="25e4ee4e9229397b6b17776bfceaf8e7"> </password> <email name="ADMIN_EMAIL" value="" default="master-administrator@domain.tld"> </email> </administrator> <administrator name="Mrasnika" lastLoginDate="2003-11-10 18:12:45" lastLoginIP=""> <description>This is an additional master-administrator account. It's not written to the database administrator accont list, and it's not used in general, except when some problems occur with the application, e.g. database crash.</description> <alias name="ADMIN_ALIAS" value="mrasnika" default="supervisor"> </alias> <password name="ADMIN_PASSWORD" value="25e4ee4e9229397b6b17776bfceaf8e7" default="25e4ee4e9229397b6b17776bfceaf8e7"> </password> <email name="ADMIN_EMAIL" value="" default="master-administrator@domain.tld"> </email> </administrator> <options name="ADMIN_NOTIFICATION_OPTIONS"> <description>These are the options for sending notifications to application administrators.</description> <value selected="ON" default="ON"> <description>Administrators with this optin set will receive notifications each time an application error occurs.</description> error-occurs</value> <value selected="ON" default="OFF"> <description>Administrators with this option set will receive notifications each time an application administrtor logs in (not themselves, of course).</description> administrator-log-on</value> </options> </administrationSettings> <applicationSettings> <description>Settings, related to different parts of the application.</description> <string name="SITE_TITLE" value="My Site" default="my site's title"> <description>This is the title of your site, which will appear in the title bar of the browsers on each page.</description> </string> <url name="BASIC_URL" value="" default=""> <description>URL to your site (do not forget to add the http:// prefix).</description> </url> <url name="BASIC_SECURE_URL" value="" default=""> <description>Secure URL to your site (do not forget to add the https:// prefix).</description> </url> <string name="SITE_CHARSET" value="iso-8859-1" default="iso-8859-1"> <description>Charset encoding for your site. Do change it, if you use language different from standart english.</description> </string> <group name="Data field restrictions"> <description>These are settings, which are used when user data is validated.</description> <int name="PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH" value="5" default="8"> <description>Minimum length for the passwords, used in the site.</description> </int> <int name="USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH" value="4" default="6"> <description>Minimum length for the username and aliases, used in the site.</description> </int> <int name="USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH" value="4" default="6"> <description>Maximum length for the username and aliases, used in the site.</description> </int> </group> </applicationSettings> <phpSettings> <description>These setting set new values for PHP settings in order to make the neceseary enviroment and compatibility for the application to run.</description> <boolean name="ASP_TAGS" value="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>Allow ASP-style &lt;% %&gt; tags.</description> </boolean> <boolean name="EXPOSE_PHP" value="ON" default="OFF"> <description>Decides whether PHP may expose the fact that it is installed on the server (e.g. by adding its signature to the Web server header). It is no security threat in any way, but it makes it possible to determine whether you use PHP on your server or not. </description> </boolean> <int name="MAX_EXECUTION_TIME" value="72" default="30"> <description>Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds. </description> </int> <boolean name="DISPLAY_ERRORS" value="ON" default="OFF"> <description>Print out errors (as a part of the output). for production web sites, you're strongly encouraged to turn this feature off, and use error logging instead. Keeping &quot;display_errors&quot; enabled on a production web site may reveal security information to end users, such as file paths on your Web server, your database schema or other information.</description> </boolean> <boolean name="REGISTER_GLOBALS" value="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require &quot;register_globals&quot; to be on. Using form variables as globals can easily lead to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of. </description> </boolean> <boolean name="MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC" value="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.</description> </boolean> <boolean name="MAGIC_QUOTES_RUNTIME" value="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.</description> </boolean> <boolean name="TRACK_VARS" value="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>If enabled, GET, POST and cookie input can be found in the global associative arrays $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS and $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS (or $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE, depending on the version of the PHP), respectively. </description> </boolean> </phpSettings> <sessionSettings> <description>Session declarations for the application.</description> <session name="SESSION_USER"> <description>This session is used in the front-end of the application (user interface).