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File: jApi_client/jApi_libs/js/jApi.js

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  Classes of Bijaya Kumar Behera   jApi RPC   jApi_client/jApi_libs/js/jApi.js   Download  
File: jApi_client/jApi_libs/js/jApi.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: jPAi js file
Class: jApi RPC
Handle client and server API calls
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
Size: 8,624 bytes



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var jApi =( function(){ return new function () { this.__callbacks = {}; this.err_debug = 0 ; this.auth_token = ''; this.uri = ''; = ''; this.__auth_refresh_tokens = []; this.__cmObj = function(_jApi_method, _jApi_sufix) { var cm= _jApi_method.split(/\./); var c = 'default'; var m = cm[0]; if (cm.length>1){c=cm[0];m=cm[1];} try{ cm = eval( "jApi_" + c + "." + m + "." +_jApi_sufix ) ; if ( typeof cm == 'function') return cm; }catch(e){} return false; }; this.__getRegFunction = function (_jApi_method, _jApi_script_id, _jApi_event_name) { try { var m = _jApi_method + "_" + _jApi_script_id; callback = jApi.__callbacks[m][_jApi_event_name] ? jApi.__callbacks[m][_jApi_event_name] : null; if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) { delete jApi.__callbacks[m][_jApi_event_name]; } }catch(e){callback = null;alert(e.message)}; return callback; }; this.__onCall=function(_jApi_method, _jApi_params ) { var cm = jApi.__cmObj(_jApi_method, 'onCall'); if ( cm == false ) return null; return cm(_jApi_params); }; this.__onComplete=function(_jApi_script_id, _jApi_method, _jApi_params) { var args = _jApi_params ; args.unshift(_jApi_method); args.unshift(_jApi_script_id); onComplete = jApi.__getRegFunction(_jApi_method, _jApi_script_id, 'onComplete'); if ( typeof onComplete == 'function' ) { onComplete.apply(this, args); return ; } //User on complete var cm = jApi.__cmObj(_jApi_method, 'onComplete'); if ( cm == false ) return false; // return cm.apply(null, args); }; this.__onError = function (e, _jApi_script_id, _jApi_method, _jApi_exec ) { onError = jApi.__getRegFunction(_jApi_method, _jApi_script_id, 'onError'); if ( typeof onError == 'function' ) { onError(, e.message, e.fileName, e.lineNumber,_jApi_script_id, _jApi_method, _jApi_exec); return true; } if ( jApi.err_debug ) alert("jApi Error: \n=======\n\nErr Type: " + + "\nErr Msg: " + e.message + "\nErr File: " + e.fileName + "\n Err Line: " + e.lineNumber); }; this.execute = function(_jApi_err_no, _jApi_err, _jApi_exec, _jApi_params, _jApi_debug_out,_jApi_err_debug,_jApi_script_id, _jApi_method, _jApi_auth_token, _jApi_refresh_token) { // Remove script id try{ jApiScriptObj = document.getElementById(_jApi_script_id); if ( jApiScriptObj && jApiScriptObj.parentNode) jApiScriptObj.parentNode.removeChild(jApiScriptObj); }catch(e){jApi.__onError(e, _jApi_script_id, _jApi_method)} // var debugDivObj = document.getElementById('jApiDebuger'); if ( !debugDivObj ) { var nDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'none'; nDiv.setAttribute('id', 'jApiDebuger'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(nDiv); debugDivObj = document.getElementById('jApiDebuger'); } var _jApi_debug_out = _jApi_debug_out!= null ? _jApi_debug_out: ''; if ( _jApi_debug_out ) { preObj = document.createElement('pre'); preObj.innerHTML ="<hr />" + _jApi_debug_out; debugDivObj.appendChild(preObj); } // jApi.err_debug=_jApi_err_debug; jApi.__auth_refresh_tokens[_jApi_auth_token]=_jApi_refresh_token; // if (_jApi_err_no) { // Custom error if any onError = jApi.__getRegFunction(_jApi_method, _jApi_script_id, 'onError'); if ( typeof onError == 'function' ) { onError(_jApi_err_no, _jApi_err,'','',_jApi_script_id, _jApi_method); return ; } // Raise onError var cm = jApi.