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File: pdo_database.class_manual.php

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File: pdo_database.class_manual.php
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: pdo multicnxn user manual
Class: PDO Multi Connection Class
Access different types of SQL database using PDO
Author: By
Last change: Added more details in the documentation and examples.
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 13,296 bytes



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<?php /** ****************************************************** * @file pdo_database.class_manual.php * @brief PDO Database Class Manual: This is a guide for learn to use pdo for connect easily to multiple databases types. * INTRODUCTION: * Why you Should be using PHP's PDO for Database Access... * PDO – PHP Data Objects, is a database access layer providing a uniform method of access to multiple databases. * It doesn’t account for database-specific syntax, but can allow for the process of switching databases and platforms to be fairly painless, simply by switching the connection string in many instances. * * DATABASES SUPPORT: * You need use this shortcuts for the database type: * sqlite2 -> SQLite2 - TESTED * sqlite3 -> SQLite3 * sqlsrv -> Microsoft SQL Server (Works under Windows, accept all SQL Server versions [max version 2008]) - TESTED * mssql -> Microsoft SQL Server (Works under Windows and Linux, but just work with SQL Server 2000) - TESTED * mysql -> MySQL - TESTED * pg -> PostgreSQL - TESTED * ibm -> IBM * dblib -> DBLIB * odbc -> Microsoft Access * oracle -> ORACLE * ifmx -> Informix * fbd -> Firebird - TESTED * * CHANGELOG: * v2.2: Added doxygen documentation for friendly use in the class file. * v2.1: Added transactional method, now you can feel the power and care for the integrity of your database with transactions. * v2.0: Optimized all class code, added unnamed placeholder option in query_secure(), added method properties() for get information about server and connection. Manual updated for provide more clearly examples. * v1.9: Added method for secure querys and avoid SQL Injections. * v1.8: Optimized methods update, delete and getLatestId. Methods update and delete allow empty conditions for several changes. * v1.7: Optimized method rowcount(), now build automatic query for count(*). * v1.6: Fix the error handler in the connection database, modified the constructor of the class. (Critical) * v1.5: Added 2 methods: 1.- ShowDBS and 2.- ShowTables, return databases existing on host, return all tables of database relatively. * v1.4: Added method getError(), this return error description if exist. * v1.3: Fix the "insert" operation works in any database. * v1.2: Added method getLatestId(table, id), return the latest id (primary key autoincrement). * v1.1: After insert, delete or update operations, the result is the affected rows. * v1.0: First version working. * @author Evert Ulises German Soto * @version 2.2 * @date July 2012 *******************************************************/ /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Connect To Database. *******************************************************/ ///1.- You need include the class file. require("pdo_database.class.php"); ///2.- Instantiate the class with the server parameters. # object = new wArLeY_DBMS(shortcut_database_type, server, database_name, user, password, port); $db = new wArLeY_DBMS("mysql", "", "test", "root", "", ""); ///3.- Connect to database. $dbCN = $db->Cnxn(); //This step is really neccesary for create connection to database, and getting the errors in methods. ///4.- Check if connection are succesful or return error. if($dbCN==false) die("Error: Cant connect to database."); ///5.- If connection fail you can print the error... Note: Every operation you execute can try print this line, for get the latest error ocurred. echo $db->getError(); //Show error description if exist, else is empty. ///Extras: Information about server and connection only execute this: $db->properties(); /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Create Tables. *******************************************************/ $db->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TB_USERS;'); //drop table if exist # Instruction SQL in variable $query_create_table = <<< EOD CREATE TABLE TB_USERS ( ID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, NAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ADDRESS VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, COMPANY VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL ); EOD; ///Execute the create table statement $db->query($query_create_table); ///Execute alter table statement $db->query("ALTER TABLE TB_USERS ADD SEX CHAR(1);"); /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Insert Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: $result = $db->query("INSERT INTO TB_USERS (NAME, ADDRESS, COMPANY) VALUES ('Evert Ulises German', 'Internet #996 Culiacan Sinaloa', 'Freelancer');"); # $result false if operation fail. ///Option 2: Method insert(table_name, data_to_insert[field=data]); $result = $db->insert("TB_USERS", "NAME='Evert Ulises German',ADDRESS='Tetameche #3035 Culiacan Sin. Mexico',COMPANY='Freelancer'"); # $result have the inserted id or false if operation fail. IMPORTANT: For getting the currently id inserted is neccessary define the id field how primary key autoincrement. /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Update Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: $db->query("UPDATE TB_USERS SET NAME='wArLeY996',COMPANY='Freelancer MX' WHERE ID=1;"); ///Option 2: Method update(table_name, set_new_data[field=data], condition_if_need_but_not_required); $getAffectedRows = $db->update("TB_USERS", "NAME='wArLeY996',COMPANY='Freelancer MX'", "ID=1"); //With Condition $getAffectedRows = $db->update("TB_USERS", "NAME='wArLeY996',COMPANY='Freelancer MX'"); //Without Condition (must be careful!) /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Delete Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: $result = $db->query("DELETE FROM TB_USERS WHERE ID=1;"); # $result false if operation fail. ///Option 2: Method delete(table_name, condition_if_need_but_not_required); $getAffectedRows = $db->delete("TB_USERS", "ID=1"); //With Condition $getAffectedRows = $db->delete("TB_USERS"); //Without Condition (must be careful!) /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Retrieve Result Set. *******************************************************/ $rs = $db->query("SELECT