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File: testdata.php

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  Classes of Alexander Serbe   xMySQL   testdata.php   Download  
File: testdata.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Creates a table and inserts some test data.
Class: xMySQL
Simple but effective class for the work with MySQL
Author: By
Last change: I have replaced the testdata.sql with a php file that will do the job. So you won't have to bother where to run the sql script in...
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 1,393 bytes



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if ( file_exists ( "objectstatus.class.php" ) )
    include (
"objectstatus.class.php" );
include (
"xmysql.class.php" );

if (
class_exists ( "objectStatus" ) )
$os = new objectStatus ();
$os = "";

$db = new xMySQL ( "xmysql.host_list.php", 0, &$os );

// Step 1: Create the table
$query = "create table if not exists xmysql_test ( test_id int (10) unsigned default '1' not null auto_increment, test_field_1 varchar (255) not null, test_field_2 varchar (255) not null, test_field_3 int (10) unsigned default 0 not null, test_field_4 decimal (6,2) unsigned default 0.00 not null, primary key test_id(test_id)) type=MYISAM;";

$x = $db->xQuery ( $query );

// Step 2: Insert some data
if ( $x )
$y = 0;
    for (
$i=1; $i<10; $i++ )
$query = "insert into xmysql_test (test_field_1, test_field_2, test_field_3, test_field_4) values (\"Test $i\", \"Blub\", $i, " . ($i/2) . ");";
$y = $db->xQuery ( $query );

if (
$x && $y )
"<b>Queries executed...</b>";
    if (
class_exists ( "objectStatus" ) )
$db->os->statusPrintout ();
    if (
class_exists ( "objectStatus" ) )
$db->os->statusPrintout ();
"<b>Failed executing queries...</b>";
