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File: DbAdapter.php

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  Classes of satyam kumawat   PHP Database Adapter class   DbAdapter.php   Download  
File: DbAdapter.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Adaptor file
Class: PHP Database Adapter class
Perform SQL database access operations using PDO
Author: By
Last change: Bug fixes
1. Mysql escape string
2. update query
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 15,219 bytes



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<?php /* * @class : DbAdapter * @package : DbAdapter * @author : Satyam Kumawat * @version : $id:1.0 */ require_once 'DbAdapterInterface.php'; class DbAdapter implements DbAdapterInterface{ private $select = null; private $isConnected = false; public $pdo = null; private $fields = array(); private $table = null; private $where = null; private $orWhere = null; private $orderBy = null; private $groupBy = null; private $limit = null; private $fetchmode = self::FETCH_ASSOC; private $reflectionObj = null; private $statementObj = null; private $tblStructure = null; private $primaryKey = null; private $join = null; private $config = array(); public function __construct(array $config) { $this->connect($config); } public function connect($config){ if(!$this->isConnected) { try{ $connection = new PDO($config['dsn'],$config['username'],$config['password']); $connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,self::FETCH_ASSOC); $connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->pdo = $connection; $this->isConnected = true; $this->config = $config; } catch (Exception $e){ $this->exceptionHandler($e); exit; } } } public function buildSql(){ $sql = $this->select; $sql .= $this->fields; if(is_null($this->table)) { throw new AdapterException('Table is missing'); } $sql .= $this->table; if(!is_null($this->join)){ $sql .=$this->join; } if(!is_null($this->where)){ $sql .= $this->where; } if(!is_null($this->orWhere)){ $sql .= $this->orWhere; } if(!is_null($this->groupBy)){ $sql .= $this->groupBy; } if(!is_null($this->orderBy)){ $sql .= $this->orderBy; } if(!is_null($this->limit)){ $sql .= $this->limit; } // $sql; $this->_destruct(); return $sql; } public function select($fields ='*'){ if(is_null($this->select)) $this->select = 'SELECT '; if(is_array($fields)) { $fieldString =""; foreach($fields as $key) { $fieldString .= "`$key`,"; } $fieldString=substr($fieldString,0,-1); $this->fields = $fieldString; } else { $this->fields = $fields; } return $this; } public function insert($table,$values,$autoInsert = false) { $this->table = $table; if(!is_array($values)) { throw new AdapterException('INSERT query require Array ('.gettype($values).') given','general'); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO'; $sql .= $this->_padString($this->table); $sql .= $this->_padString('SET'); if($autoInsert) { $columns = $this->getTblStructure(); foreach($values as $key =>$values) { if(in_array($key, $columns)) $sql .= "`$key` =". $this->pdo->quote($values).","; } } else { foreach($values as $key =>$values) { $sql .= "`$key` =". $this->pdo->quote($values)." ,"; } } $sql=substr($sql,0,-1); if($this->execute($sql)) { return $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); } } public function update($table,$values,$conditions = null) { $this->table = $table; if(!is_array($values)) { throw new AdapterException('Update query require Array ('.gettype($values).') given','general'); } $sql = 'UPDATE'; $sql .= $this->_padString($table); $sql .= $this->_padString('SET'); if(is_null($conditions)) { $primaryKey = $this->getPrimaryKey(); $columns = $this->getTblStructure(); if(!($primaryValue = $values["$primaryKey"])) { throw new AdapterException("Auto Update Syntex Require PRIMARY KEY ($primaryKey)"); } $keyCount = 0; foreach($values as $key =>$value) { $keyCount ++; if($key != $primaryKey && in_array($key, $columns)) { if($keyCount >1 ) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "`$key`=".$this->pdo->quote($value); } } $sql .= $this->_padString("WHERE `$primaryKey` =".$primaryValue); } else { $keyCount =0; foreach($values as $key =>$values) { $keyCount ++; if($keyCount >1 ) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "`$key` = ".$this->pdo->quote($values); } $sql .