It's a security framework for PHP. It includes a login screen that could be customized.
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Read user from the database.
Role-based security (optional)
Group base security (optional)
Login screen
Remember password (via cookie). The cookie doesn't store the user or password but a token).
Register screen
Activate (after register) screen. The activation is via email.
Remember the password screen. It also uses an activation email.
It is totally a beta version. Features could change.
Login Screen
Register Screen
20200811 1.5.3 php>=5.6
20200811 1.5.2
* Update dependencies.
* Fixed a bug creating the tables.
20200405 1.5.1 fixed .gitattributes
20200125 1.5
* More cleanups.
* Now it uses pdo and eftec/pdoone to connects to the database.
20181215 1.2 Maintenance
20181028 1.1 It fixes a small bug with the extra fields. Now the extra fields are serialized (if any)
20181027 1.0 Stable version.
20181016 0.16 Changes to login and register screen. Now it's possible to select a different template
20181015 0.15 Updated the version of SecurityOne() to 2.x
20181015 0.14 Updated the version of ValidationOne()
20181015 ~~0.13 Some changes~~
20181003 0.12 Some changes
20180930 0.11 Beta version.
It's distributed as dual license, as lgpl-v3 and commercial. You can use in a commercial and closed source project.