PHP Classes

File: examples/IfDownloadedZip/mysitemap.json

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  Classes of Barton Phillips   Simple Site Class   examples/IfDownloadedZip/mysitemap.json   Download  
File: examples/IfDownloadedZip/mysitemap.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Simple Site Class
Simple Site Class
Author: By
Last change: I had to make some changes to let the examples work. I added if(!function_exists()) around each of the class functions.
modified: docs/examples.html
modified: examples/IfComposer/.htaccess
modified: examples/IfComposer/example1.php
modified: examples/IfComposer/example2.php
modified: examples/IfComposer/example3.php
modified: examples/IfComposer/example4.php
modified: examples/IfComposer/example5.php
modified: examples/IfComposer/mysitemap.json
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/example1.php
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/example2.php
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/example3.php
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/example4.php
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/example5.php
modified: examples/IfDownloadedZip/mysitemap.json
modified: examples/
modified: includes/database-engines/ErrorClass.class.php
modified: includes/database-engines/SqlException.class.php
modified: includes/database-engines/dbAbstract.class.php
modified: includes/database-engines/dbMysqli.class.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,481 bytes



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// Example json file. NOTE this is not true json because I allow // comments. They are removed by the siteload.php file and then the // results are passed to json_decode(). If the json is not valid json // an error occurs. { "siteDomain": "localhost", "siteName": "Examples", "mainTitle": "Examples", "path": "/var/www/simple-site-class/examples", // This needs to be changes to your directory. "className": "SimpleSiteClass", "copyright": "Barton L. Phillips", "author": "Barton L. Phillips,", "address": "New Bern, North Carolina", "noTrack": false, // set this to true to keep the class from logging visitor activity in the logagent table. "masterdb": "barton", "dbinfo": { "host": "localhost", //"", "user": "barton", "database": "barton", "engine": "mysqli" }, "errorMode": { "development": true, // development automatically sets email to true. // If development is true then noEmail will be // set to true unless noEmail is set to false! // Only false not null or just missing. "noEmail": null, "noHtml": false, "noOutput": false }, "headFile": "includes/head.i.php", "bannerFile": "includes/banner.i.php", "footerFile": "includes/footer.i.php", "EMAILADDRESS": "", "EMAILRETURN": "", "EMAILFROM": "" }