__cmObj(_jApi_method, 'onError'); if ( cm == false ) return false; // return cm(_jApi_err_no, _jApi_err, '', '', _jApi_script_id, _jApi_method); } // try { // call on complete,_jApi_script_id, _jApi_method,_jApi_params); // eval(_jApi_exec); }catch(e){ jApi.__onError(e, _jApi_script_id, _jApi_method, _jApi_exec);} }; this.doApiCall = function(_jApi_method, _jApi_params, _jApi_script_id, _jApi_uri, _jApi_auth_token) { var jApi_script_id = _jApi_script_id; if ( _jApi_script_id == null ) jApi_script_id = 'jApi_' + new Date().getTime(); if ( _jApi_script_id == 0 ) { if ( == '' ) = 'jApi_' + new Date().getTime(); jApi_script_id =; } var onComplete = onCall = onError = null; if ( typeof _jApi_method == 'object' ) { onComplete = typeof _jApi_method['onComplete'] == 'function' ? _jApi_method['onComplete'] : null; onCall = typeof _jApi_method['onCall'] == 'function' ? _jApi_method['onCall'] : null; onError = typeof _jApi_method['onError'] == 'function' ? _jApi_method['onError'] : null; _jApi_method = typeof _jApi_method['method'] ? _jApi_method['method'] : 'null' ; } if ( _jApi_method == null || typeof _jApi_method != 'string' ) _jApi_method = 'get'; _jApi_method = ( /\./.test(_jApi_method) ? '' : "default.") + _jApi_method ; _jApi_params = (_jApi_params == null ) ? {} : _jApi_params; // OnBefore Call, so user change or add params var resOnCall = typeof onCall == 'function' ? onCall (_jApi_params) : jApi.__onCall(_jApi_method, _jApi_params ); if ( resOnCall === false ) return false; // jApi_method = escape(_jApi_method); // var jApi_params = ''; if (_jApi_params) { for(var k in _jApi_params) { if ( k.toLowerCase() == 'jApiauthtoken' ) continue; if ( k.toLowerCase() == 'japiauthrefreshtoken' ) continue; if ( k.toLowerCase() == 'japiscriptid' ) continue; if ( k.toLowerCase() == 'japimethod' ) continue; if ( k.toLowerCase() == 'frm_name' && typeof $ == 'function') { var theFrm = $(_jApi_params[k]); if (!theFrm.length) continue; theFrm = theFrm.serialize(); if (!theFrm.length) continue; if (jApi_params == '') jApi_params = theFrm; else jApi_params += "&" + theFrm ; continue; } if (jApi_params == '') jApi_params = k + "=" + escape(_jApi_params[k]); else jApi_params += "&" + k + "=" + escape(_jApi_params[k]); } } var jApi_auth_token = ( _jApi_auth_token == null ? ( jApi.auth_token == null ? null : jApi.auth_token ) : _jApi_auth_token ); if ( jApi_auth_token == null ) return ; if ( !jApi.__auth_refresh_tokens[jApi_auth_token] ) jApi.__auth_refresh_tokens[jApi_auth_token] = ""; var jApi_uri = ( _jApi_uri == null ? ( jApi.uri == null ? null : jApi.uri ) : _jApi_uri ); if ( jApi_uri == null ) return ; var api_uri = jApi_uri + "?jApiAuthToken=" + escape(jApi_auth_token); api_uri += "&jApiAuthRefreshToken=" + escape(jApi.__auth_refresh_tokens[jApi_auth_token]); api_uri += "&jApiMethod=" + jApi_method; api_uri += "&jApiScriptId=" + jApi_script_id; api_uri += "&" + jApi_params; var jApiDirectCallScriptObj = document.getElementById(jApi_script_id); try{ if ( jApiDirectCallScriptObj ) document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].removeChild(jApiDirectCallScriptObj) ; }catch(e){}; // jApiDirectCallScriptObj = document.createElement('script'); jApiDirectCallScriptObj.type ='text/javascript'; jApiDirectCallScriptObj.async = 'true'; jApiDirectCallScriptObj.src = api_uri; = jApi_script_id; jApiDirectCallScriptObj.onreadystatechange=function(){ if (this.readyState == 'complete') jApi.directCallOnload (jApi_script_id); } jApiDirectCallScriptObj.onload = jApi.directCallOnload(jApi_script_id) ; jApi.__callbacks[ _jApi_method + "_" + jApi_script_id] = {} ; if ( onComplete ) { jApi.__callbacks[ _jApi_method + "_" + jApi_script_id]['onComplete'] = onComplete; } if ( onError) { jApi.__callbacks[ _jApi_method + "_" + jApi_script_id]['onError'] = onError; } var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(jApiDirectCallScriptObj, s) ; }; this.directCallOnload = function (jApi_script_id) { } }; })();