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File: Validit.php

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File: Validit.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class
Class: Validit
Validate user submitted data
Author: By
Last change: typo
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 3,691 bytes



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* Class Validit used for validating user submitted data.
* Author: Richard Hayes
* E-mail:
* Web:
* Date Created: 28-05-03
* Last Modified: 28-05-03
* Version: 1.0
* License: GPL
class Validit
    * Stores error messages for when the user submits invalid data
    * @type array
var $errorList;

    * Constructor
function Validit()
$this -> errorList = array();

    * Used by validating methods as a final call, removes whitespace
    * @param $value data for cleaning
    * @returns void
function trim(&$value)
$value = trim($value);

    * Adds an error message to the array
    * @return void
function setError($msg)
$this -> errorList[] = $msg;

    * Reseting the error list
    * @returns void
function resetErrorList()
$this -> errorList);

    * Returns error list
    * @returns array
function getErrors()
$this -> errorList;

    * Check if string is alphabetic
    * @param $value string to check
    * @param $msg error message for non-alphabetic strings
    * @param $allow additional characters to allow other than letters. For space chars use reg-ex "[:space:]"
    * @returns mixed
function alphaCheck(&$value, $msg, $allow = '')
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z'.$allow.']+$/', $value) ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Check for numeric values
    * @param $value to check
    * @param $msg error message for non-numeric values
    * @returns mixed
function numericCheck(&$value, $msg)
is_numeric($value) ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Check for alphanumeric values
    * @param $value to check
    * @param $msg error message for non- alphanumeric values
    * @param $allow additional characters to allow other than integers and letters. For space chars use reg-ex "[:space:]"
    * @returns mixed
function alphaNumericCheck(&$value, $msg, $allow = '')
preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9'.$allow.']+$/', $value) ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Check for identical comparisons
    * @param $value value one to compare
    * @param $value2 value two to compare
    * @param $msg error message for invalid email addresses
    * @returns mixed
function compareCheck(&$value, $value2, $msg)
$value === $value2 ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Check that field complies to max and min length restrictions
    * @param $value string to check
    * @param $msg error message for empty strings
    * @param $max_length maximum length the data is allowed to be
    * @param $min_length minimum length of string
    * @returns mixed
function lengthCheck(&$value, $msg, $max_length, $min_length = 0)
strlen($value) > $max_length) && !(strlen($value) < $min_length) ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Check for valid email addresses
    * @param $value email to check
    * @param $msg error message for invalid email addresses
    * @returns mixed
function emailCheck(&$value, $msg)
$pattern = '/^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([\.a-zA-Z0-9_-])*@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+/';

preg_match($pattern, $value) ? $this -> trim($value) : $this -> setError($msg);

    * Reseting the error list
    * @returns void
function resetErrorMessage()
$this -> errorList);