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File: TreeMenu.js

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  Classes of Carlos Falo Hervás   DHTML TreeMenu   TreeMenu.js   Download  
File: TreeMenu.js
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: TreeMenu DHTML object
Class: DHTML TreeMenu
Crossbrowser dhtml TreeMenu based on XML data
Author: By
Last change: Fixed bug with IE 6.x and recursivity...
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 9,244 bytes



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// Tree Menu class for IE and NS 6+
// Version 1.0
// copyright (c) 2002 by Carlos Falo Hervás for BiS iNTERACTiVE SL

// Class Definition

TreeMenu = {

    initialized : false , // Initialization flag
    levels : 0 , // Current menu length
    closedimg : new Image() , // Closed Node image
    closedimgs : new Image() , // Closed Node image (sublevel)
    openimg : new Image() , // Open Node image
    openimgs : new Image() , // Open Node image (sublevel)
    blankimg : new Image() , // Blank Node image (only FIRST level)
    options : [] , // Array for the subelements
    width : 200 , // Menu total width
    gfxwidth : 15 , // Icon size (square)
    elemstyle : "" , // Style name for the texts
    indent : 0 , // Total indent levels (1 based - 1 => 1 level)
    target : "_blank" , // Destination frame for menu links
    // REQUIRED - defines max menu indentation
    set_indent : function(val) {
      TreeMenu.indent = val ;
    } ,

    // DEFAULTS - Set the target window for the links
    set_target : function(val) { = val ;
    } ,

    // SET_WIDTH:
    // DEFAULTS - defines global width for the menu and the size of icons
    set_width : function(wd,wdg) {
        TreeMenu.width = wd ;
        TreeMenu.gfxwidth = wdg ;
    } ,
    // REQUIRED - defines text styles... unique for now, 1st level gets BOLD
    set_style : function(estilo) {
        TreeMenu.elemstyle = estilo ;
    } ,

    // REQUIRED - defines NODE graphics, lines are for now STATIC
    set_images : function(cimg,cimgs,oimg,oimgs,bimg) {
        TreeMenu.closedimg.src = cimg ;
        TreeMenu.closedimgs.src = cimgs ;
        TreeMenu.openimg.src = oimg ;
        TreeMenu.openimgs.src = oimgs ;
        TreeMenu.blankimg.src = bimg ;
    } ,

    // Adds menu options, VARARGS lvl, sublvl, subsublvl... , value, length
    add_option : function() {
      a = TreeMenu.add_option.arguments ;
        args = a.length ;
        cobj = TreeMenu ;
        for (i=0;i<args-3;i++) {
            cobj = cobj.options[a[i]] ;
        if (cobj.levels == cobj.lg) {
            alert("Error: demasiadas opciones para el nivel " + cobj.valor) ;
        } else {
            cobj.options[cobj.levels] = {} ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].valor = a[args-3] ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].lg = a[args-2] ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].lnk = a[args-1] ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].options = [] ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].levels = 0 ;
            cobj.options[cobj.levels].closed = 1 ;
            cobj.levels++ ;
        return (cobj.levels) ;
    // Show the menu on screen on the FIRST level only
    print_menu: function() {
      document.write('<table width="' + TreeMenu.width + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">') ;
        size = TreeMenu.width - TreeMenu.indent*TreeMenu.gfxwidth ;
        document.write('<tr><td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '"></td><td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '"></td><td width="' + size + '"></td></tr>') ;
        for (i=0;i<TreeMenu.levels;i++) {
          document.write('<tr><td align="left" width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '">') ;
            if (TreeMenu.options[i].lnk=="") lnk = "#" ;
            else lnk = TreeMenu.options[i].lnk + '" target="' + ;
          if (TreeMenu.options[i].lg==0) {
                document.write('<img src="' + TreeMenu.blankimg.src + '" alt="" border="0">') ;
            } else {
                document.write('<a href="' + lnk +'" onClick="javascript:menu_action(' + i + ',\'elem' + i + '\');"><img border="0" name="imgelem' + i + '" src="' + TreeMenu.closedimg.src + '" alt="" border="0"></a>') ;
            document.write('</td><td width="99%" colspan="' + TreeMenu.indent + '" align="left">') ;
            document.write('<img border="0" src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="2" height="1">') ;
            document.write('<a href="' + lnk + '" onClick="javascript:menu_action(' + i + ',\'elem' + i + '\');" class="' + TreeMenu.elemstyle + '"><b>' + TreeMenu.options[i].valor+"</b></a>") ;
            document.write('</td></tr>') ;
            if (TreeMenu.options[i].lg!=0) {
                // Place to unfold the menu
                size = TreeMenu.indent + 1 ;
                document.write('<tr><td colspan="' + size + '" id="elem' + i + '"></td></tr>') ;
      document.write('</table>') ;
} ;