= $this->_padString("WHERE"); if(is_array($conditions)) { $count =0; foreach($conditions as $key =>$val) { $count ++; if($count >1 ) { $sql .= " AND "; } $sql .= "`$key` ='$val'"; } } else { $sql .= $condtions; } } return $this->pdo->query($sql); } public function getPrimaryKey() { $sql ="SHOW KEYS FROM ".$this->table." WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'"; $keyData = $this->query($sql)->fetch(self::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->primaryKey = $keyData['Column_name']; return $this->primaryKey; } public function getTblStructure() { //$this->table = 'book'; $sql = $this->_padString('DESCRIBE'); $sql .= $this->table; $this->query($sql); $columns = $this->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $this->tblStructure = $columns; return $columns; } public function from($table,$alias=null){ $this->table = " FROM $table as ".(is_null($alias) ? $table: $alias); return $this; } public function execute($sql){ try{ return $this->pdo->exec($sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { $exception = new AdapterException($e,'query'); $exception->throwException(); } } public function fetch(){ return $this->query()->fetch(); } public function fetchAll(){ $data = $this->query()->fetchAll(); return $data; } public function query($sql=null) { if(is_null($sql)) $sql = $this->buildSql(); try{ // $this->statementObj = $this->pdo->query($sql); //return $this; return $this->pdo->query($sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { new AdapterException($e,'query'); } } public function where($conditions =NULL) { if(is_null($conditions)) { return $this; } $where = $this->_padString("WHERE ( "); $count = 0; if(is_array($conditions)) { foreach($conditions as $key =>$value){ $count++; if($count >1) { $where .= $this->_padString("AND"); } if($char = $this->_searchSpecialchar($key)) { $where .= "$key '$value'"; } else{ $where .= "$key= '$value'"; } } } else { $where .= $conditions; } $where .= $this->_padString(")");; $this->where = $where; return $this; } public function orWhere($conditions) { if(is_null($conditions)) { return $this; } $onlyOR = false; if(is_null($this->where)) { $where = $this->_padString("WHERE ("); $onlyOR = true; } else { $where = $this->_padString("OR ("); } $count = 0; if(is_array($conditions)) { foreach($conditions as $key =>$value) { $count++; $KeyWord = ($onlyOR) ? 'OR' :'AND'; if($count >1) { $where .= $this->_padString($KeyWord); } if($char = strtoupper($this->_searchSpecialchar($key))) { switch($char){ case 'IN': case '!IN': $where .= "$key ($value)"; break; default: $where .= "$key '$value'"; break; } } else{ $where .= "$key= '$value'"; } } } else { $where .= $conditions; } $where .= $this->_padString(")");; $this->orWhere = $where; return $this; } public function _searchSpecialchar($string) { if(preg_match("/[<>>=<=!=]{2}|[><]{1}|[likeLIKE]{4}|[!IN!in]{3}|[INin]{2}$/",trim($string),$match)) { return $match[0]; } else { return false; } } public function delete($table,$conditions=NULL) { return $this->_delete($table,$conditions); } private function _delete($table,$conditions) { $sql = $this->_padString("DELETE FROM",2,'right'); $sql .= $table; if(!is_null($conditions)){ $sql .= $this->_padString("WHERE"); $sql .= $conditions; } return $this->execute($sql); } public function setFetchMode($mode) { $this->hasConstant($mode); $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,constant("self::$mode")); return $this; } public function join($type='left',$table=null,$joinCond=null) { if(is_null($table)){ throw new AdapterException('Join function required second arugment to be (String) table name (Null) given.'); } if(is_null($table)){ throw new AdapterException('Join function required third arugment to be (String) join conditions (Null) given.'); } $joinTitle = $this->_padString( strtoupper($type) .' '.'JOIN'); $statement = $this->_padString($joinTitle) .$table .' ON'.$this->_padString($joinCond); if(is_null($this->join)){ $this->join = $statement ; } else { $this->join .= $statement ; } return $this; } public function orderBy($orderBy) { if(is_array($orderBy)) { $this->orderBy = $this->_padString('ORDER BY').implode(',',$orderBy); } else { $this->orderBy = $this->_padString('ORDER BY'). $orderBy; } return $this; } public function groupBy($groupBy) { if(is_array($groupBy)) { $this->groupBy = $this->_padString('GROUP BY').implode(',',$groupBy); } else{ $this->groupBy = $this->_padString('GROUP BY').