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  Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra   PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner   public/assets/bower_components/ckeditor/lang/vi.js   Download  
File: public/assets/bower_components/ckeditor/lang/vi.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Class: PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner
Manage inventory stock using scanner application
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Date: 1 year ago
Size: 15,079 bytes



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?/* Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see or */ CKEDITOR.lang['vi']={"wsc":{"btnIgnore":"B? qua","btnIgnoreAll":"B? qua t?t c?","btnReplace":"Thay th?","btnReplaceAll":"Thay th? t?t c?","btnUndo":"Ph?c h?i l?i","changeTo":"Chuy?n thành","errorLoading":"L?i khi ?ang n?p d?ch v? ?ng d?ng: %s.","ieSpellDownload":"Ch?c n?ng ki?m tra chính t? ch?a ???c cài ??t. 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Hãy s? d?ng bàn phím cho l?nh này (Ctrl/Cmd+C).","cut":"C?t","cutError":"Các thi?t l?p b?o m?t c?a trình duy?t không cho phép trình biên t?p t? ??ng th?c thi l?nh c?t. Hãy s? d?ng bàn phím cho l?nh này (Ctrl/Cmd+X).","paste":"Dán","pasteNotification":"Press %1 to paste. Your browser doesn?t support pasting with the toolbar button or context menu option.","pasteArea":"Khu v?c dán","pasteMsg":"Paste your content inside the area below and press OK.","title":"Dán"},"button":{"selectedLabel":"%1 (?ã ch?n)"},"blockquote":{"toolbar":"Kh?i trích d?n"},"basicstyles":{"bold":"??m","italic":"Nghiêng","strike":"G?ch xuyên ngang","subscript":"Ch? s? d??i","superscript":"Ch? s? trên","underline":"G?ch chân"},"about":{"copy":"B?n quy?n &copy; $1. Gi? toàn quy?n.","dlgTitle":"Thông tin v? 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