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File: elemental-sm/install.txt

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File: elemental-sm/install.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Install instruction
Class: elementalSiteMaker
easy CMS
Author: By
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Date: 21 years ago
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Elemental Site Maker ==================== Installation ------------ Admin login: 'admin' password: 'pwd' On *nix systems --------------- Give write access to files in folders: ./admin/cnt/ ./admin/tmp/ ./html/ ./offline/ - access to write in folder Give execution rights to files: ./index.php ./admin/pageLogin.php ./admin/pageList.php ./admin/pageEdit.php Customization ------------- Password -------- to change login/pasword see ./include/AuthSystem/AuthSystem.php - array $this->users, key of this array is catenation of login and password: '{login}_{password}'. Page template ------------- page templates (skins) are stored in ./admin/templates/ there are folders 'default' and 'top_menu'. They contain files: page.tpl - template of full page menu.tpl - container for menu menu_delim.tpl - menu item delimiter menu_selected.tpl - menu item selected menu_unselected.tpl - menu item not selected In page.tpl there is 'token' for inserting content on them place, f.e. '{TOP}' - for top of the page, '{HEADER}' - header of the page, '{CONTENT}' - here will be content of the page, '{MENU}' - here will be menu, and so on. The page creation are realized in class PageShower.php (./include/PageShower/). See method makeTemplateVars(). To specify what template (skin) to use, see in file ./include/Config/Config.php variable $templateName in function initArray(), this variable mean directory of template to use (relative ./admin/templates/) Managed pages ------------- See ./include/PageRepository/PageRepository.php. There is array $this->arrayPage, which are initializated in function initPage(). You can find out, that each page have self unique id (key of the array), and also contain 4 keys: array( "pageName" => 'main', "pagePath" => 'cnt/main.cnt', "pageHtml" => '../html/main.html', "pageURL" => '../?pageId=main' ) 'pageName' - name page in the menu, 'pagePath' - path to file where page are stored (in fact this is are serializated array) 'pageHtml' - path to published variant of page (html), this file are used when user browse the site. 'pageURL' - this url are used to go to published version in the site (from page 'pageEdit.php') Also there is sections, array $this->arraySectionPage (initializated in function initSectionPage()). There is two sections: 'page' - this files forms the page, f.e. 'top' - the top of the page, 'bottom' - the footer of the page, and so on. 'site' - this is content of the site (your pages) Note: when you have added page to the array $this->arrayPage, you have to add id of the page, to section 'site', in array $this->arraySectionPage. OfflineGeneration ----------------- There is support for generation static version of the site. Generated pages are stored in folder ./offline. For custimization of this process see classes OfflineSiteGenerator.php and PageShowerOffline.php in folder ./include/Offline Ilya Nemihin, [email protected]