PHP Classes

File: tests/tmp/p20

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  Classes of Jorge Castro   PHP API Assembler   tests/tmp/p20   Download  
File: tests/tmp/p20
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP API Assembler
Application to generate files to implement an API
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 8,720 bytes



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<?php http_response_code(404); die(1); // it is a configuration file. This line prevents to display it online ?> { "databasetype": "mysql", "server": "", "user": "root", "password": "abc.123", "database": "sakila", "questionencryption": null, "encryptionpassword": null, "encryptionsalt": null, "encryptioniv": null, "encryptionmethod": null, "hashmethod": null, "classnamespace": "eftec\\tests\\tmp\\repo2", "namespaceapi": "eftec\\tests\\tmp", "composerpath": "..\/..\/vendor", "classdirectory": "repo2", "folderapi": "api", "tables": null, "tablexclass": { "actor": "ActorRepo", "actor2": "Actor2Repo", "address": "AddresRepo", "category": "CategoryRepo", "city": "CityRepo", "country": "CountryRepo", "customer": "CustomerRepo", "dummyt": "DummytRepo", "dummytable": "DummytableRepo", "film": "FilmRepo", "film2": "Film2Repo", "film_actor": "FilmActorRepo", "film_category": "FilmCategoryRepo", "film_text": "FilmTextRepo", "fum_jobs": "FumJobRepo", "fum_logs": "FumLogRepo", "inventory": "InventoryRepo", "language": "LanguageRepo", "mysec_table": "MysecTableRepo", "payment": "PaymentRepo", "product": "ProductRepo", "producttype": "ProducttypeRepo", "producttype_auto": "ProducttypeAutoRepo", "rental": "RentalRepo", "staff": "StaffRepo", "store": "StoreRepo", "tablachild": "TablachildRepo", "tablagrandchild": "TablagrandchildRepo", "tablaparent": "TablaparentRepo", "tabletest": "TabletestRepo", "test_products": "TestProductRepo", "typetable": "TypetableRepo" }, "classMethods": { "ActorRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "Actor2Repo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "AddresRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "CategoryRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "CityRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "CountryRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "CustomerRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "DummytRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "DummytableRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FilmRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "Film2Repo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FilmActorRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FilmCategoryRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FilmTextRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FumJobRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "FumLogRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "InventoryRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "LanguageRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "MysecTableRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "PaymentRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "ProductRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "ProducttypeRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "ProducttypeAutoRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "RentalRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "StaffRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "StoreRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TablachildRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TablagrandchildRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TablaparentRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TabletestRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TestProductRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ], "TypetableRepo": [ { "name": "listall", "type": "listall", "verb": "ALL", "argument1": "" } ] }, "questionroute": "yes", "questionaccess": "yes", "questiondev": "dev", "machineid": "PCJC", "baseurl_dev": "http:\/\/localhost\/currentproject\/ApiAssembler\/tests\/tmp\/", "baseurl_prod": "http:\/\/localhost\/currentproject\/ApiAssembler\/tests\/tmp\/", "templateurl": "", "questioncache": null, "cache_type": null, "cache_server": null, "cache_schema": null, "cache_port": null, "cache_user": null, "cache_password": null, "trysavescript": "yes", "filenamescript": "p20s" }