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File: tests/tmp/router.php

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   PHP API Assembler   tests/tmp/router.php   Download  
File: tests/tmp/router.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: PHP API Assembler
Application to generate files to implement an API
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<?php /** @noinspection PhpRedundantVariableDocTypeInspection */ /** * * @see * @package eftec * @author Jorge Castro Castillo * @copyright (c) Jorge Castro C. Dual Licence GPL-v3 and Commercial * @version 1.0 (2022-03-07T08:48:23Z) */ use eftec\_BasePdoOneRepo; use eftec\apiassembler\ApiAssemblerRuntime; use eftec\CacheOne; use eftec\PdoOne; use eftec\routeone\RouteOne; use eftec\ValidationOne; //use Exception; include '../../vendor/autoload.php'; config(); /** @noinspection PhpConditionAlreadyCheckedInspection * @noinspection PhpUnhandledExceptionInspection * @noinspection HtmlUnknownTarget * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection * @noinspection PhpIfWithCommonPartsInspection */ function config() { // todo: edit your configurations here if (gethostname() === 'PCJC') { // developer machine configuration define('DATABASE_CONFIG', [ 'database' => 'mysql', // 'mysql','sqlsrv','oci' 'server' => '', 'user' => 'root', 'pwd' => 'abc.123', 'db' => 'sakila', ]); $encryption = false; define('ENCRYPTION', [ 'password' => '', 'salt' => '', 'encMethod' => '' ]); $baseUrl = 'http://localhost/currentproject/ApiAssembler/tests/tmp/'; /** @var string $templateUrl the expected url (starting from the base) */ $templateUrl = '/{controller}/{action}/{id}/{idparent}'; /** @var string $templateClass the class to be called when we call a controller */ $templateClass = 'eftec\tests\tmp\{controller}ApiController'; $debug = true; $cache = false; if ($cache) { define('CACHE_CONFIG', [ 'type' => '', 'server' => '', 'schema' => '', 'port' => '', 'user' => '', 'password' => '' ]); } } else { // production machine configuration define('DATABASE_CONFIG', [ 'database' => 'mysql', // 'mysql','sqlsrv','oci' 'server' => '', 'user' => 'root', 'pwd' => 'abc.123', 'db' => 'sakila', ]); $encryption = false; define('ENCRYPTION', [ 'password' => '', 'salt' => '', 'encMethod' => '' ]); $baseUrl = 'http://localhost/currentproject/ApiAssembler/tests/tmp/'; /** @var string $templateUrl the expected url (starting from the base) */ $templateUrl = '/{controller}/{action}/{id}/{idparent}'; /** @var string $templateClass the class to be called when we call a controller */ $templateClass = 'eftec\tests\tmp\{controller}ApiController'; $debug = false; $cache = false; if ($cache) { define('CACHE_CONFIG', [ 'type' => '', 'server' => '', 'schema' => '', 'port' => '', 'user' => '', 'password' => '' ]); } } // end configurations $apiAssemblerRuntime = new ApiAssemblerRuntime(); // database connection $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo = new PdoOne(...DATABASE_CONFIG); if ($encryption) { $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo->setEncryption(...ENCRYPTION); } $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo->logLevel = $debug === true ? 2 : 0; if ($cache) { $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo->cacheService = new CacheOne(...CACHE_CONFIG); } if (true) { $apiAssemblerRuntime->setAuthService(function ($api, $action, $id = null, $idparent = null, $event = null) { //todo: edit your authentication here // Example of authentication using cache server (if any). /*[$class, $method] = explode('::', $action); if ($class === 'examples\localhost\api\UserApiController' && $method === 'tokenActionPOST') { // no auth required when you ask for a token return true; } $tokenKey = $api->routeOne->getHeader('token'); $values = $api->pdo->getCacheService()->getCache($tokenKey, 'token'); if ($values) { $api->pdo->getCacheService()->setCache($tokenKey, 'token', $values, 600); // renew by 10 minutes. return true; } return false; */ return true; }); } try { // optionally: if you have a Pdo instance, then you could use the next line: // $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo->conn1=$pdoInstance; $apiAssemblerRuntime->pdo->open(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $apiAssemblerRuntime->errorShow(500, $ex->getMessage(), 'connecting'); } // for the routing $apiAssemblerRuntime->routeOne = new RouteOne($baseUrl); $apiAssemblerRuntime->routeOne->addPath($templateUrl); $apiAssemblerRuntime->routeOne->fetchPath(); // for the validation $apiAssemblerRuntime->validationOne = new ValidationOne(); $apiAssemblerRuntime->validationOne->debug = $debug; // the routing calls the corresponding class (if any). if ($apiAssemblerRuntime->routeOne->controller) { try { $apiAssemblerRuntime->routeOne->callObjectEx($templateClass, true , '{action}Action', '{action}Action{verb}', '{action}Action{verb}', ['id', 'idparent', 'event'] , [$apiAssemblerRuntime]); } catch (Exception $ex) { $apiAssemblerRuntime->errorShow(401, $ex->getMessage(), 'calling'); } } else if ($debug) { echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>ActorRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/ActorRepo/listall'>ActorRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>Actor2Repo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/Actor2Repo/listall'>Actor2Repo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>AddresRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/AddresRepo/listall'>AddresRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>CategoryRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/CategoryRepo/listall'>CategoryRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>CityRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/CityRepo/listall'>CityRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>CountryRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/CountryRepo/listall'>CountryRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>CustomerRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/CustomerRepo/listall'>CustomerRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>DummytRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/DummytRepo/listall'>DummytRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>DummytableRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/DummytableRepo/listall'>DummytableRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FilmRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FilmRepo/listall'>FilmRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>Film2Repo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/Film2Repo/listall'>Film2Repo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FilmActorRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FilmActorRepo/listall'>FilmActorRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FilmCategoryRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FilmCategoryRepo/listall'>FilmCategoryRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FilmTextRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FilmTextRepo/listall'>FilmTextRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FumJobRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FumJobRepo/listall'>FumJobRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>FumLogRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/FumLogRepo/listall'>FumLogRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>InventoryRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/InventoryRepo/listall'>InventoryRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>LanguageRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/LanguageRepo/listall'>LanguageRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>MysecTableRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/MysecTableRepo/listall'>MysecTableRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>PaymentRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/PaymentRepo/listall'>PaymentRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>ProductRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/ProductRepo/listall'>ProductRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>ProducttypeRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/ProducttypeRepo/listall'>ProducttypeRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>ProducttypeAutoRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/ProducttypeAutoRepo/listall'>ProducttypeAutoRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>RentalRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/RentalRepo/listall'>RentalRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>StaffRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/StaffRepo/listall'>StaffRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>StoreRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/StoreRepo/listall'>StoreRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TablachildRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TablachildRepo/listall'>TablachildRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TablagrandchildRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TablagrandchildRepo/listall'>TablagrandchildRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TablaparentRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TablaparentRepo/listall'>TablaparentRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TabletestRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TabletestRepo/listall'>TabletestRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TestProductRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TestProductRepo/listall'>TestProductRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li><b>TypetableRepo</b></li>'; echo "<li><a href='api/TypetableRepo/listall'>TypetableRepo/listall (ALL)</a></li>"; echo '</ul>'; } else { $apiAssemblerRuntime->errorShow(401, 'no controller', 'calling'); } }