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File: js/chat.js

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  Classes of PLSCIS PLP   Simple PHP Web Chat   js/chat.js   Download  
File: js/chat.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: chat js
Class: Simple PHP Web Chat
Chat system with Websockets or AJAX as fallback
Author: By
Last change: fix for search on windows operating system
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 33,478 bytes



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var uc = 1; var ms; var name = ''; var valert = 0; var pmkc = ''; var flcf = ''; // var site_url = window.location.protocol+'//'; // var port = '11171'; var senderids = 1; var plfv = ''; // var urm = 0; var ip = 0; var room = ''; var xhr_sm; var notification; var aj_ip = false; $("document").ready(function() { var imgdivcontent ='<input type="file" id="files" name="files[]"><div id="files_list"></div>'; $('#start').click(function() { if($.trim($('#nam').val()) != '') { name = $('#nam').val(); initchat(); if (typeof ms != 'undefined' && ms != null) { if(typeof ms.mcevs != 'undefined' && ms.mcevs != null && typeof ms.chattype != 'undefined' && ms.chattype != null && ms.chattype != '') { $('#identity').hide(); $('#pro_name').html('@) '+name); // room = 'General'; setui(); $('#profile').click(function() { if($('#profile_box').is(':hidden')) { $('#profile_box').show(); } else { $('#profile_box').hide(); } }); // $('#avchat').click(function() { initav(); }); } } } }); // $('#fp').click(function() { var unm = $.trim($('#nam').val()); var eid = $.trim($('#eid').val()); if(unm != '' && eid != '') { name = ''; var url = site_url+'cp.php'; if(!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url:url, type:'POST', async:false, data:{ 'unm':unm, 'eid':eid }, success:function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'wait') { alert('A change password link has been mailed to your email-id.'); name = eid = pass = ''; } else if($.trim(resp) == 'e-error') { alert('Error while processing, please try again later.'); name = eid = pass = ''; } else { name = eid = pass = ''; alert('Details are not valid or account is inactive.'); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } } }); // $('#srch_frnd').bind('keyup',function(e) { if($.trim($(this).val()) == '' && $.trim(flcf)!='clbk') { $('.mc_frnd_list > li[class^=groupData]').show(); } else if($.trim($(this).val()) != '' && $.trim($(this).val()) != $.trim($(this).attr('title'))) { $('.mc_frnd_list > li[class^=groupData] > a > label'+':not(:icontains("'+$.trim($(this).val())+'"))').closest('li').hide(); $('.mc_frnd_list > li[class^=groupData] > a > label'+':icontains("'+$.trim($(this).val())+'")').closest('li').show(); } flcf = ''; }); // $('.mc_frlist').find('span.icon').live('click', function() { $('#srch_frnd').val($.trim($('#srch_frnd').attr('title'))); if($('.groupData_'+$(this).closest('h4').attr('class')+':last').is(':hidden')) { $('.groupData'+"_"+$(this).closest('h4').attr('class')).show(); } else { $('.groupData'+"_"+$(this).closest('h4').attr('class')).hide(); } }); $('#srch_msgs').live('keyup',function(e) { if(($.trim($(this).val()) == '' || $.trim($(this).val()) == 'Filter Messages') && $.trim(flcf)!