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Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra | PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner | public/assets/bower_components/bootstrap-datepicker/ | Download |
![]() Changelog1.7.1Bugfixes * Revert "move 1.7.0Features * Adding dateCells option (#1723)
* Added keepEmptyValues option (#1558 + #1901)
* added "changeViewMode" event; also adds the current Bugfixes * originalEvent object needs preventDefault fn (#1824)
* Fix jQuery selector from premature selection of span element in inline/embedded calendar's month selection (#1859 + #1886)
* Use date arithmetic to allow dates with times other than 00:00:00 (#1483)
* Multiple general fixes (#1883 + #1893)
* Visibility fix for nav arrows (#1916)
* Do not trigger change or changeDate on initialization (#1912)
* Fix: Close datepicker on touchstart (#1924)
* Fix data-date-dates-disabled attribute to accept a comma-separated list (#1946)
* Fix maxViewMode and navigation switch click (#1951)
* Add support jQuery 3. Bootstrap 2 still available (composer.json) (#1958)
* fix(parseDate) use insensitive regex to support +15d with capslock (#1910)
* Refactoring timedelta aliases (dateAliases) (#1965)
* Fix RTL layout (#1973)
* Remove listen LocalesNew* en-ZA (#1798) * en-ZNZ (#1799) * en-IE (#1800) * ar-tn (#1863) * Added Sinhala (si) locale (#2025) * Occitan locale (#2024 + #2026) * [l10n]Add breton translation (#2028) * Added Tajik language (#2117) * Add Uzbek latin and cyrill locales (#2152) * add Bengali (Bangla) language (#2171) * Added Hindi locale (#2199) Bugfix* km/kh (#1812) * Capital letters in Polish translation (#1890) * Add missing monthsTitle in cs (#1900) * Update bootstrap-datepicker.da.js (#1936) * Fix typo in month name (#2040) * Added missing basque language properties (#2066) * Added weekStart to slovenian translation (#2067) * add monthsTitle for ru (#2092) * Change danish (da) date format to match the rest of the locales (#2048) * Fix Tamil Language file with proper locale code (#2141) * Revert strange changes, +monthsTitle (#2153) * updated Tajik (cyrillic) translation file (#2167) * Romanian uses dd/mm/yyyy format for dates (#2173) * Missing latvian translation (#2204) Docs* Fix typo in index.rst (#1882) * Update CDNjs info in (#1933) * [Doc] Keyboard navigation is not supported for embedded / inline type (#2002) * Removed reference to stefan petre (#2031) * Improve defaultViewDate documentation (#2052) * Add notes about multiple dates and examples for update method (#2060) * Add Code Of Conduct (#2095) * Update install instructions on (#2160) 1.6.2 - 1.6.3 - 1.6.4Bugfix * Backported jquery 3 fix from #1958 1.6.1Bugfixes * add specific class for disabled dates back (Fixes #1785) * [fix] Allow keyboard navigation for non-input fields (Fixes: #874) * fix kazakh mothShort * Fix bug when clicking on a day that is highlighted today in the next month * dates read out are 12am UTC * Fix show by component (with disabled attribute) 1.6.0Features * Changes nonpunctuation to accept unicode characters * Add "assumeNearbyYear" option * Decade and century picking * Added timedelta aliases. (Fixes #785) * add getter methods for date limits * Replace arrow entities for glyphicon + template + libs snippets (Fixes: #610 #833 #1007) * added class .disabled to dow header * Rename "remove" to "destroy" and create alias Bugfix * Month/year view keyboard navigation * fix changeMonth, changeYear not triggered when selecting day from prev/next month * Fix default arrows for BS2 and screenshots (for docs) * Extend beforeShowMonth event functionality to work like beforeShowDay and beforeShowYear Locale changes * Correct date format for ko locale * Add en-AU (Australian English) locale Repository * Add CSS sourcemap * [BS3 Less] Remove unused variables and cleanup * Added timezone aware tests * remove .idea-folder from npm 1.5.1Bugfixes * Fix calculation for new position when datepicker goes offscreen when inside a container (Fixes: #1619) * Fix datepicker title not centered when displaying calendar weeks (Fixes: #1625) * Fixing looping when calling dp inside change event (Fixes: #1628) * Add scrollTop to position if container is not body (Fixes: #1616) * Use document scrollTop instead of body scrollTop when using the body container * Fix focus for disabled week days (Fixes: #1365, #1187, #1648) * Fixes enableOnReadOnly bug when datepicker is of type component Translations * Added missing translations for slovak translation. (Fixes: #1521) * Added missing date format for norwegian (nb) locale (Fixes #1690) * Armenian translation short names * adding Today translation, default date format for the lithuanian translation Docs * Document data-api on container * Added docs for the different stylesheet files. (Fixes #1459) Repository * Enable travis container builds for faster builds 1.5.0Features
* Added down key as datepicker show trigger
* immediateUpdates option (updates input when a year or month is selected)
* Highlight days of week
* maxViewMode option
* Include "main" property in package.json
* Require.js support. (Fixes: #280)
