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File: src/eMacros/Package/CorePackage.php

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File: src/eMacros/Package/CorePackage.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: eMacros
PHP LISP language interpreter
Author: By
Last change: Deprecated: ValueAppend operator (use Array::push)
Updated: docs
Modified: Property operators syntax
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 10,634 bytes



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<?php namespace eMacros\Package; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\Identical; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\Equal; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\NotIdentical; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\NotEqual; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\LessThan; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\GreaterThan; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\LessEqual; use eMacros\Runtime\Comparison\GreaterEqual; use eMacros\Runtime\Logical\LogicalNot; use eMacros\Runtime\Logical\LogicalAnd; use eMacros\Runtime\Logical\LogicalOr; use eMacros\Runtime\Logical\LogicalIf; use eMacros\Runtime\Logical\Cond; use eMacros\Runtime\Binary\BinaryOr; use eMacros\Runtime\Binary\BinaryAnd; use eMacros\Runtime\Arithmetic\Addition; use eMacros\Runtime\Arithmetic\Subtraction; use eMacros\Runtime\Arithmetic\Multiplication; use eMacros\Runtime\Arithmetic\Division; use eMacros\Runtime\Arithmetic\Modulus; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\IsInstanceOf; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\IsType; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\TypeOf; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\IsEmpty; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\CastToType; use eMacros\Runtime\Type\IsA; use eMacros\Runtime\PHPFunction; use eMacros\Runtime\Method\MethodInvoke; use eMacros\Runtime\Builder\ArrayBuilder; use eMacros\Runtime\Builder\ObjectBuilder; use eMacros\Runtime\Builder\InstanceBuilder; use eMacros\Runtime\Value\ValueSet; use eMacros\Runtime\Value\ValueUnset; use eMacros\Runtime\Value\ValueReturn; use eMacros\Runtime\Argument\ArgumentCount; use eMacros\Runtime\Argument\ArgumentList; use eMacros\Runtime\Argument\ArgumentGet; use eMacros\Runtime\Argument\ArgumentExists; use eMacros\Runtime\Environment\EnvironmentUse; use eMacros\Runtime\Environment\EnvironmentImport; use eMacros\Runtime\String\Concatenation; use eMacros\Runtime\Output\OutputEcho; use eMacros\Runtime\Symbol\SymbolSet; use eMacros\Runtime\Symbol\SymbolLookup; use eMacros\Runtime\Symbol\SymbolExists; use eMacros\Runtime\Callback\CallFunction; use eMacros\Runtime\Callback\CallFunctionArray; use eMacros\Runtime\Property\PropertyAssign; use eMacros\Runtime\Property\PropertyExists; use eMacros\Runtime\Property\PropertyGet; class CorePackage extends Package { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('Core'); /** * DEFAULT SYMBOLS */ $this['null'] = null; $this['true'] = true; $this['false'] = false; /** * COMMON OPERATORS */ //comparison operators $this['==='] = new Identical(); $this['=='] = new Equal(); $this['!=='] = new NotIdentical(); $this['!='] = new NotEqual(); $this['<'] = new LessThan(); $this['>'] = new GreaterThan(); $this['<='] = new LessEqual(); $this['>='] = new GreaterEqual(); //logical operators $this['not'] = new LogicalNot(); $this['and'] = new LogicalAnd(); $this['or'] = new LogicalOr(); $this['if'] = new LogicalIf(); $this['cond'] = new Cond(); //binary operators $this['|'] = new BinaryOr(); $this['&'] = new BinaryAnd(); //arithmetic operators $this['+'] = new Addition(); $this['-'] = new Subtraction(); $this['*'] = new Multiplication(); $this['/'] = new Division(); $this['mod'] = new Modulus(); //string operators $this['.'] = new Concatenation(); /** * SYMBOL FUNCTIONS */ $this['sym'] = new SymbolSet(); $this['sym-exists'] = new SymbolExists(); $this['lookup'] = new SymbolLookup(); /** * CUSTOM INVOKE */ $this['call-func'] = new CallFunction(); $this['call-func-array'] = new CallFunctionArray(); /** * KEY FUNCTIONS */ /** * Checks if a given property/index exists in an object/array * Examples: (#? "name" _obj) (#? 0 (%1)) * Returns: Boolean */ $this['#?'] = new PropertyExists(); /** * Stores a value on an array/object with the given key/property * Examples: (#= "name" _arr "Emma") (#= _newProperty _obj 10) * Returns: The assigned value */ $this['#='] = new PropertyAssign(); /** * Obtains a property/index value from an object/array * Examples: (# "name" _obj) (# 0 (%1)) * Returns: Mixed */ $this['#'] = new PropertyGet(); /** * VALUE FUNCTIONS */ /** * Sets a symbol value * Examples: (:= _message "Hello") (:= _pi Math::PI) * Returns: The assigned value */ $this[':='] = new ValueSet(); /** * Unsets a symbol value * Examples: (unset _val) * Returns: NULL */ $this['unset'] = new ValueUnset(); /** * Returns a symbol/literal value * Examples: (<- 10) (<- "Hello") (<- _value) (<- (+ 1 1)) * Returns: The symbol/literal value */ $this['<-'] = new ValueReturn(); /** * ARGUMENT FUNCTIONS */ /** * Obtains an argument by a given index * Examples: (% 1) (% _num) * Returns: mixed */ $this['%'] = new ArgumentGet(); /** * Checks if the given argument index is present * Example: (%? 1) (%? _num) * Returns: boolean */ $this['%?'] = new ArgumentExists(); /** * Returns the number of arguments received by the program * Examples: (:= _nargs (%#)) * Returns: Integer */ $this['%#'] = new ArgumentCount(); /** * Returns program arguments as an array * Examples: (:= _args (%_)) * Returns: Array */ $this['%_'] = new ArgumentList(); /** * TYPE FUNCTIONS */ /** * Determines if a given value is an instance of a given class * Examples: (instance-of _obj eMacros\Package\Package) * Returns: Boolean */ $this['instance-of'] = new IsInstanceOf(); /** * Returns a value type * Examples: (type-of "Hello") (type-of _var) * Returns: String */ $this['type-of'] = new TypeOf(); /** * Determines if a given values evaluates to 'empty' * Examples: (empty (array)) (empty 0) (empty null) (empty _var) * Returns: Boolean */ $this['empty'] = new IsEmpty(); /** * Determines if a given value is an instance of a given class (class is passed as string) * Examples: (is-a _obj "eMacros\Symbol") * Returns: Boolean */ $this['is-a'] = new IsA(); /** * CONVERSION FUNCTIONS */ $this['strval'] = new PHPFunction('strval'); $this['floatval'] = new PHPFunction('floatval'); $this['intval'] = new PHPFunction('intval'); //PHP 5.5 if (function_exists('boolval')) { $this['boolval'] = new PHPFunction('boolval'); } /** * CLASS/OBJECT FUNCTIONS */ $this['property-exists'] = new PHPFunction('property_exists'); $this['method-exists'] = new PHPFunction('method_exists'); $this['is-subclass-of'] = new PHPFunction('is_subclass_of'); $this['get-parent-class'] = new PHPFunction('get_parent_class'); $this['get-object-vars'] = new PHPFunction('get_object_vars'); $this['get-class'] = new PHPFunction('get_class'); $this['get-class-vars'] = new