='clbk') { $('.mc_msglist > .msg-row').show(); } else if($.trim($(this).val()) != '' && $.trim($(this).val()) != 'Filter Messages') { $('.mc_msglist > .msg-row'+':not(:icontains("'+$.trim($(this).val())+'"))').hide(); $('.mc_msglist > .msg-row'+':icontains("'+$.trim($(this).val())+'")').show(); } flcf = ''; }); // $('#frmreply').bind('submit', function(e) { frmsubmit(e); }); $("#vMessage").bind("keyup", function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 16 || e.keyCode == 17 || e.keyCode == 18) { pmkc = 13; } }); $("#vMessage").bind("keydown", function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13 && (pmkc == 16 || pmkc == 17 || pmkc == 18)) { // e.preventDefault(); // $('#replay_msg').trigger('click'); // return false; pmkc = e.keyCode; return e.keyCode; } else if(e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); cancelEventBubble(e); setTimeout(function() { $('#send').trigger('click'); }, 1); return false; } pmkc = e.keyCode; // alert(e.keyCode); }); // $('#send').click(function(e) { sendmsgs(e); return false; }); $('body').click(function() { $('title').html($('title').html().replace(' *','')); }); $('body').focus(function() { $('title').html($('title').html().replace(' *','')); }); // }); function cancelEventBubble(e) { var evt = e ? e : window.event; if (evt.stopPropagation) { evt.stopPropagation(); } if (evt.cancelBubble!=null) { evt.cancelBubble = true; } if (evt.stopImmediatePropagation) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } function addToContact(jqel) { var cnm = jqel.parent().find('.msr').html(); if ($.trim(cnm) != '') { var url = site_url+'newcontact.php'; if (!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'c':cnm, 'name':name }, success:function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { jqel.parent().slideUp('slow'); jqel.parent().remove(); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } } } function setui() { $('#search').click(function() { if($('#search_box').is(':hidden')) { $('#search_box').show(); $('#contact_box').hide(); } else { $('#search_box').hide(); } }); $('#groups').click(function() { if($('#group_box').is(':hidden')) { $('#group_box').show(); $('.a2g').show(); $('#glist').show(); $('#grlist').show(); } else { $('#group_box').hide(); $('.a2g').hide(); $('#glist').hide(); $('#grlist').hide(); } }); $('#contacts').click(function() { url = site_url+'csrch.php'; if (!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'name':name }, success:function(resp) { var rsp = $.parseJSON(resp); var clist = ''; var a2g = ($('#group_box').is(':hidden'))? 'none' : ''; if(rsp != null) { for(var e in rsp['con']) { var styl = ''; console.log(rsp['con'][e]); // if(typeof rsp['con'][e]['ol'] != 'undefined' && rsp['con'][e]['ol'] != null) { if(typeof rsp['con'][e] == "string") { clist = clist + '<div id="msc'+e+'" class="member pointer" title="'+rsp['con'][e]+'" ><label class="cmsr pointer" style="'+styl+'">'+rsp['con'][e]+'</label> <span class="rjct" style="float:right;" title="Remove"> &nbsp; x </span> <span class="a2g" title="Add To Group" style="float:right; display:'+a2g+';"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; } else { for(var cn in rsp['con'][e]) { var lst = rsp['con'][e][cn]; if(lst.indexOf('ol:') != -1) { lst = lst.replace('ol:',''); styl = 'font-weight:bold'; } clist = clist + '<div id="msc'+e+'" class="member pointer" title="'+cn+'"><label class="cmsr pointer" style="'+styl+'" title="(Last Seen: '+lst+')">'+cn+'</label> <span class="rjct" style="float:right;" title="Remove"> &nbsp; x </span> <span class="a2g" title="Add To Group" style="float:right; display:'+a2g+';"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; break; } } } } var rlist = ''; if(rsp != null) { for(var e in rsp['conr']) { rlist = rlist + '<div id="msr'+e+'" class="member pointer" title="'+rsp['conr'][e]+'" ><label class="cmsr pointer">'+rsp['conr'][e]+'</label> <span class="rjct" title="Reject" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; x </span> <span class="acpt" title="Accept" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; } } var glist = ''; if(rsp != null) { for(var e in rsp['grp']) { glist = glist + '<div id="msg'+e+'" class="group pointer" title="'+rsp['grp'][e]+'" ><label class="cmsr pointer">'+rsp['grp'][e]+'</label> <span class="rjctg" title="Remove" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; x </span> <span class="selcg" title="Add To Select" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; } } var grlist = ''; if(rsp != null) { for(var e in rsp['grpr']) { grlist = grlist + '<div id="msgr'+e+'" class="group pointer" title="'+rsp['grpr'][e]+'" ><label class="cmsr pointer">'+rsp['grpr'][e]+'</label> <span class="rjctg" title="Reject" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; x </span> <span class="acptg" title="Accept" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; } } if(clist == '') { $('#clist').html('No Contacts'); $('#clist').show(); $('#search_box').hide(); $('#contact_box').show(); } if(clist != '' || rlist != '' || glist != '' || grlist != '') { $('#clist').html(clist); $('#clist').show(); $('#rlist').html(rlist); $('#rlist').show(); $('#glist').html(glist); // $('#glist').show(); $('#grlist').html(grlist); // $('#grlist').show(); // $('#search_box').hide(); $('#contact_box').show(); // biCChat(); acptCReq(); rjctCReq(); biGChat(); // add2Grp(); selcGrp(); rjctGrp(); acptGrp(); // } else { $('#clist').html('None Found !'); $('#clist').show(); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } }); // $('#ssrch').keyup(function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { url = site_url+'ssrch.php'; if (!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'qk':$('#ssrch').val(), 'name':name }, success:function(resp) { var rsp = $.parseJSON(resp); var list = ''; for(var e in rsp) { list = list + '<div id="ms'+e+'" class="member pointer" title="'+rsp[e]+'" ><label class="msr">'+rsp[e]+'</label> <span class="add_con" title="Add As Contact" style="float:right;"> &nbsp; + </span></div>'; } console.log(list); if(list != '') { $('#slist').html(list); $('#slist').show(); // $('.add_con').click(function() { addToContact($(this)); }); } else { $('#slist').html('None Found !'); $('#slist').show(); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } } }); // $('#csrch').keyup(function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 13) { var val = $('#csrch').val(); if (val != '') { $('#clist > div.member').hide(); $('#clist > div.member:contains("'+val+'")').show(); // $('#rlist > div.member').hide(); $('#rlist > div.member:contains("'+val+'")').show(); } else { $('#clist > div.member').show(); $('#rlist > div.member').show(); } } }); // $('#mgrp').click(function() { var grpcon = $('#grpcon').val(); var grpnms = $('#grpnms').val(); var url = site_url+'managegroup.php'; // var jqel = $(this); if(!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'grpcon':grpcon, 'grpnms':grpnms, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { $('#contacts').trigger('click'); alert('Group Updated'); } else { alert('Error while processing, verify details before submitting again.'); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } }); // } function acptCReq() { $('.acpt').click(function() { var c = $(this).parent().attr('title'); var url = site_url+'acceptcreq.php'; // var jqel = $(this); // aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'c':c, 'name':name }, success:function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { // jqel.remove(); $('#contacts').trigger('click'); } }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { /*aj_ip = false;*/ } }); }); } function rjctCReq() { $('.rjct').click(function() { var c = $(this).parent().attr('title'); var url = site_url+'rejectcreq.php'; var jqel = $(this); // aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'c':c, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { jqel.parent().remove(); } }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { /* aj_ip = false; */ } }); }); } function add2Grp() { $('.a2g').click(function() { if (!