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File: src/components/date-picker/DatePickerData.ts

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  Classes of Maniruzzaman Akash   WordPress React Plugin Kit   src/components/date-picker/DatePickerData.ts   Download  
File: src/components/date-picker/DatePickerData.ts
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: WordPress React Plugin Kit
Environment to develop new WordPress plugins
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,028 bytes



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/** * External dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { add, endOfWeek, startOfMonth, startOfYear, sub } from 'date-fns'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { getCurrentDate, getSubOrAddDaysDate, getFormattedDate, } from '../../../utils/DateHelper'; export interface IDatePickerData { /** * Date Range option name. */ name: string; /** * Date Range option slug. */ value: string; /** * Start date of the date range. */ startDate: string; /** * End date of the date range. */ endDate: string; } export default function DatePickerData(): Array<IDatePickerData> { const currentDate = getCurrentDate(); return [ { name: __('Today', 'cp'), value: 'today', startDate: currentDate, endDate: currentDate, }, { name: __('Yesterday', 'cp'), value: 'yesterday', startDate: getSubOrAddDaysDate('sub', 1), endDate: getSubOrAddDaysDate('sub', 1), }, { name: __('This Month', 'cp'), value: 'thisMonth', startDate: getFormattedDate(startOfMonth(new Date())), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(add(startOfMonth(new Date()), { months: 1 }), { seconds: 1, }) ), }, { name: __('Last 7 Days', 'cp'), value: 'last7Days', startDate: getSubOrAddDaysDate('sub', 7), endDate: currentDate, }, { name: __('Last 30 Days', 'cp'), value: 'last30Days', startDate: getSubOrAddDaysDate('sub', 30), endDate: currentDate, }, { name: __('Last Week', 'cp'), value: 'lastWeek', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(endOfWeek(new Date()), { days: 14 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate(sub(endOfWeek(new Date()), { days: 8 })), }, { name: __('Last Month', 'cp'), value: 'lastMonth', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { months: 1 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { days: 1 }) ), }, { name: __('Last Quarter', 'cp'), value: 'lastQuarter', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { months: 3 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { days: 1 }) ), }, { name: __('Last Year', 'cp'), value: 'lastYear', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfYear(new Date()), { years: 1 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfYear(new Date()), { days: 1 }) ), }, { name: __('Last 6 months', 'cp'), value: 'last6Months', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { months: 6 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { days: 1 }) ), }, { name: __('Last 12 months', 'cp'), value: 'last12Months', startDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { months: 12 }) ), endDate: getFormattedDate( sub(startOfMonth(new Date()), { days: 1 }) ), }, { name: __('All Time', 'cp'), value: 'allTime', startDate: '-1', endDate: '-1', }, { name: __('Custom Range', 'cp'), value: 'customRange', startDate: '', endDate: '', }, ]; }