* Geo Locator
* GoogleGeoLocator.class.php
* About class: Class for parsing data from google geo service. I think google
* has the best geo database of all, unfortunatelly it has limit 2 500 queries
* per day if you don't have special API key (I dont think api key for js API:).
* More info about google maps api: http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/maps/documentation/geocoding/
* @Version: 1.1
* @Release: 2010-12-22
* @Author: Ondrej Podolinsky aka podolinek
* @Contact: podolinek@gmail.com
* Copyright (c) 2010, podolinek
* This class is under GPL Licencense Agreement.
* I will be pleased for any feedback.)
class GoogleGeoLocator extends GeoLocator {
const serviceAddress = 'http://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?%s=%s&sensor=false&language=%s';//address for calling service
protected $language;//language for results from google
* Initial set of base variables in class
* @param string $lang - langugage for results from google
* @param string $apiKey - api key for Google API
public function __construct($apiKey = null,$lang = 'en') {
$this->language = $lang;
* Search by address/coords in concrete service
* @param string $paramVal
* @param string $paramName
* @return array - array with results. $results['error'] if any error.
protected function searchByParam($paramVal, $paramName) {
$url = sprintf(self::serviceAddress, $paramName, $paramVal, $this->language);
$url .= '&client=' . $this->apiKey;
$file = $this->getUrl($url);
$doc = json_decode($file);//data gets in json format
$status = (string)$doc->status;
if($status == 'OK') {
$i = 0;
$street = $route = $locality = false;
foreach($doc->results as $res) {//search for density in result
if($res->types[0] == 'street_address')
$street = true;
elseif($res->types[0] == 'route')
$route = true;
elseif($res->types[0] == 'locality')
$locality = true;
$route = $locality = false;
$street = $locality = false;
$street = $route = false;
foreach($doc->results AS $res) {
if($res->types[0] == 'street_address' && $street || $res->types[0] == 'route' && $route || $res->types[0] == 'locality' && $locality) {
$results['results'][] = $this->parseResults($res);
$results['count'] = $i;
} else
$results['error'] = $status;
return $results;
* Extract address + gps from document
* @param array $arr - one address element from service
* @return array - array with result
protected function parseResults($arr) {
foreach($arr->address_components AS $c) {
if(count($c->types) > 0 && (string)$c->types[0] == 'street_number')
$house = $c->long_name;
elseif(count($c->types) == 0)
$tmpHouse = $c->long_name;
elseif((string)$c->types[0] == 'route')
$street = $c->long_name;
elseif((string)$c->types[0] == 'locality')
$result['city'] = $c->long_name;
elseif((string)$c->types[0] == 'country')
$result['country'] = $c->long_name;
elseif((string)$c->types[0] == 'postal_code')
$result['zip'] = $c->long_name;
$house = (!isset($house) && isset($tmpHouse)) ? $tmpHouse : '';
$result['lat'] = (float)$arr->geometry->location->lat;
$result['long'] = (float)$arr->geometry->location->lng;
$result['street'] = $street. ' '.$house;
$result['street'] = trim($result['street']);
return $result;