$('#grpcon').is('[readonly]')) { var c = $(this).parent().attr('title'); var gm = $('#grpcon').val(); tmp = gm.replace(/^,|,$/g,''); if($.trim(tmp) != '') { gm = gm.replace(/,+/g,','); if(gm.indexOf(',') === 0) { gm = gm.substring(1, gm.length); } if(gm.lastIndexOf(',') === (gm.length-1)) { gm = gm.substring(0, gm.length-1); } if(gm.indexOf(c+',') == -1 && gm.indexOf(','+c+',') == -1 && gm.indexOf(','+c) == -1 && $.trim(gm) != c) { $('#grpcon').val(gm + ',' + c); } else { $('#grpcon').val(gm); } } else { $('#grpcon').val(c); } } }); } function selcGrp() { $('.selcg').click(function() { if (!$('#grpcon').is('[readonly]')) { var grpnm = $(this).parent().attr('title'); /* // to allow multiple groups editing at same time (not tested) var grpnms = $('#grpnms').val(); grpnms = grpnms.replace(/^,|,$/g,''); grpnms = grpnms.replace(/,+/g,','); if(grpnms.indexOf(',') === 0) { grpnms = grpnms.substring(1, grpnms.length); } if(grpnms.lastIndexOf(',') === (grpnms.length-1)) { grpnms = grpnms.substring(0, grpnms.length-1); } grpnms = $.trim(grpnms); if(grpnms != '') { // && grpnms.indexOf(',') == -1 if(grpnms.indexOf(grpnm+',') == -1 && grpnms.indexOf(','+grpnm+',') == -1 && grpnms.indexOf(','+grpnm) == -1 && $.trim(grpnms) != grpnm) { $('#grpnms').val(grpnms + ',' + grpnm); } else { $('#grpnms').val(grpnms); } } else if(grpnms == '') {*/ $('#grpnms').val(grpnm); $('#grpcon').val('Loading Group Members ...'); $('#grpcon').attr('readonly','readonly'); if(!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; var url = site_url+'selcgroup.php'; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'grpnm':grpnm, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { $('#grpcon').val(''); $('#grpcon').attr('readonly',false); if($.trim(resp) != '') { $('#grpcon').val(resp); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; $('#grpcon').attr('readonly',false); } }); } // } } }); } function acptGrp() { $('.acptg').click(function() { var grpnm = $(this).parent().attr('title'); var url = site_url+'acceptgreq.php'; // var jqel = $(this); // aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'grpnm':grpnm, 'name':name }, success:function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { // jqel.remove(); $('#contacts').trigger('click'); } }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { /*aj_ip = false;*/ } }); }); } function rjctGrp() { $('.rjctg').click(function() { var grpnm = $(this).parent().attr('title'); var url = site_url+'rejectgreq.php'; var jqel = $(this); // aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'grpnm':grpnm, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { if($.trim(resp) == 'success') { var id = jqel.parent().attr('id'); id = id.replace('msg',''); jqel.parent().remove(); $('.ctabs').find('[rel="'+id+'"]').remove(); $('.mc_msglist').find('[rel="'+id+'"]').remove(); $('.mc_msglist').find('.General').show(); } }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { /* aj_ip = false; */ } }); }); } function setChatBoxes(vl, gid) { if(typeof gid == 'undefined' || gid == null) { gid = ''; } if(typeof gid == 'undefined' || gid == null) { gid = ''; } var mselc = '.mc_msglist > .'+vl; if(gid != '') { mselc = '.mc_msglist > .'+vl+'[rel="'+gid+'"]'; } var tbselc = '.ctabs > span[title="'+vl+'"][rel=""]'; if(gid != '') { tbselc = '.ctabs > span[rel="'+gid+'"]'; } else { // tbselc = '.ctabs > span[rel=""]'; } if($(mselc).length == 0) { $('.mc_msglist > div').hide(); $('.mc_msglist').append('<div class="'+vl+'" rel="'+gid+'" style="height:159px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #acacac;"></div>'); } if($(tbselc).length == 0) { $('.ctabs > .tab-active').removeClass('tab-active'); $('.ctabs').append('<span class="tab-active pointer" style="display:inline-block; width:150px; max-width:150px; height:13px; overflow:hidden; text-align:center; border:1px solid #cccccc; padding:3px; line-height:15px;" title="'+vl+'" rel="'+gid+'"><label