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File: elemental-sm/html/configure.htm

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File: elemental-sm/html/configure.htm
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: generated pages
Class: elementalSiteMaker
easy CMS
Author: By
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Date: 21 years ago
Size: 2,451 bytes



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<p><b>Dir structure</b><pre>/elemental-sm/ <br> /admin/ - admin <br> index.html - modify if you want to use other default lang. <br> /cnt/ - here store CNT of page (serialized) <br> /templates/ - here templates (skins) <br> /default/ - default skin <br> page.tpl - template of page <br> menu.tpl - template of menu <br> menu_delim.tpl - menu's delimiter <br> menu_selected.tpl - selected menu item <br> menu_unselected.tpl - unselected menu item <br> /tmp/ - store sessions <br> /translation/ - translation, <br> simple add your file (f.e. de.txt) in this <br> directory <br> en.txt - file for english <br> ru.txt - file for russian <br> /html/ - here stored published pages (from CNT) <br> /include/ - here all classes <br> (main) <br> /Config/ <br> Config.php - here you can config skin name (directory) <br> /PageRepository/ <br> PageRepository.php - here you can configure page <br> /offline/ - here generated site stored <br></pre>. <br> <br></p><p><b>How change pages</b> <br>open <b>PageRepository.php</b> <br>there is method <b>initPage()</b> there is array: <br><b>$this-&gt;arrayPage</b>, <br>each page have unique id, <br>for example page "main", have id "main", and next content: <br><pre> <br> main =&gt; array( <br> pageName =&gt; 'main', <br> pagePath =&gt; 'cnt/main.cnt', <br> pageHtml =&gt; '../html/main.html', <br> pageURL =&gt; '../?pageId=main' <br> ), <br></pre> <br>where: <br>pageName - name in menu, <br>pagePath - path to CNT <br>pageHtml - path to HTML (where to generate) <br>pageURL - url <br> <br>then there is section array <b>$this-&gt;arraySectionPage</b> <br>where each page are registered to section, there is two sections: "Page" and "Site" <br>Section "Site": <br><pre> <br> site =&gt; array( <br> sectionName =&gt; '', <br> pagesOfSection =&gt; array( "main", <br> "download", <br> "screens", <br> "configure", <br> "author" ) <br> ) <br></pre> <br></p><p> <br><b>Change Password</b> <br>login and password you can change in file <br>/include/AuthSystem/AuthSystem.php <br> <br>where <br><pre> <br> admin_pwd =&gt; array( uid =&gt; 1, name =&gt; 'Admin' ), <br></pre> <br>{login}_{pwd} =&gt;</p>