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File: Dumper.lib

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  Classes of Steven Haryanto   PHP Full Text Search Index   Dumper.lib   Download  
File: Dumper.lib
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: A debugging aid
Class: PHP Full Text Search Index
A PHP library to do full text indexing with MySQL
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 24 years ago
Size: 4,200 bytes



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 * Dumper v1.1 - Reverse engineering data structures.
 * + patch for dumping object properties (Steven Haryanto
 * <>
 * + patch that replaces enquote() with builtin functions
 * Author: Jan Fredrik Leversund <>
 * This code will create a string representation of a data
 * structure, suitable for debugging or for storage and retrieval.
 * Note however that classes aren't handled very well at all. One
 * of the reasons is that by PHP3.0.7 there seems to be no way of
 * telling which class an object belongs to, only that it is an
 * object. Also, I'm not quite sure how to handle objects even if
 * an identifying function existed. Basically, if your intentions
 * are to use this for storage, avoid stuffing objects into your
 * structures. The data are retained, but methods are lost.
 * A word about strings: All but the most common characters are
 * converted to hexadecimal escaped characters, to avoid most of
 * the quirks in string representation.
 * The usage is quite simple:
 * string Dumper(mixed structure, string [name], string [indstr])
 * 'structure' - The actual data structure you want dumped.
 * 'name' - The name given the reverse engineered
 * structure. The default is 'var'. Optional.
 * 'indstr' - The string used to for indentation. The
 * default is four spaces. Other typical values
 * may be a single tab or some other amount of
 * spaces. Optional.
 * An example:
 * require "dumper.phl";
 * $blah = array(9, "hello", 5, 3, 1);
 * echo Dumper($blah, "newblah", " ");
 * This gives the following output:
 * $newblah = array (
 * 0 => 9,
 * 1 => "hello",
 * 2 => 5,
 * 3 => 3,
 * 4 => 1
 * );
 * Known bugs:
 * - Objects are not handled well, only as well as the serialize()
 * and unserialize() functions can do. Don't use Dumper() if you
 * are seriously thinking about storing objects for later use.

 * string spc(string str, int lvl)
 * - Used to generate a string of spaces.

function spc($str, $lvl) {
    for (
$i = 0;$i < $lvl;$i++) {
$sp .= $str;

 * string Dumper(mixed structure, string [name], string [indstr], int [indlvl])
 * - Reverse engineers a structure. 'structure' is whatever
 * variable you want to stringify.

function Dumper($s, $name = "var", $indstr = " ", $indlvl = 0) {
$newname = $indlvl ? $name : "\$$name";
    if (
is_array($s)) {
$str .= spc($indstr,$indlvl) . "$newname =" . ($indlvl ? ">" : "") . " array (\n";
$count = count($s);
        for (
$i = 0;$i < $count;$i++) {
$str .= Dumper(current($s), key($s), $indstr, $indlvl + 1);
            if (
$i < ($count - 1)) {
$str .= ",";
$str .= "\n";
$str .= spc($indstr, $indlvl) . ")";
        if (!
$indlvl) {
$str .= ";\n";
    } elseif (
is_object($s)) {
$ser = serialize($s);
$len = strlen($ser);
$arr = (array)$s;

$ser_a = serialize($arr);
preg_match('/^(O:[^:]+:[^:]+:[^:]+:)/', $ser, $header);
$header = $header[0];
preg_match('/^(a:[^:]+:)/', $ser_a, $header_a);
$header_a = $header_a[0];
$str .= spc($indstr,$indlvl) . "$newname =" . ($indlvl ? ">" : "") .
" unserialize(preg_replace('/^$header_a/', '$header', serialize(array( \n";

$count = count($arr);
        for (
$i = 0;$i < $count;$i++) {
$str .= Dumper(current($arr), key($arr), $indstr, $indlvl + 1);
            if (
$i < ($count - 1)) {
$str .= ",";
$str .= "\n";
$str .= spc($indstr, $indlvl) . "))))";
        if (!
$indlvl) {
$str .= ";\n";
    } elseif (
is_string($s)) {
$str .= spc($indstr, $indlvl) . "$newname => \"" . addcslashes(addslashes($s), "\0..\37!@\177..\377") . "\"";
    } elseif (!
strcmp(gettype($s), "user function")) {
$str .= spc($indstr, $indlvl) . "$newname()";
    } else {
$str .= spc($indstr, $indlvl) . "$newname => $s";
