PHP Classes

File: Security/Admin/trgrs_Content.js.php

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  Classes of Michael J. Fuhrman   Security   Security/Admin/trgrs_Content.js.php   Download  
File: Security/Admin/trgrs_Content.js.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Javascript functions for the Content Panel
Class: Security
Manage user accounts and access controls
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 5,064 bytes



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/* =======================================
    Copyright 1998 - 2010 - E Net Arch
    This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU
    General Public License (or the Lesser GPL).
    ======================================= */

ENetArch.Security.Content =
    nCurrentID : 0 ,
    aryIDs: new Array (),
    divTarget : null,
    szNameSpace : "",
    szPasteMode : "",
    szFile_New : "_new.php",
    szFile_Edit : "_edit.php",
    szFile_View : "_view.php",
    szFile_Delete : "_delete.php",
    szFile_Copy : "_copy.php",
    szFile_Move : "_move.php",
    szFile_Properties : "_properties.php",

    // =================================================

    display : function (nID)
        this.nCurrentID = nID;

        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nID=" + nID + "&" +

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_View, this.divTarget, szParams);

    // =================================================

    onCheckID : function (me)
        // this.nCurrentID = me.value;
        if (me.checked)
        { this.aryIDs [me.value] = me.value; }
        { this.aryIDs [me.value] = undefined; }

    // =================================================

    Selected : function (nID)
    { ENetArch.Security.selected (nID); },

    selected : function (nID)
        this.nCurrentID = nID;

        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nID=" + nID + "&";

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_View, this.divTarget, szParams);

    // =================================================

    cmdNew : function (nClass)
        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nClass=" + nClass + "&" +
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&";

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_New, this.divTarget, szParams);

    cmdEdit : function ()
        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" ;

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_Edit, this.divTarget, szParams);

    cmdView : function ()
        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" ;

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_View, this.divTarget, szParams);

    // =================================================

    cmdClearIDs : function ()
    { this.aryIDs = new Array (); },

    cmdDelete : function ()
        var szIDs = ENetArch.Security.stringIDs (this.aryIDs);

        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "szIDs=" + szIDs + "&";

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_Delete, this.divTarget, szParams);
        this.aryIDs = new Array ();
        // ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    // =================================================

    cmdCopy : function ()
    { this.szPasteMode = this.szFile_Copy; },

    cmdCut : function ()
    { this.szPasteMode = this.szFile_Move; },

    cmdPaste : function ()
        var szIDs = ENetArch.Security.stringIDs (this.aryIDs);

        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "szIDs=" + nIDs + "&" +
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" ;

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szPasteMode, this.divTarget, szParams);
        this.aryIDs = new Array ();
        ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    // =================================================

    cmdProperties : function ()
        var szParams =
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" ;

        ENetArch.Security.getPanel (this.szFile_Properties, this.divTarget, szParams);

    // =================================================

    cmdCreateFolder : function (thsForm)
        szParams =
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            ENetArch.Security.getFormData (thsForm) ;

        ENetArch.Security.postPanel ("forms/Notes/add.php", this.DivTarget, szParams);
        ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    cmdUpdateFolder : function (thsForm)
        szParams =
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            ENetArch.Security.getFormData (thsForm) ;

        ENetArch.Security.postPanel ("forms/Notes/update.php", this.DivTarget, szParams);
        ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    // =================================================

    cmdCreateNote : function (thsForm)
        szParams =
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            ENetArch.Security.getFormData (thsForm) ;

        ENetArch.Security.postPanel ("forms/Note/add.php", this.DivTarget, szParams);
        ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    cmdUpdateNote : function (thsForm)
        szParams =
            "nID=" + this.nCurrentID + "&" +
            "szNameSpace=" + this.szNameSpace + "&" +
            ENetArch.Security.getFormData (thsForm) ;

        ENetArch.Security.postPanel ("forms/Note/update.php", this.DivTarget, szParams);
        ENetArch.Security.selected (this.nCurrentID);

    // =================================================