NAME,ADDRESS FROM TB_USERS"); foreach($rs as $row){ $tmp_name = $row["NAME"]; $tmp_address = $row["ADDRESS"]; echo "The user $tmp_name lives in: $tmp_address<br/>"; } /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Get The Total Rows. *******************************************************/ # Once that you have execute any query, you can get total rows. echo "Total rows: " . $db->rowcount() . "<br/>"; /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Get The Latest Id. *******************************************************/ # getLatestId(table_name, field_id); $latestInserted = $db->getLatestId("TB_USERS","ID"); //IMPORTANT: For getting the latest id inserted is neccessary define the id column how autoincrement. /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Disconnect Database. *******************************************************/ $db->disconnect(); /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Implement Transactions. *******************************************************/ $db->transaction("B"); //Begin the Transaction $db->delete("TB_USERS", "ID=1"); $db->delete("TB_USERS", "ID=2"); $db->transaction("C"); //Commit and apply changes $db->transaction("R"); //Or you can Rollback and undo changes like Ctrl+Z /** * ------------------------------------------ SECURE METHODS PREVENT AND AVOID SQL INJECTIONS --------------------------------------------------- * METHOD: query_secure, "first_param": query statement, "second_param": array with params, "third_param": if you specify true, you can get the recordset, else you get true, "fourth_param": unnamed or named placeholders is your choice, "fifth_param": for change your delimiter. * Note: the third_param, fourth_param and fifth_param not are required, have a default values: false, false, "|" relatively. * IMPORTANT: the delimiter default is "|" (pipe), is neccessary change this delimiter if exist in your data. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Retrieve Result Set. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: SELECT Statement With "NAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(":id|2|INT"); $rows = $db->query_secure("SELECT NAME FROM TB_USERS WHERE ID=:id;", $params, true, false); if($rows!=false){ foreach($rows as $row){ echo "User: ". $row["NAME"] ."<br />"; } } $rows = null; ///Option 2: SELECT Statement With "UNNAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(2); $rows = $db->query_secure("SELECT NAME FROM TB_USERS WHERE ID=?;", $params, true, true); if($rows!=false){ foreach($rows as $row){ echo "User: ". $row["NAME"] ."<br />"; } } $rows = null; /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Insert Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: INSERT Row With "NAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(":id|2|INT", ":name|Amy Julyssa German|STR", ":address|Internet #996 Culiacan Sinaloa|STR", ":company|Nothing|STR"); $result = $db->query_secure("INSERT INTO TB_USERS (ID,NAME,ADDRESS,COMPANY) VALUES(:id,:name,:address,:company);", $params, false, false); ///Option 2: INSERT Row With "UNNAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(2, "Amy Julyssa German", "Internet #996 Culiacan Sinaloa", "Nothing"); $result = $db->query_secure("INSERT INTO TB_USERS (ID,NAME,ADDRESS,COMPANY) VALUES(?,?,?,?);", $params, false, true); /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Update Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: UPDATE Rows With "NAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(":id|2|INT", ":address|Internet #996 Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico|STR", ":company|Nothing!|STR"); $result = $db->query_secure("UPDATE TB_USERS SET ADDRESS=:address,COMPANY=:company WHERE ID=:id;", $params, false, false); ///Option 2: UPDATE Rows With "UNNAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array("Internet #996 Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico", "Nothing!", 2); $result = $db->query_secure("UPDATE TB_USERS SET ADDRESS=?,COMPANY=? WHERE ID=?;", $params, false, true); /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Delete Rows. *******************************************************/ ///Option 1: DELETE Rows With "NAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(":id|2|INT"); $result = $db->query_secure("DELETE FROM TB_USERS WHERE ID=:id;", $params, false, false); ///Option 2: DELETE Rows With "UNNAMED PLACEHOLDERS": $params = array(2); $result = $db->query_secure("DELETE FROM TB_USERS WHERE ID=?;", $params, false, true); ///IMPORTANT: UPDATE and DELETE works fine but not return the affected rows, just return false if fails. echo "AFFECTEDS -> " . (($result===false) ? "NO... ".$db->getError() : "YES") . "<br />"; /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Get All Databases. *******************************************************/ $rs = $db->ShowDBS(); //Depending of your database type you can get results foreach($rs as $row){ $tmp_table = $row[0]; echo "Database named: $tmp_table<br/>"; } /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Get All Tables From Database. *******************************************************/ $rs = $db->ShowTables("test"); //Depending of your database type you can specify the database foreach($rs as $row){ $tmp_table = $row[0]; echo "The table from database is: $tmp_table<br/>"; } /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Get Columns Name From Table. *******************************************************/ $column_array = $db->columns("TB_USERS"); if($column_array!=false){ foreach($column_array as $column){ echo "$column<br/>"; } }else{ echo $db->getError(); } /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Install Library "mssql" In Windows. *******************************************************/ # If "php_pdo_mssql" not is running... # Open path: "C:/xampp/php/ext/" # Rename the file: php_pdo_mssql.dll to php_pdo_mssql_new.dll # Open php.ini file, add extension: # extension=php_pdo_mssql_new.dll # Copy dll file "ntwdblib.dll" in the extensions path with the same name: "php/ext/" and too in path "C:/windows/system32/" # Restart webserver and try your connection /** ****************************************************** * @brief How To Install Library "sqlsrv" In Windows. *******************************************************/ # If "php_pdo_sqlsrv" not is running... # Open php.ini file, add extension: # extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_ts_vc6.dll # Copy dll file with the same name in the path: "php/ext/" # Restart webserver and try your connection ?>