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  Classes of Nicola Mustone   Vigenère cypher   index.php   Download  
File: index.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: example page
Class: Vigenère cypher
Encrypt and decrypt text using the Vigenère cypher
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 1,882 bytes


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#Include the class
require_once 'classVigenere.php';

#Istance theclass
$cVigenere = new classVigenere('THISismykey');
    pre {
        border: 1px solid gray;
        background-color: #F9F9F9;
    I'll try to encrypt the string 'You want to be an american idiot nanananaaaaaaanananananana'.<br/>
    Here is the code i used for this page:
            #Include the class
            require_once 'classVigenere.php';

            #Istance theclass
            $cVigenere = new classVigenere('THISismykey');
            #Print the table to see how this class encrypt your text

            echo "&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;";
            #Encode my text
            $encoded_text = $cVigenere-&gt;encrypt('You want to be an american idiot nanananaaaaaaanananananana');

            echo 'Encrypted text -&gt; '. $encoded_text;
            echo "&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;";
            #Decode my text
            echo 'Decrypted text -&gt; '. $cVigenere-&gt;decrypt($encoded_text);
    First, i print the encryption table:

#Print the table to see how this class encrypt your text

    Now, i encrypt the string 'You want to be an american idiot nanananaaaaaaanananananana'
#Encode my text
$encoded_text = $cVigenere->encrypt('You want to be an american idiot nanananaaaaaaanananananana');

'Encrypted text -> '. $encoded_text;
    And now, i decrypt the encoded text '<?php echo $encoded_text; ?>'.
#Decode my text
echo 'Decrypted text -> '. $cVigenere->decrypt($encoded_text);
