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File: zray/vendor/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.2.0/CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Docs/Formatting/MultipleStatementAlignmentStandard.xml

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  Classes of Simo   CodeIgniter Plugin for Z-Ray   zray/vendor/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.2.0/CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Docs/Formatting/MultipleStatementAlignmentStandard.xml   Download  
File: zray/vendor/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.2.0/CodeSniffer/Standards/Generic/Docs/Formatting/MultipleStatementAlignmentStandard.xml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CodeIgniter Plugin for Z-Ray
Show CodeIgniter application information in Z-Ray
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,741 bytes



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<documentation title="Aligning Blocks of Assignments"> <standard> <![CDATA[ There should be one space on either side of an equals sign used to assign a value to a variable. In the case of a block of related assignments, more space may be inserted to promote readability. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Equals signs aligned"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em>=</em> (1 + 2); $veryLongVarName <em>=</em> 'string'; $var <em>=</em> foo($bar, $baz, $quux); ]]> </code> <code title="Not aligned; harder to read"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em>=</em> (1 + 2); $veryLongVarName <em>=</em> 'string'; $var <em>=</em> foo($bar, $baz, $quux); ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <standard> <![CDATA[ When using plus-equals, minus-equals etc. still ensure the equals signs are aligned to one space after the longest variable name. ]]> </standard> <code_comparison> <code title="Equals signs aligned; only one space after longest var name"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em>+= </em>1; $veryLongVarName<em> = </em>1; ]]> </code> <code title="Two spaces after longest var name"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em> += </em>1; $veryLongVarName<em> = </em>1; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> <code_comparison> <code title="Equals signs aligned"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em> = </em>1; $veryLongVarName<em> -= </em>1; ]]> </code> <code title="Equals signs not aligned"> <![CDATA[ $shortVar <em> = </em>1; $veryLongVarName<em> -= </em>1; ]]> </code> </code_comparison> </documentation>