</description> <alias name="SESSION_ID" value="ssUser" default="_user"> <description>This is the session identificator.</description> </alias> <int name="SESSION_TIMEOUT" value="3600" default="0"> <description>Time-to-live for the session (in seconds, e.g. 3600 seconds equals one hour). After this period, session will expire. if set to &quot;0&quot;, session will expire when the user browser is closed.</description> </int> </session> <session name="SESSION_ADMIN"> <description>This session is used in the back-end of the application (administration interface).</description> <alias name="SESSION_ID" value="ssAdmn" default="_admin"> <description>This is the session identificator.</description> </alias> <int name="SESSION_TIMEOUT" value="3600" default="3600"> <description>Time-to-live for the session (in seconds, e.g. 3600 seconds equals one hour). After this period, session will expire. if set to &quot;0&quot;, session will expire when the user browser is closed.</description> </int> </session> </sessionSettings> <fileSettings> <description>Here are all the files and directories, that need to be created (or expected, if they are already created), when the application is installed.</description> <directory name="DIR_LOGS" value="logs/" default="logs/" permissions="0777"> <description>This is where log files are stored.</description> </directory> <directory name="DIR_TEMPORARY" value="tmp/" default="temp/" permissions="0777"> <description>Directory for handling temporary files.</description> </directory> <directory name="DIR_ARCHIVE" value="archive/" default="zip/" permissions="0777"> <description>Directory, where backup archives are stored.</description> </directory> <directory name="DIR_ADMIN_TEMPLATES" value="html_templates/admin/" default="templates/admin/" permissions="0777"> <description>Directory, where HTML templates for the admin tool are placed.</description> </directory> <directory name="DIR_ADMIN_EMAIL" value="email_templates/admin/" default="email/admin/" permissions="0777"> <description>Directory, where e-mail templates for the admin tool are stored.</description> </directory> <directory name="DIR_IMAGES" value="i/" default="images/" permissions="0222"> <description>Directory, where images are stored.</description> </directory> </fileSettings> <debugSettings> <description>These are settings, concerning debug information about the application, including debug mode, log files, and error handling</description> <boolean name="DEBUG_MODE" value="OFF" default="ON"> <description>When the application is indebug mode, all errors generated during the run of the application (run-time errors) are reported.</description> </boolean> <options name="DEBUG_OPTIONS"> <description>When the application generates and error, these options are used to determine how will the error be reported to the applicationadministrators.</description> <value selected="ON" default="ON"> <description>Errors will be appended to debug log file</description> log-file</value> <value selected="ON" default="OFF"> <description>Errors will be instantly send via email to default debug email adress, and all the application administrators, that have the error notification option set.</description> instant-email</value> <value selected="OFF" default="OFF"> <description>Errors will be compiled into one email, which will be sent on a daily basis to default debug email adress, and all the application administrators, that have the error notification option set.</description> compiled-email</value> </options> <file name="DEBUG_LOG" value="debug.log" default="debug_log" permissions="0777"> <description>If in debug mode, all reported errors will be appended to this file.</description> </file> <email name="DEBUG_EMAIL" value="" default=""> <description>If in debug mode, all reported errors will be sent to this email address</description> </email> </debugSettings> <miscellaneousSettings> <description>Miscellaneous settings.</description> <date name="LAST_BACKUP" value="2027-Jan-23 01:02:03" default=""> </date> <date name="LAST_ADMIN_LOGIN" value="" default=""> </date> <date name="LAST_CRON_RUN" value="" default=""> </date> </miscellaneousSettings> <customSettings> <description>Your custom settings.</description> </customSettings> <databaseSettings> <description>Settings for database connectivity.</description> <string name="SQL_TABLE_PREFIX" value="site_" default="my_"> <description>This will be used as a prefix when creating SQL table names.</description> </string> <string name="MYSQL3_HOST" value="localhost" default="localhost"> <description>The host where MySQL is installed.</description> </string> <int name="MYSQL3_PORT" value="3306" default="3306"> <description>The port which MySQL is using.</description> </int> <string name="MYSQL3_USER" value="mrasnika" default="user"> <description>This is the user which will be used to connect to MySQL.</description> </string> <string name="MYSQL3_PASSWORD" value="mrasnika_pass" default="user~password"> <description>This is the password for the MySQL user.</description> </string> <string name="MYSQL3_DATABASE" value="mrasnika_pass" default="user~password"> <description>The MySQL database which will be used.</description> </string> </databaseSettings> </config>