// Interface function to fold/unfold menus:

function menu_action() {
    a = menu_action.arguments ;
    args = a.length ;
    cobj = TreeMenu ;
    c = TreeMenu.indent ;
    prefix = "sub" + a[0] ;
    lng = [] ;
    for (i=0;i<args-2;i++) {
        cobj = cobj.options[a[i]] ;
        if ((cobj.lg-1)==a[i+1]) lng[i] = 0 ;
        else lng[i] = 1 ;
        c-- ;
        prefix += "sub" + a[i+1] ;
    elem = a[args-1] ;
    idx = a[args-2] ;
    contenido = '<table width="' + TreeMenu.width + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">' ;
    if ( {
      // Internet Explorer
        obj = document.all[elem] ;
        img = document.all["img"+elem] ;
    } else {
      // Netscape Navigator
      if (is.ns5) {
          // Versions 6+
            obj = document.getElementById(elem) ;
            img = document.images["img"+elem] ;
    if (obj) {
      if (cobj.options[idx].closed) {
            cobj.options[idx].closed = 0 ;
          if (cobj.options[idx].lg > 0) {
              if (c==TreeMenu.indent) {
                  img.src = TreeMenu.openimg.src ;
                } else {
                    img.src = TreeMenu.openimgs.src ;
                n = 0 ;
                for (i=0;i<cobj.options[idx].lg;i++) {
                    contenido += '<tr><td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '">' ;
                    for (j=0;j<lng.length;j++) {
                      if (lng[j]==1) {
                            contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/line_b.gif"></td><td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '">' ;
                        } else {
                          contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '" height="1"></td><td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '">' ;
                    if (i==cobj.options[idx].lg-1) {
                        contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/line_l.gif" alt="">' ;
                    } else {
                        contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/line_t.gif" alt="">' ;
                    contenido += '</td>' ;
                    // Now check for this node length
                    if (cobj.options[idx].options[i].lnk=="") lnk = "#" ;
                    else lnk = cobj.options[idx].options[i].lnk + '" target="' + ;
                    l = cobj.options[idx].options[i].lg ;
                    if (l==0) {
                      n = 0 ;
                        contenido += '<td colspan="' + c + '" align="left">' ;
                        contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="2" height="1">' ;
                        if (lnk=="#") {
                            contenido += '<span class="' + TreeMenu.elemstyle + '">' + cobj.options[idx].options[i].valor + '</span></td>' ;
                        } else {
                            contenido += '<a href="' + lnk + '" class="' + TreeMenu.elemstyle + '">' + cobj.options[idx].options[i].valor + '</a></td>' ;
                    } else {
                      n = 1 ;
                        parms = "" ;
                        for (j=0;j<args-1;j++) {
                            parms += a[j] + "," ;
                        parms += i ;
                        contenido += '<td width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '"><a href="' + lnk + '" onClick="javascript:menu_action(' + parms + ',\'' + prefix + 'elem' + i +'\');"><img border="0" name="img' + prefix + 'elem' + i + '" src="' + TreeMenu.closedimgs.src + '" alt=""></a></td>' ;
                        contenido += '<td width="99%" colspan="' + eval(c-1) + '" align="left">' ;
                        contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="2" height="1">' ;
                        contenido += '<a href="' + lnk + '" onClick="javascript:menu_action(' + parms + ',\'' + prefix + 'elem' + i +'\');" class="' + TreeMenu.elemstyle + '">' + cobj.options[idx].options[i].valor + '</a></td>' ;
                    contenido += '</tr>' ;
                    if (n!=0) {
                        contenido += '<tr><td id="' + prefix + "elem" + i + '" colspan="' + eval(TreeMenu.indent+1) + '">' ;
                        // Must create here the indentation arrays...
                        to = TreeMenu ;
                        ln = [] ;
                        for (m=0;m<args-1;m++) {
                          to = to.options[a[m]] ;
                            if (m!=args-2) {
                            if ((to.lg-1)==a[m+1]) ln[m] = 0 ;
                                 else ln[m] = 1 ;
                            } else {
                                if (to.lg-1==i) ln[m] = 0 ;
                                else ln[m] = 1 ;
                        for (k=0;k<ln.length;k++) {
                          if (ln[k]==1) {
                                contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/line_s.gif">' ;
                            } else {
                              contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '" height="1">' ;
                        contenido += '</td></td></tr>' ;
                contenido += '</table>' ;
                obj.innerHTML = contenido ;
      } else {
            cascade_close(cobj.options[idx]) ;
            // Create dots where needed
            contenido = "" ;
            for (j=0;j<lng.length;j++) {
              if (lng[j]==1) {
                    contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/line_s.gif">' ;
                } else {
                  contenido += '<img src="/images/menuicon/trans.gif" width="' + TreeMenu.gfxwidth + '" height="1">' ;
            obj.innerHTML = contenido ;
            if (c!=TreeMenu.indent) {
                img.src = TreeMenu.closedimgs.src ;
            } else {
                img.src = TreeMenu.closedimg.src ;

function cascade_close(start) {
  var z ;
    for (z=0;z<start.lg;z++) {
        if (start.options[z].lg!=0) cascade_close(start.options[z]) ;
    start.closed = 1 ;
    return ;