style="display:inline-block; width:100px; overflow:hidden;">'+vl+'</label> <span></span> [<b class="pointer" style="text-transform:lowercase;">x</b>]</span>'); // text-transform:capitalize; } $(tbselc).click(function() { var vl = $(this).attr('title'); if($(mselc).is(':hidden')) { $('.mc_msglist > div').hide(); $(mselc).show(); } $('.ctabs > .tab-active').removeClass('tab-active'); $(this).addClass('tab-active'); // $(tbselc+' > span').html(''); var relvl = $(this).attr('rel'); var q = ''; if (typeof relvl != 'undefined' && relvl != null && relvl != '') { q = group_prefix+vl+'-'+gid+'-'+name; } else { q = (strcasecmp(name, vl) > 0)? vl+'-'+name : name+'-'+vl; } if (q != '') { $('#history').attr('href', site_url+'history.php?name='+name+'&q='+q); } if(typeof ms.mcevs != 'undefined' && ms.mcevs != null && typeof ms.chattype != 'undefined' && ms.chattype != null && ms.chattype == 'ws') { if(typeof relvl != undefined && relvl != null && relvl != '') { ms.mcevs.send('scmsg:=:'+group_prefix+vl+'-'+relvl); } else { ms.mcevs.send('scmsg:=:'+vl); } } }); $(tbselc+' > b').click(function() { var vl = $(this).parent().attr('title'); $(this).parent().remove(); $(mselc).remove(); // setChatBoxes('General'); }); $(mselc).click(function() { var vl = $(this).attr('class'); $(tbselc+' > span').html(''); }); $(mselc).focus(function() { var vl = $(this).attr('class'); $(tbselc+' > span').html(''); }); if($(mselc).is(':hidden')) { $('.mc_msglist > div').hide(); $(mselc).show(); $('.ctabs > .tab-active').removeClass('tab-active'); $(tbselc).addClass('tab-active'); } } setChatBoxes('General'); function setChatUi(vl, gid) { var selc = ''; if(typeof gid != undefined && gid != null) { selc = '.mc_msglist > .'+vl+'[rel="'+gid+'"]'; } else { selc = '.mc_msglist > .'+vl; } if($(selc).length > 0) { if($(selc).is(':hidden')) { $('.mc_msglist > div').hide(); $(selc).show(); } } else { // $('.mc_msglist').append('<div class="'+vl+'" style="height:159px; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #acacac;"></div>'); setChatBoxes(vl, gid); } // $('.mc_msglist > '+vl).show(); if(typeof ms.mcevs != 'undefined' && ms.mcevs != null && typeof ms.chattype != 'undefined' && ms.chattype != null && ms.chattype == 'ws') { if(typeof gid != undefined && gid != null) { ms.mcevs.send('scmsg:=:'+group_prefix+vl+'-'+gid); } else { ms.mcevs.send('scmsg:=:'+vl); } } } function biCChat() { $('#clist > .member > .cmsr').click(function() { var ci = $(this).html(); var url = site_url+'biCChat.php'; if (!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'ci':ci, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { aj_ip = false; resp = $.trim(resp); if(resp.indexOf('success:') != -1 && resp.indexOf('success:') === 0) { setChatUi(ci); var q = $.trim(resp.replace('success:','')); room = (q != 'gen' && q.toLowerCase() != 'general' && $.trim(q) != '')? q : ''; $('#history').attr('href', site_url+'history.php?name='+name+'&q='+q); } else if(resp == -1) { alert('Friend request not yet accepted'); } else if(resp == 0) { alert('Friend request not yet accepted or you are no longer in contacts list of other person'); } else if(resp == 1) { alert('Your request does not seem to exist at other end. Please remove this request and send new request'); } else { alert('Error while proceeding, please try again later'); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } else { alert('please try again after some time'); } }); } function biGChat() { $('#glist > .group > .cmsr').click(function() { var gi = $(this).html(); var gid = $(this).parent().attr('id'); if(typeof gid != undefined && gid != null) { gid = gid.replace('msg',''); } var url = site_url+'biGChat.php'; if (!