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<title>:: Easy DB Work ::</title>
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<center> <h1> Easy DB Work </h1> </center>
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<b>About <i>Easy DB Work</i>:</b><br>
Easy DB Work is a simple facilitator of access to the database, having written his main usage needs, these needs being the famous crud.<br><br>
<b>Free use:</b><br>
It is a free module, then you can easily adapt it to your project, improving it, just ask that you keep the rights to develop.<br><br>
<b>How to use:</b><br><br>
<b>getAll([parameter1 Table Name]):</b><br>
This method return all from db<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
<b>selectWhere([parameter1 Table Name], [parameter2 array]):</b><br>
This method selects the database as an array containing the data<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
$data = array(<br>
'nome' => 'Fernando Alves',<br>
'estado' => 'RS'<br>
$objeto->selectWhere('table_name', $data);
<b>deleteAll([parameter1 Table Name]):</b><br>
This method performs a truncate table, zeroing out its contents and also putting your self in an increment<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
<b>deleteWhere([parameter1 Table Name], [parameter2 Condition]):</b><br>
This method deletes the parameter table as the second, a condition.<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
$objeto->deleteWhere('table_name', 'name = "pedro"');
<b>update([parameter1 Table Name], [parameter2 array], [parameter3 condition]):</b><br>
This method performs an update on an id as your array of data to be received + the condition<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
$data = array(<br>
'nome' => 'Fernando Alves',<br>
'estado' => 'RS'<br>
$objeto->update('table_name', $data, 'id = 1');
<b>insert([parameter1 Table Name], [parameter2 array]):</b><br>
This method inserts the table as the values ​​passed in parameter 2, the array of values<br><br>
<div class="box use400 black_bg no-border">
$data = array(<br>
'id' => '',<br>
'nome' => 'Fernando Alves',<br>
'email' => 'fernandoguaiba@gmail.com'<br>
$objeto->insert('table_name', $data);