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File: example.php

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  Classes of Don Bauer   Power Spawn   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: PowerSpawn Usage Example
Class: Power Spawn
Manage forked processes with the pcntl extension
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 2,997 bytes



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// Include PowerSpawn

// Initialize the object
$ps = new PowerSpawn;

// Create a callback function (Not required)
function allChildrenComplete() {
"All the children processes have completed\n";

killedChild() {
"A child was just killed\n";

// Setup PowerSpawn Config
$ps->setCallback('allChildrenComplete'); // Calls the allChildrenComplete() function when all processes have checked in and there is no more work to complete
$ps->setKillCallback('killedChild'); // Calls the killedChild function when a child is executed for exceeding time limit
$ps->maxChildren = 5; // Only allows 5 children to be running at any given time
$ps->timeLimit = 10; // Kills children processes that run longer than 10 seconds

// Build an array with some fake data to proccess
$data = array();
for (
$i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
$data[] = $i;

// Start the parent loop
while ($ps->runParentCode()) {
// Only the parent process will run code inside this loop
    // Determine if we still have data to process
if (count($data)) {
// We still have data to process
        // Check to see if we have an open slot to spawn a child
if ($ps->spawnReady()) {
// We can spawn a new process
$ps->childData = array_shift($data);
// Echo some text to let the user know that this is the parent and we are spawning a new child
echo "[PARENT] Spawning a new process\n";
// Spawn the process
        } else {
// All slots are full, just tick for now
    } else {
// There is no more data to process
        // Echo some text to let the user know that the parent process is out of data
echo "[PARENT] Out of data to hand out - Waiting for all children to check in\n";
// Call the shutdown() method - blocks until all chilren have checked in or been killed because of executing too long
// All child processes have terminated
echo "[PARENT] All child processes have completed\n";

// Start the children code section
if ($ps->runChildCode()) {
// Only child processes forked by the parent will run this code
    // The parent process will not execute this code
    // Get the data for this run
$myNumber = $ps->childData;
// Let the user know the thread is running
echo "[CHILD:{$myNumber}] Running with number {$myNumber} - My PID is {$ps->myPID()}\n";
// Now we'll sleep x seconds where x is $myNumber - but we'll loop to show that we are doing work
$x = 0;
    while (
$x < $myNumber) {
"[CHILD:{$myNumber}] Just completed iteration {$x} of {$myNumber}\n";

// Let the user know that all work has been completed
    // All children that run longer than 10 seconds won't make it this far with the settings above
echo "[CHILD:{$myNumber}] I have completed my work\n";

// Send signal 0 to let parent process know we are done