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'POST', data:{ 'gi':gi, 'gid':gid, 'name':name }, success: function(resp) { aj_ip = false; resp = $.trim(resp); if(resp.indexOf('success:') != -1 && resp.indexOf('success:') === 0) { setChatUi(gi, gid); var q = $.trim(resp.replace('success:','')); room = (q != 'gen' && q.toLowerCase() != 'general' && $.trim(q) != '')? q : ''; // if(q.indexOf('g:') != -1 && q.indexOf('g:') === 0) { q = q+'-'+name; // } $('#history').attr('href', site_url+'history.php?name='+name+'&q='+q); } else if(resp == -1) { alert('Request not yet accepted'); } else if(resp == 0) { alert('Request not yet accepted'); } else if(resp == 1) { alert('Your request does not seem to exist at other end. Please remove this request and send new request'); } else { alert('Error while proceeding, please try again later'); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } else { alert('please try again after some time'); } }); } function initchat() { var unm = $.trim($('#nam').val()); var eid = $.trim($('#eid').val()); var pass = $.trim($('#pass').val()); var cpcode = $.trim($('#cpcode').html()); if(unm != '' && eid != '' && pass != '') { name = ''; var url = site_url+'chkusr.php'; if(!aj_ip) { aj_ip = true; $.ajax({ url:url, type:'POST', async:false, data:{ 'unm':unm, 'eid':eid, 'pass':pass, 'cp':cpcode }, success:function(resp) { if(resp.indexOf('success:') != -1 && resp.indexOf('success:') === 0) { name = $.trim(resp.replace('success:','')); $('#identity').hide(); $('#pro_name').html('@) '+name); } else if($.trim(resp) == 'wait') { alert('A verification link has been mailed to your email-id.'); name = eid = pass = ''; } else if($.trim(resp) == 'e-error') { alert('Error while registration, please try again later.'); name = eid = pass = ''; } else { name = eid = pass = ''; alert('Details are not valid or account is inactive.'); } aj_ip = false; }, complete: function(jqxhr, status) { aj_ip = false; } }); } // if(name != '') { var mcslink = site_url+'nchat.php'; ms = new $('#msgchat').msgchat({ msg_selc:'.mc_msglist', flt_selc:'.mc_frlist', msg_link:mcslink, clbk_fnc:'setchatdtls', on_open:'joinedchat', params:name }); // user this , ajaxchat:true $('#history').attr('href', site_url+'history.php?name='+name+'&q=General-'+name); if(typeof ms.mcevs != 'undefined' && ms.mcevs != null && typeof ms.chattype != 'undefined' && ms.chattype != null && ms.chattype != 'ws') { // setTimeout(function() { sendmsgs('', "* joined the chat"); }, 300); } // check permission for notification if (typeof ms != 'undefined' && ms != null) { $('#notify').click(function() { if (window.webkitNotifications) { if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() != 0) { window.webkitNotifications.requestPermission(); } } else { alert("Your browser doesn't support HTML5 notifications!"); } }); } } else { // } } // console.log(ms); // console.log(ms.close()); } function initav() { if ($.trim(room) != '') { // create our webrtc connection var webrtc = new WebRTC({ // the id/element dom element that will hold "our" video localVideoEl: 'selfvid', // the id/element dom element that will hold remote videos remoteVideosEl: 'rvids', // immediately ask for camera access autoRequestMedia: true, log: false }); // when it's ready, join if we got a room from the URL webrtc.on('readyToCall', function () { if (room) webrtc.joinRoom(room); $('#avc').show(); }); } } function strip_tags (input, allowed) { // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase (<a><b><c>) allowed = (((allowed || "") + "").toLowerCase().match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []).join(''); var tags = /<\/?([a-z][a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>/gi, commentsAndPhpTags = /<!--[\s\S]*?-->|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi; return input.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '').replace(tags, function ($0, $1) { return allowed.