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File: example_elements.class.php

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  Classes of Thiemo Kreuz   TM::Apeform   example_elements.class.php   Download  
File: example_elements.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Extended class with special form elements
Class: TM::Apeform
A very abstract web form builder and processor
Author: By
Last change: Updated
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 6,167 bytes



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// Include the original TM::Apeform class to be extended.

 * Extended TM::Apeform class providing some special form elements with build in
 * error checking.
class ExtendedApeform extends Apeform
     * Creates an ISO-date input field, e.g. "2003-12-31".
     * @param label string
     * @param help string
     * @param defaultValue string
     * @return string
function &date($label = "<u>D</u>ate", $help = "Year-Month-Day",
$defaultValue = "")
// Use the actual date as defaultValue.
if (empty($defaultValue)) $defaultValue = date("Y-m-d");
// Calculate default element maxLength (and size too).
$maxLength = strlen($defaultValue);
// Call the parent method.
$date = &$this->text($label, $help, $defaultValue, $maxLength);
// Try to fetch three numbers from the string, the year first.
if (! preg_match('/(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/s', $date, $m))
$this->error("Please enter a date");
// Extend years with missing century.
if ($m[1] <= 38) $m[1] += 2000;
            elseif (
$m[1] <= 99) $m[1] += 1900;
// Check validity, e.g. 2003-02-29 is forbidden.
if (! checkdate($m[2], $m[3], $m[1]))
$this->error("Please enter a valid <u>d</u>ate");
// Well-form the value.
$date = sprintf("%04s-%02s-%02s", $m[1], $m[2], $m[3]);

     * Creates an ISO-date input field, e.g. "2003-12-31".
     * @param label string
     * @param help string
     * @param defaultValue string
     * @return string
function &dateSelector($label = "<u>D</u>ate", $help = "Year-Month-Day",
$defaultValue = "")
$count = 0;
$name = "element" . count($this->_rows);
$help .= <<<CALENDAR
\t <a href="#" onclick="return calendar$count()">Calendar...</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function calendar
  var c = '<html><head><title>Calendar</title></head><body>This is just an example<br><code>';
  for (i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
    v = i <= 9 ? '0' + i : i;
    c += '<a href="#" onclick="e=opener.document.forms[\'form\'].elements[\'
    c += 'e.value=e.value.substr(0,8)+\'' + v + '\';self.close();return false">' + v + '</a> ';
    if (i % 7 == 0) c += '<br>';
  c += '</code></body></html>';
  var w = 250;
  var h = 130;
  var p = "";
  if (typeof event == "object" && typeof event.screenX == "number")
    p = ",left=" + event.screenX + ",top=" + event.screenY;
  var f ="", "Calendar", "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + p + ",location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no");"text/html", "replace");
  return false;
// Call the parent method.
return $this->date($label, $help, $defaultValue);

     * Creates an email input field, e.g. "name@domain.tld".
     * @param label string
     * @param help string
     * @param defaultValue string
     * @param isRequired bool
     * @return string
function &email($label = "<u>E</u>mail", $help = "", $defaultValue = "",
$isRequired = true)
// Call the parent method.
$email = &$this->text($label, $help, $defaultValue);
        if (
$isRequired && ! $email)
$this->error("Please enter your <u>e</u>mail adress");
// Check for a single At sign, no spaces, top level domain and so on.
elseif ($email && ! preg_match(
'/^[^\s"\'<>()@,;:]+@[^\s"\'<>()@,;:]+\.[a-z]{2,6}$/is', $email))
$this->error("Please enter a valid <u>e</u>mail adress");

     * Creates a price input field, e.g. "99.95".
     * @param label string
     * @param help string
     * @param defaultValue float
     * @param min float
     * @param max float
     * @return string
function &price($label = "<u>P</u>rice", $help = "\t Euro",
$defaultValue = "0.00", $min = 0.01, $max = 999999.99)
// Calculate maximum string length.
$maxLength = max(strlen(sprintf("%.2f", $min)),
strlen(sprintf("%.2f", $max)));
// Call the parent method.
$price = &$this->text($label, $help, $defaultValue, $maxLength,
// Remove any special character.
$price = preg_replace('/[^\d.-]+/s', '', $price);
// Check boundaries.
if ($price < $min)
$this->error("Please enter a larger <u>p</u>rice");
        elseif (
$price > $max)
$this->error("Please enter a lower <u>p</u>rice");
// Well-form the value.
$price = sprintf("%.2f", $price);

     * Creates an extended file upload field.
     * @param label string
     * @param help string
     * @param allowedType string
     * @param maxKB int
     * @param isRequired bool
     * @return array
function &filetype($label = "<u>F</u>ile", $help = "", $allowedType = "*/*",
$maxKB = 2048, $isRequired = false)
// Call the parent method.
$file = &$this->file($label, $help);
$pattern = '{^' . str_replace("*", ".*", $allowedType) . '$}is';
        if (
$isRequired && ! $file)
$this->error("Please select a file");
        elseif (
$file && $allowedType && ! preg_match($pattern, $file['type']))
$this->error("Please select a file of another type");
        elseif (
$file && $maxKB && $file['size'] > $maxKB * 1024)
$this->error("Please select a smaller file (max. " .
number_format($maxKB) . "KB)");
