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  Classes of Cristian Radu   PHP Validator Class   Download  
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Validator Class
Validate one or more values according to rules
Author: By
Last change: Added 3 password strenght, email, string length and numerical limits validation
Date: 3 months ago
Size: 8,237 bytes



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Simple class for validating data and POST forms


Use composer to install Validator.

composer require kris-ro/validator


require YOUR_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use KrisRo\Validator\Validator;

$validator = new Validator();

# chaining validators
$result = $validator
            ->process(); # false; only letters and numbers allowed

Magic calls

# the above can be also called as :

$validator = new Validator();
$result = $validator->alphanumeric('99z9-d_'); # false; only letters and numbers allowed

# other validation rules with magic call
(new Validator())->positiveInteger(99999); # true
(new Validator())->positiveInteger('9999s9'); # false
(new Validator())->notEmptyOneLineString('def54%'); # true
(new Validator())->notEmptyOneLineString(''); # false

All rules in $validationRules in src/Validator.php can be called magically as long as they are not PHP reserved words.

Using a callback class

$validator = new Validator();
$result = $validator
            ->addValidationRule([new YourValidationClass(), 'YourMethod'])
            ->process(); # boolean

# callback with static method
$result = $validator
            ->addValidationRule(['YourValidationClass', 'YourStaticMethod'])
            ->process(); # boolean

Add a validation regular expression dynamically.

$validator = new Validator();
$result = $validator
            ->createRegexRule('alphanumeric', '/^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i')
            ->process(); # true

# In constructor
$validator = new Validator(['alphanumeric' => '/^[a-z0-9\-_]+$/i']);
$result = $validator
            ->process(); # true

Validate date

$validator = new Validator();
$result = $validator
            ->addValidationRule('isValidDate') # method of the [KrisRo\Validator\Validator] class
            ->process(); # false, wrong date format

Validate string length

(new Validator())->value('xx')->minLength(3); # false
(new Validator())->minLength(3, 'xx'); # false

(new Validator())->value('xxx')->maxLength(3); # true
(new Validator())->maxLength(3, 'xxxx'); # false

# chained validators
(new Validator())
            ->addValidationRule(['minLength', 8])
            ->process(); # false

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'id' => 'DF-999 859',

$postValidator = new Validator();

$validationResult = $postValidator
    'id' => 'Invalid ID',
    'id' => ['notEmptyOneLineString', ['minLength', 5], ['isLength', 10], ['maxLength', 15]],
  ->processPost(); # true

Validate numerical limits

(new Validator())->value(10)->smallerThan(9.89); # false
(new Validator())->smallerThan(9.89, 10); # false

(new Validator())->value(1.05)->greaterThan(99.2); # false
(new Validator())->greaterThan(99.2, 1.05); # false

(new Validator())->value(101.05)->between(99.2, 201); # true
(new Validator())->between(99.2, 201, 101.05); # true

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'id' => 'DF-999',
  'int_value' => '999',
  'between_value' => '100',

$postValidator = new Validator();

$validationResult = $postValidator
    'id' => 'Invalid ID',
    'int_value' => 'Invalid Positive Integer',
    'between_value' => 'Invalid Between Values',
    'id' => ['notEmptyOneLineString'],
    'int_value' => ['positiveInteger', ['greaterThan', 'limit' => 99]],
    'between_value' => ['positiveInteger', ['between', 'lowerLimit' => 99, 'upperLimit' => 101]],
  ->processPost(); # true

Validate email

(new Validator())->email('some-email@domain.tld'); # true
(new Validator())->value('some-email@domain.tld')->addValidationRule('is_string')->addValidationRule('email')->process(); # true

(new Validator())->isValidEmail(Validator::EMAIL_VALIDATOR_PHP, 'some-email@domain.tld'); # true 
(new Validator())->isValidEmail(Validator::EMAIL_VALIDATOR_REGEXP, 'some-email@domain.tld'); # true
(new Validator())->isValidEmail(Validator::EMAIL_VALIDATOR_REGEXP, 'much.?more\ unusual?'); # false
(new Validator())->isValidEmail(Validator::EMAIL_VALIDATOR_SIMPLIFIED, 'some-email@domain.tld'); # true - checks if there is a @ character

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'email' => 'much.?more\ unusual?',

$postValidator = new Validator();
$validationResult = $postValidator
    'email' => 'Invalid Email Address',
    'email' => [['isValidEmail', 'mode' => Validator::EMAIL_VALIDATOR_REGEXP]],
  ->processPost(); # false

print_r($postValidator->getPostValidationMessages()); # should be ['email' => 'Invalid Email Address']

Validate password strength

# by regexp (requires at least 8 letters - including CAPITAL, numbers and special chars)
(new Validator())->strongPassword('password'); # false

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'password' => '#Password123',

(new Validator())
    'password' => 'Password To Week',
    'password' => ['strongPassword'],
  ->processPost(); # true

# if you wanna punish your users, 
# this (on top of strongPassword rule) will fail any password that 
# has a same consecutive char more than twice
# or has the same char more than third of the total character count

(new Validator())->paranoiaStrong('#Passrs1') # fails: to many s

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'password' => '#Password123',

$postValidator = new Validator();

$validationResult = $postValidator
    'password' => 'Password To Week',
    'password' => [['minLength', 10], 'paranoiaStrongPassword'],
  ->processPost(); # true

# using cracklib-runtime library if available
# before using this you need to check if cracklib-runtime library and proc_open function are available

$checker = new CracklibCheck();
(new Validator())->value('Password123')->addValidationRule(['minLength', 6])->addValidationRule([$checker, 'testPassword'])->process(); # false

# in forms
$_POST = [
  'password' => '#Password123',

$checker = new CracklibCheck();
$postValidator = new Validator();

$validationResult = $postValidator
    'password' => 'Password To Week',
    'password' => [['minLength', 8], [$checker, 'testPassword']],
  ->processPost(); # true

Validate POST forms with recursive data

$_POST = [
  'multiple_values' => ['997', '786', '665'], # will validate values recursively 
  'id' => 'DF-999',

$postValidator = new Validator();

$validationResult = $postValidator
    'id' => 'Invalid ID',
    'multiple_values' => 'Invalid Multiple Values',
    'id' => ['notEmptyOneLineString'],
    'multiple_values' => ['positiveInteger'],
  ->processPost(); # boolean

# Get error messages indexed by the field name

# Get validated data, returns array indexed by the field name


This class can be extended and overwritten. Almost all methods and properties are public or protected.

You can also extend KrisRo\Validator\Validator and update the content of the protected property validationRules.

If you need a custom rule use a callback class or extend KrisRo\Validator\Validator, create your own validation method in the new class and use the method's name as a validation rule (similar to isValidDate).