* Allow overriding Bugfixes: * Scrolling on mobile device closes datepicker * Use $.on() instead $.bind() * Fixed right-click and edit-menu paste * Ported prototype fix for Prototype Compability * Fixed issue with startview year * Fixed padding inconsistency with twitter bootstrap 3 * prevents the click event from bubbling to any user defined click handlers * Added padding for .datepicker-dropdown * Fixes the issue with a date change firing mulitple change events * removed hard dependency on bootstrap (because of twbs-sass package) * Clearing the date should reset to defaultViewDate * Datepicker orientation mix up - top = bottom and bottom = top * Fix cursor thead styles * Fix date-reset issue when navigating to next with invalid date * Using orientation:auto but date picker still appears above, cut off, when there plenty of space below. * lots of orientation fixes Locale changes: * Remove unused eighth element on week arrays ) * Add Esperanto translation * Better Polish language date shortcuts translation and default date format * lowercase danish translation * Add Mongolian localization * update Hungarian translation Docs: * added day to end-date to avoid confusion about example * added setDatesDisabled method to documentation 1.4.0Features: * implemented beforeShowMonth option * Added option to disable touch keyboard input * All datepicker methods are chainable * Added a datesDisable option * Added option to prevent date picker to show when input field receives focus * adding option to define the container the datepicker will be appended to * Backported some placement fixes for the container option * Option default view date * Add toggleActive option * Added clear method * Added version property to datepicker object * Added option to not show datepicker on readonly field Bugfixes: * Removed blank space before the previous button when calendarWeeks is true; * Fixed date deselection with single date picker * Added case-neutral matching for text months * Changed input-daterange to full width for bs3 * Fix placement for RTL languages * fix for range picker when next date is before previous date * Fix for moving box on first selection * Do not show datepicker for readonly inputs * Fix getUTCDate when datepicker has no selected date * Only a linked today button should trigger the changeDate event * Fixed bug with keyboard navigation when startdate/enddate was defined * Right align calendar on right window edge conflict * On "ENTER" keydown on picker, prevent the closest form to be submitted too * fixed bower.json twitte bootstrap dependency * Replaced named entities with decimal entities * assigning plugin to a local variable to fix bug in noConflict Repo changes: * Added empty ignore option in bower.json. * Added .editorconfig * Reworked grunt tasks Translations: * Fix translation of French months * Update cambodia translations * added clear and weekStart to turkish translation * Days/months should start lowercase in dutch * Month/daynames should be lowercase in french * Add 'clear' and 'format' to Ukrainian locale * Added Montenegrin locale Docs: * added example for inputs option * added missing documentation for embedded mode * Add additional documentaion to update method 1.3.1Repo changes: * Automated screenshots have been added to the docs. These probably need to be documented so that contributors can add them when appropriate. * Grunt support * Missing description and keywords for Packagist * Composer: Include translation files into deployment dir * Add package name and version to npm package.json Bugfixes: * Remove font-family declaration for datepicker * Don't deselect date unless datepicker is multidate * Removed comment from compiled CSS. * Don't clear input after typing date and hitting Enter when keyboard nav is disabled * Fixing the ui displaying 'undefined nan' when typing dates in Firefox & IE * Reset tooltip to a default empty value * Fix colspan if calendarWeeks & clearBtn are true * Removed fixed width and height in large and small group addon * z-index calculation should not stop at first element * Fix IE8 bug with Array#splice with one argument Documentation: * ghpages: jQuery js not being loaded when using HTTPS * Adds clearBtn option to sandbox page * Minor fixes (typo's, links,...) Locale changes Updated languages: * Clear translation in czech * Dutch translation * Swedish translation * Japanese translation * Ukrainian translation fixes * Add spanish clear, week start and format * Added galician clear, week start and format * Added missing clear localization value for polish translation * Add clear zh-CN translation * Fixed Albanian translation typo's * Add missing clear and format localization value for Russian translation * Updated Serbian translation * Fixed Ukrainian iso code to uk instead of ua * Updated greek translation * Update Catalan and Spanish localizations * Added missing armenian translations New languages: * Basque * Khmer (Cambodia) * Bosnian * British english * Armenian * Faroese * Swiss Italian and Swiss French 1.3.0New features:
* Bootstrap 3 support. Added build files
Non-API changes:
* Keyboard navigation has been changed. See Bug squashed:
* Jan 1, 1970 is now highlighted when selected
* Locale changes:
* Added Ukrainian, Belgium-Dutch, Welsh, Galician, Vietnamese, and Azerbaijani
* Repository changes:
* Documentation has been moved from the base 1.2.0New features:
* Google Closure Compiler Compatibility
* Smart orientation by default, and explicit picker orientation with the Bug squashed:
* Locale changes:
* Added Arabic, Norwegian, Georgian
* 1.1.3 ---------- Clicking the clear button now triggers the input's 1.1.2Botched release, no change from 1.1.1 1.1.1Fixes a bug when setting startDate or endDate during initialization. 1.1.0New features:
* Date range picker.
* Data API / noConflict.
* Internal changes:
* Cleaner and more reliable method for extracting options from all potential sources (defaults, locale overrides, data-attrs, and instantiation options, in that order). This also populates Bugs squashed:
* Resolved a conflict with bootstrap's native Minor improvements: * Better text color for highlighted "today" date. * Last year in decade view now marked as "new" instead of "old". * Formats now properly handle trailing separators. Locale changes:
* Added Albanian, Estonian, and Macedonian
* Added Potentially backward-incompatible changes:
* Options revamp:
* This fixes bugs in the correlation of some data-attrs to their associated option names. If you use 1.0.2Small optimizations release
v1.0.0Initial release: