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File: public/javascript/database.src.js

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  Classes of Stefan Gabos   Zebra Database   public/javascript/database.src.js   Download  
File: public/javascript/database.src.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: JavaScript file
Class: Zebra Database
MySQL database access wrapper library
Author: By
Last change: Minor optimizations
Initial GitHub release
Date: 9 years ago
Size: 13,197 bytes



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/** * Returns an array of children elements of a given parent element based on tag and class name. * * @param parent The parent element * @param tag The HTML tags that we are looking for in the parent element * @param class_name Optional. Narrows down the search to only the tags having the indicated class * @param first_only Optional. Boolean. If set to TRUE, will return only the first child. * */ function zdc_getElements(parent, tag, className) { var // initialize the array to be returned result = [], elements, i, // if native support is available nativeSupport = parent.getElementsByClassName, // the regular expression for matching class names regexp = new RegExp('\\b' + className + '\\b', 'i'); // if parent is undefined, the parent is the document object parent || (parent = document); // if tag is undefined, match all tags tag || (tag = '*'); // if native implementation is available // get elements having the sought class if (nativeSupport) elements = parent.getElementsByClassName(className); // get children elements matching the given tag else elements = parent.getElementsByTagName(tag); // the total number of found elements i = elements.length; // iterate through the found elements // decreasing while loop is the fastest way to iterate in JavaScript // while (i--) // if getElementsByClassName is available natively if ((nativeSupport && // and we need specific tags and current element's tag is what we're looking for (tag != '*' && elements[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == tag) || // or we don't need specific tags tag == '*' // or if getElementsByClassName is not available natively ) || (!nativeSupport && // first, test if the class name *contains* what we're searching for // because indexOf is much faster than a regular expression elements[i].className.indexOf(className) > -1 && // if class name contains what we're searching for // use a regular expression to test if there's an exact match regexp.test(elements[i].className)) ) // add it to results result.push(elements[i]); // if there are no elements found, return false or, return the found elements if any return result.length ? result : false; } /** * Sets the "display" css property for an array of elements. * * @param elements An array of elements to set the "display" css property for * @param display The "display" css property ("block" or "none") * */ function zdc_setDisplay(elements, display) { // iterate through the array of elements for (index in elements) // set display for each element // (exclude the entries in the array that are added through JavaScript) if (index.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) elements[index].style.display = display; } /** * Closes all tabs shown by the debug console * * @param ignore Tab to ignore and leave as it is * */ function zdc_closeAll(skip) { // if tab is not one of the following if (!( skip.indexOf('zdc-records') > -1 || skip.indexOf('zdc-explain') > -1 || skip.indexOf('zdc-backtrace') > -1 )) { // these are some of the main tabs var tabs = ['zdc-errors', 'zdc-successful-queries', 'zdc-unsuccessful-queries', 'zdc-warnings']; // iterate through the tabs for (index in tabs) { var tab = tabs[index]; // if we should not skip this tab if (tab != skip) { // get the tab element from the DOM var tab = document.getElementById(tab); // if tab exists if (null !== tab) { // get children <table>s having the 'zdc-entry' class var children = zdc_getElements(tab, 'table', 'zdc-entry'); // hide them zdc_setDisplay(children, 'none'); // and also hide the tab = 'none'; } } } // the sub-tabs of the "global" main tab var tabs = ['post', 'get', 'session', 'cookie', 'files', 'server']; // if the "globals" tab is not to be skipped if (null === skip.match(/^zdc\-globals/)) { // hide the globals submenu document.getElementById('zdc-globals-submenu').style.display = 'none'; // the parent element var parent = document.getElementById('zdc-globals'); // hide the parent element = 'none'; // iterate through the tabs for (index in tabs) { // the actual name of the sub-tab element var el = 'zdc-globals-' + tabs[index]; // if element exists, hide it if (null !== document.getElementById(el)) document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'none'; } // if a sub-tab of the "globals" main tab is to be skipped } else { // iterate through the tabs for (index in tabs) { // the actual name of the sub-tab element el = 'zdc-globals-' + tabs[index]; // if element is not to be skipped and it exists, hide it if (el != skip && null !== document.getElementById(el)) document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'none'; } } } } /** * Toggles the "display" css property of an element or an array of elements. * * @param element An element or an array of elements. * */ function zdc_toggle(element) { // close all tabs, except the one given as argument to this function zdc_closeAll(element); // if element is the actual console if (element == 'console') { // get the element from the DOM var el = document.getElementById('zdc'); // toggle its display property = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); // if not the console element } else { // let's see what the element is switch (element) { case 'zdc-errors': case 'zdc-successful-queries': case 'zdc-unsuccessful-queries': case 'zdc-warnings': // get the element from the DOM var el = document.getElementById(element); // if element exists if (null != el) { var // get the children <table> elements having the 'zdc-entry' class children = zdc_getElements(el, 'table', 'zdc-entry'), // get the negated value of the display property of the element status = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); // update the display property for all the element's children zdc_setDisplay(children, status); // update the display property of the element itself = status; } break; case 'zdc-globals-submenu': var // get the element from the DOM el = document.getElementById(element), // this is the parent of the element parent = document.getElementById('zdc-globals'); // toggle display property of the element = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); // toggle display property of the parent = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); break; case 'zdc-globals-post': case 'zdc-globals-get': case 'zdc-globals-session': case 'zdc-globals-cookie': case 'zdc-globals-files': case 'zdc-globals-server': // get the element from the DOM var el = document.getElementById(element); // toggle display property of the element = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); break; default: var // get the element from the DOM el = document.getElementById(element), // se if the element is the "show records", "explain" or "backtrace" tab matches = element.match(/\-([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/); // if the element is the "show records", "explain" or "backtrace" tab if (null !== matches) { // when we open the "show records", "explain" or the "backtrace" tab we need to // hide the other two // therefore, get all three tabs var elem1 = document.getElementById('zdc-records-' + matches[1] + matches[2]), elem2 = document.getElementById('zdc-explain-' + matches[1] + matches[2]); elem3 = document.getElementById('zdc-backtrace-' + matches[1] + matches[2]); // if tab exists and is not the one being opened, close it if (null !== elem1 && elem1 != el) = 'none'; if (null !== elem2 && elem2 != el) = 'none'; if (null !== elem3 && elem3 != el) = 'none'; } // toggle display property of the element if (null !== el) = ( != 'block' ? 'block' : 'none'); } } } // /* The DOM-ready part is copyright (c) Patrick Hunlock and is taken from */ startStack=function() { }; // A stack of functions to run onload/domready registerOnLoad = function(func) { var orgOnLoad = startStack; startStack = function () { orgOnLoad(); func(); return; } } var ranOnload=false; // Flag to determine if we've ran the starting stack already. if (document.addEventListener) { // Mozilla actually has a DOM READY event. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { if (!ranOnload) { ranOnload=true; startStack(); } }, false); } else if (document.all && !window.opera) { // This is the IE style which exploits a property of the (standards defined) defer attribute document.write("<scr" + "ipt id='DOMReady' defer=true " + "src=//:><\/scr" + "ipt>"); document.getElementById("DOMReady").onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == "complete" && (!ranOnload)) { ranOnload=true; startStack(); } } } var orgOnLoad = window.onload; window.onload = function() { if (typeof(orgOnLoad)=='function') { orgOnLoad(); } if (!ranOnload) { ranOnload=true; startStack(); } } registerOnLoad(function () { var // are there any error messages? errors = document.getElementById('zdc-errors'), // are there any unsuccessful queries unsuccessful = document.getElementById('zdc-unsuccessful-queries'); // if there are error messages if (null !== errors) { // get all the "error messages" tab's children <table>s having the 'zdc-entry' class var children = zdc_getElements(errors, 'table', 'zdc-entry'); // set the found tables' display property to "block" zdc_setDisplay(children, 'block'); // set the "error messages" tab's display property to "block" = 'block'; // if there are unsuccessful queries } else if (null !== unsuccessful) { // get all the "error messages" tab's children <table>s having the 'zdc-entry' class var children = zdc_getElements(unsuccessful, 'table', 'zdc-entry'); // set the found tables' display property to "block" zdc_setDisplay(children, 'block'); // set the "unsuccessful queries" tab's display property to "block" = 'block'; } else { var // if there are successful queries successful = document.getElementById('zdc-successful-queries'), // are there any queries that need to be highlighted? // get all the "successful queries" tab's children <table>s having the 'zdc-highlight' class highlight = zdc_getElements(successful, 'table', 'zdc-highlight'); // set the found tables' display property to "block" zdc_setDisplay(highlight, 'block'); // set the "successful queries" tab's display property to "block" = 'block'; } });