PHPFunction('get_class_vars'); $this['get-class-methods'] = new PHPFunction('get_class_methods'); $this['class-alias'] = new PHPFunction('class_alias'); /** * BUILDER FUNCTIONS */ $this['array'] = new ArrayBuilder(); $this['new'] = new ObjectBuilder(); $this['instance'] = new InstanceBuilder(); /** * ENVIRONMENT FUNCTIONS */ $this['use'] = new EnvironmentUse(); $this['import'] = new EnvironmentImport(); /** * OUTPUT FUNCTIONS */ $this['echo'] = new OutputEcho(); $this['var-dump'] = new PHPFunction('var_dump'); $this['print-r'] = new PHPFunction('print_r'); /** * EXTENDED MACROS */ /** * Obtains a program argument * Pattern: %INDEX * Examples: (%0) (%3) (%10) * Returns: mixed */ $this->macro('/^%([0-9]+)$/', function ($matches) { return new ArgumentGet(intval($matches[1])); }); /** * Checks for argument existence * Pattern: %INDEX? * Examples: (%0?) (%1?) (%5?) * Returns: boolean */ $this->macro('/^%([0-9]+)\?$/', function ($matches) { return new ArgumentExists(intval($matches[1])); }); /** * Checks values types * Pattern: TYPE? * Examples: (int? 4) (null? _x 45) (numeric? "542" 10 "5.3") * Returns: boolean */ $this->macro('/^(bool|boolean|int|integer|string|float|double|resource|object|array|numeric|scalar|null)\?$/', function ($matches) { if ($matches[1] == 'boolean') { $matches[1] = 'bool'; } return new IsType('is_' . $matches[1]); }); /** * Casts a value to a given type * Pattern: as-TYPE * Exampĺes: (as-int "6457") (as-string true) (as-null 1) * Returns: mixed */ $this->macro('/^as-(bool|boolean|int|integer|string|float|double|real|object|array|unset|null|binary)$/', function ($matches) { return new CastToType($matches[1]); }); /** * Checks if a given index exists * Pattern: #PROPERTY? * Examples: (#name? _x) (#id?) * Returns: boolean */ $this->macro('/^#([^\s]+)\?$/', function ($matches) { if (is_numeric($matches[1])) { return new PropertyExists(intval($matches[1])); } return new PropertyExists($matches[1]); }); /** * Sets given index/property * Pattern: #PROPERTY= * Examples: (#name= "Emma" _arr) (#price= 12.95 _prod) * Returns: Assigned value */ $this->macro('/^#([^\s]+)=$/', function ($matches) { if (is_numeric($matches[1])) { return new PropertyAssign(intval($matches[1])); } return new PropertyAssign($matches[1]); }); /** * Obtains a value from a given index/property * Pattern: #PROPERTY * Examples: (#name _x) (#id) * Returns: mixed */ $this->macro('/^#([^\s]*[^\?|=]+)$/', function ($matches) { if (is_numeric($matches[1])) { return new PropertyGet(intval($matches[1])); } return new PropertyGet($matches[1]); }); /** * METHOD INVOCATION */ /** * Returns the value obtained after invoking an object method * Examples: (-> 'just_do_it' _obj _arg1 _arg2) * Returns: Mixed */ $this['->'] = new MethodInvoke(); /** * Calls a method with the given parameters * Pattern: (->METHOD INSTANCE PARAM1 PARAM2 ...) * Examples: (->format (now) "Y-m-d H:i:s") * Returns: mixed */ $this->macro('/^->([a-z|A-Z|_][\w]*)$/', function ($matches) { //MethodInvoke return new MethodInvoke($matches[1]); }); /** * CONSTANTS */ $this['PHP_VERSION'] = PHP_VERSION; $this['PHP_MAJOR_VERSION'] = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION; $this['PHP_MINOR_VERSION'] = PHP_MINOR_VERSION; $this['PHP_RELEASE_VERSION'] = PHP_RELEASE_VERSION; $this['PHP_EXTRA_VERSION'] = PHP_EXTRA_VERSION; $this['PHP_VERSION_ID'] = PHP_VERSION_ID; $this['PHP_OS'] = PHP_OS; $this['PHP_SAPI'] = PHP_SAPI; $this['PHP_INT_MAX'] = PHP_INT_MAX; $this['PHP_INT_SIZE'] = PHP_INT_SIZE; } } ?>