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  Classes of Stanley Aloh   Text Driven Database using PHP OOP   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: Text Driven Database using PHP OOP
Create and manage database tables stored in files
Author: By
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Date: 6 months ago
Size: 2,346 bytes



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This code helps you to make a simple database using .txt file and provide you will all necessary functionalities to create, modify a database

To make use of this simple PHP Functionalities; enusre your have "src" folder simply include 'src/DBFactory.php' into your script; Also ensure you create a valid folder which would represent your Database Repo, For example a folder 'StanDatabase' would represent the name of a database

To get the Database instance use the database facade

    //Case is insensitive
    $database = DBFactory::get('StanDatabase'); 

    $database->new_table('unique_table_name', $columns[], 'unique_column');

Note: Set the complete path of directory from Config.php, default value is __DIR__ constant. This means your complete your path for DBFactory::get() will be __DIR__ . 'StanDatabase'

Alternatively can you set global path to where your database folder would be found.


    //this set path to find your database folders

This means if you refer to your database e.g 'StanDatabase' It means your complete path would be 

    $path_to_database_folder . '/StanDatabase'


  1. To create new table in the database, use
    $database->new_table('unique_table_name', $columns[], 'unique_column');

  1. To delete a table from your database

    The code return true if succesful and returns false if unsuccesful

  2. To get a Table instance

       $user = $database->get_table($table_name);
  3. To see the current database folder/path
       //this is if you know a user id
       $user = $database->getPath(); 
  4. For 3 to 4, if retrieval was succesful the you can get user data from the variable
    $user->getId(); //returns a user id
    $user->getPassword(); //returns a user password
    $user->getEmail(); //returns a user email
    $user->getUsername(); //returns a user username;

b. To change a user password

$user->changePassword('new_password'); //changes the user password

For any questions whatApp me @ 08172833073