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : ''; }); } function frmsubmit(e, vl) { if(ms.chattype == 'ws') { return false; } try { e.preventDefault(); } catch (ex) { } // var URL = site_url+"app/mcchat/controller/insertmessage.php"; var url = site_url+"reply.php"; // $('#name').val(name); if(typeof vl != 'undefined' && vl != null) { $('#vMessage').val(vl); } var ci = $('.mc_msglist > div:visible').attr('class'); var gcid = $('.mc_msglist > div:visible').attr('rel'); if(typeof ci == 'undefined' || ci == null) { ci = ''; } if(typeof gcid == 'undefined' || gcid == null) { gcid = ''; } if(ci != '' && name != '') { $('#name').val(name); $('#ci').val(ci); $('#gcid').val(gcid); $('#frmreply').ajaxSubmit({ url: url, type: 'post', success: function(resp, status, xhr, frm) { $('.soundalert').html('.'); $("#vMessage").val(''); $("#files").val(''); // $("#uploading").html(imgdivcontent); // $("#uploading").css('display','none'); } }); } } function sendmsgs(ev, vl) { if(typeof ms != 'undefined' && ms != null) { if(typeof vl == 'undefined' || vl == null) { vl = $('#vMessage').val(); } vl = $.trim(vl); // vl = vl + "<hr style='border-style:dashed'/>"; // console.log(ms.chattype); if(ms.chattype == 'ws') { // ms.mcevs.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; ms.mcevs.send(vl); $('#vMessage').val(''); // file upload var files = document.querySelector('#files').files; var msg = ""; if(files.length > 0 && ip == 0) { for(var l=0; l<files.length; l++) { if(files[l].size > 0) { if(! (xhr_sm instanceof XMLHttpRequest)) { xhr_sm = new XMLHttpRequest(); } var url = window.location.toString(); url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('sc.php'))+"filehandler.php";'POST', url, true); // xhr_sm.upload.onprogress = function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = (e.loaded / * 100; console.log(percentComplete + '% uploaded'); } }; xhr_sm.onload = function() { if (this.status == 200) { var resp = JSON.parse(this.response); if(msg == "") { msg = "File(s) : "; } msg = msg + "<br />" + resp.txt; // ms.mcevs.send(resp.txt); // console.log('response: ', resp); //var image = document.createElement('img'); //image.src = resp.dataUrl; //document.body.appendChild(image); ip = ip + 1; // if(ip == -1) { if(ip == files.length) { ms.mcevs.send(msg); ip = 0; msg = ''; setTimeout(function() { $('#files').val(''); }, 300); } // console.log(ip); }; }; var fd = new FormData(); fd.append("file", files[l]); // ip = 1; xhr_sm.send(fd); // console.log(l); // console.log(files.length); if(l == (files.length-1)) { //ip = -1; // $('#files').val(''); } } } } } else { // $('#frmreply').submit(); frmsubmit('', vl); } // console.log(ms.mcevs); } else { alert('no connection'); } return false; } function joinedchat() { // setTimeout(function() { sendmsgs('', ""); }, 300); // * joined the chat } function setchatdtls(lid, dtls, opts) { var options = opts.split(','); console.log(dtls); // console.log(options); var msgs = ''; var frnds = ''; var cid = 'General'; if($.trim(dtls) != '') { if(lid == 'xhr' && typeof dtls['data'] != 'undefined' && dtls['data'] != null) { dtls = dtls['data']; } } if(typeof dtls != 'undefined' && dtls != null) { for(var v in dtls) { // var el_selc = 'title="'+cid+'"'; var gid = ''; var cb_selc = '.'+cid; // .toLowerCase(); if(typeof dtls[v] != 'undefined' && dtls[v] != null) { msgs = dtls[v]; cid = (v != 'gen')? v : 'General'; if(cid.indexOf(group_prefix) != -1 && cid.indexOf(group_prefix) === 0) { cid = cid.substring(2, cid.length); gid = cid.substring(cid.indexOf('-')+1); cid = cid.substring(0, cid.indexOf('-')); el_selc = 'rel="'+gid+'"'; cb_selc = '[rel="'+gid+'"]'; } } el_selc = 'title="'+cid+'"'; cb_selc = '.'+cid; // if($.trim(msgs) != '') { if(parseInt(senderids,10) == 0 || isNaN(parseInt(senderids,10)) || parseInt(plfv,10) == 0 || isNaN(parseInt(plfv,10))) { $('.nomsg').hide(); if(uc != 0) { // console.log(msgs); // console.log(options[0]+'>>'+options[1]+' > '+cb_selc); $(options[0]).find(options[1]+' > '+cb_selc).html(msgs+"<hr style='border-style:dashed;' />"); // +"<br/>" // msg_alert_sound(); // urm = urm + 1; var urm = 0; if($('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').length > 0) { urm = $('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').html().replace('(','').replace(')',''); } else { // $('msg_recv').html(''); } if(isNaN(parseInt(urm))) { urm = 0; } urm = parseInt(urm) + 1; // $('title').html("("+urm+")"); $('title').html($('title').html().replace(' *','') + ' *'); $('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').html('('+urm+')'); } else { uc = 1; } plfv = senderids; } else { $('.nomsg').hide(); if(uc != 0) { $(options[0]).find(options[1]+' > '+cb_selc).append(msgs+"<hr style='border-style:dashed;' />"); // "<br/>"+msgs+"<br/>" // msg_alert_sound(); // urm = urm + 1; var urm = 0; if($('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').length > 0) { urm = $('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').html().replace('(','').replace(')',''); } if(isNaN(parseInt(urm))) { urm = 0; } urm = parseInt(urm) + 1; // $('title').html("("+urm+")"); $('title').html($('title').html().replace(' *','') + ' *'); $('.ctabs > span['+el_selc+'] > span').html('('+urm+')'); } else { uc = 1; } } //$(options[0]).find(options[1]).attr('innerHTML', $(options[0]).find(options[1]).attr('innerHTML')); if($(options[0]).find('.scrollnew:checked').length > 0) { // $(options[0]).find(options[1]).scrollTop(parseInt($(options[0]).find(options[1])[0].scrollHeight, 10)); try { $(options[0]).find(options[1]+' > '+cb_selc).scrollTop(parseInt($(options[0]).find(options[1]+' > '+cb_selc)[0].scrollHeight, 10)); } catch (e) { } } // sound alert if($(options[0]).find('.alertsound:checked').length > 0) { msg_alert_sound(); } // notification alert if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) { try { notification.cancel(); // notification.close(); } catch(e) { } notification = null; if (msgs.length > 100) { notification = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification('', 'Message ('+cid+')', strip_tags(msgs,'').substring(0,100) + ' ...'); } else { notification = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification('', 'Message ('+cid+')', strip_tags(msgs,'')); } try { notification.onclick = function() { window.focus(); notification.cancel(); } } catch(e) { }; // setTimeout('notification.cancel();', 10000); } } else if($.trim(msgs) == '' && (parseInt(senderids,10) == 0 || isNaN(parseInt(senderids,10)) || parseInt(plfv,10) == 0 || isNaN(parseInt(plfv,10)))) { // $('.mc_msglist > .nomsg').show(); } // } } } function msg_alert_sound() { // if(valert == 0) { return false; } if($('.soundalert').html()=='.') { $('.soundalert').html(''); } else { // $('.soundalert').html('<embed height="1px" width="1px" src="audio/alert.mp3" autostart="true" volume="100" loop="false" />'); // hidden="true" $('.soundalert').html(''); $('.soundalert').html('<object width="1" height="1"><param name="src" value="audio/alert.mp3"><param name="autoplay" value="true"><param name="controller" value="true"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"><embed type="audio/mpeg" src="audio/alert.mp3" autostart="true" loop="false" width="1" height="1" controller="true" bgcolor="#ffffff"></embed></object>'); } } function strcasecmp (f_string1, f_string2) { var string1 = (f_string1 + '').toLowerCase(); var string2 = (f_string2 + '').toLowerCase(); if (string1 > string2) { return 1; } else if (string1 == string2) { return 0; } return -1; } function sleep(milliseconds) { var start = new Date().getTime(); for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){ break; } } }