$groupBy; } return $this; } public function limit($limit) { $this->limit = $this->_padString('limit') .$limit; return $this; } private function _padString($input,$pad_length=2,$type=null) { $pad_length = strlen($input) + $pad_length; switch ($type) { case 'left': $string = str_pad($input,$pad_length," ",STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'right': $string = str_pad($input,$pad_length," ",STR_PAD_RIGHT); break; default: $string = str_pad($input,$pad_length," ",STR_PAD_BOTH); break; } return $string; } public function setAttribute($attribute,$value) { if(!defined(@constant("PDO::$attribute"))) { throw new Exception("Error Occured : PDO attribute ($attribute) does not exists"); } $this->pdo->setAttribute(constant("PDO::$attribute"),$value); return $this; } private function hasProperty($property) { if(!$this->reflectionObj) { $reflect = new ReflectionClass($this); $this->reflectionObj = $reflect; } if(!$this->reflectionObj->hasProperty($property)) { throw new Exception(self::EXECEPTION .__CLASS__ ." does not have Property ($property) "); } } private function hasConstant($constant) { if(!$this->reflectionObj) { $reflect = new ReflectionClass($this); $this->reflectionObj = $reflect; } if(!$this->reflectionObj->hasConstant($constant)) { throw new Exception(self::EXECEPTION .__CLASS__ ." does not have Constant ($constant)"); } } private function exceptionHandler($expectionobj) { $message = $expectionobj->getMessage(); $file = $expectionobj->getFile(); $line = $expectionobj->getLine(); echo self::EXECEPTION.' <br>'.' Message : ' .$message .'<br>'.'File : '.$file.'<br>'.'Line No : '.$line; } /* * @function : __get * @use : call everytime a property is access * @return : property of a class if exists * @input : property_name */ public function __get($property) { if(property_exists($this, $property)) { $reflect = new ReflectionProperty($this,$property); if($reflect->isPrivate()) { throw new Exception("Propety ($property) is private and not accesible outside the class"); } else{ return $this->{$property}; } }else{ throw new Exception("Propety ($property) not available in the class"); } } public function __call($name,$args) { if(!method_exists($this, $name)) { throw new Exception("Error Occured : function ($name) not exists"); } else { //call_user_func_array($name, $arga); } } private function _destruct() { $this->table = null; $this->select = null; $this->fields = null; $this->where = null; $this->orWhere = null; } } /* * @class : AdapterException * @package : DbAdapter * @author : Satyam Kumawat * @use : For exception handling * @version : $id:1.0 */ class AdapterException { const EXECP_HEADING= 'Error Occured'; private $exceptionType; private $message; private $expectionObj; public function __construct($expectionObj,$type='general') { $this->exceptionType = $type; if(is_object($expectionObj)) { $this->expectionObj = $expectionObj; $this->prepareExeception()->throwException();; } else{ $this->simpleException($expectionObj)->throwException(); } } public function throwException() { $html = "<table width='800px' style='border:1px solid black;color:red;'><tr style='font-size:20px;'><td style=' text-align:center'><b><u>".self::EXECP_HEADING."</u><b></td></tr>"; foreach($this->message as $heading =>$data): $html .="<tr><td><b><u>".ucwords($heading)." : </u></b>".$data."</td></tr>"; endforeach; $html .='</table>'; echo $html; exit; } public function prepareExeception() { $message = array(); switch ($this->exceptionType) { case 'general': $message['message'] = $this->expectionObj->getMessage(); $message['file'] = $this->expectionObj->getFile(); $message['line no'] = $this->expectionObj->getLine(); break; case 'query': $message['message'] = $this->expectionObj->getMessage(); $message['file'] = $this->expectionObj->getFile(); $message['line no'] = $this->expectionObj->getLine(); $trace = $this->expectionObj->getTrace(); $message['query'] = $trace[0]['args'][0]; break; default: $message['message'] = $this->expectionObj->getMessage(); $message['file'] = $this->expectionObj->getFile(); $message['line no'] = $this->expectionObj->getLine(); break; } $this->message = $message; return $this; } public function simpleException($msg) { $message['message'] = $msg; $this->message = $message; return $this; } } ?>