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File: public/images/flags/kz.svg
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8.1-2.7 8.1-5.2s-2.4-3-5.7-3 1.4 1.7-1.4 3-4.8-2-4.8-4.1c0-2.1 7.2-2.8 12-1.2.9-4.7 1.3-5-5.3-13 4.8 3 5.2 3.8 10.5 2-5.3 4.6-1.4 13.7-1.2 16s-1 5.2-3.1 6.6c-3.8 3.5-12.2 3.6-17.2 1.4-7.2-3.3-7.6-12.8-5.7-16L87 346.6c1.5-2.4-2.3-10.4-10.9-10.7-9-.7-12.1 8.8-13.7 12.9l12.3-1s.5 2 0 3.2a110 110 0 0 0-12.3 1.6l-.5 6.2h6l-.4 2.8s-5.1-.4-5.6 0c-.5.3-1 6.2-1 6.2s-1 .4-2 .4-2-.4-2-.4-.4-5.9-.9-6.2c-.5-.4-5.6 0-5.6 0l-.5-2.8H56l-.5-6.2s-6-1.2-12.3-1.6c-.4-1.2 0-3.1 0-3.1l12.3.9c-1.6-4.1-4.7-13.6-13.7-13-8.6.4-12.4 8.4-11 10.8L58 405.2c1.9 3.1 1.5 12.7-5.7 16-5 2.2-13.4 2-17.2-1.4-2.1-1.4-3.3-4.2-3.1-6.5s4-11.6-1.2-16c5.3 1.7 5.8 1 10.5-2.1-6.6 8-6.2 8.3-5.2 13 4.7-1.6 11.9-1 11.9 1.2 0 2-2 5.5-4.8 4.1-2.8-1.4 2-3-1.4-3-3.3 0-5.7.6-5.7 3s3.3 5.2 8 5.2 10.5-2.4 9.6-11c-1-8.7-29-57-29-62.8 0-6 5.2-13.5 19-13.5 9-.7 12.3 8.7 15.5 11.9z"/> <path d="M59.1 319.4c3.3 3.2 6 12.6 15 12 13.8 0 19-7.7 19-13.6 0-5.9-28-54-29-62.7-1-8.7 4.8-11.1 9.5-11.1 4.8 0 8.1 2.7 8.1 5.2s-2.4 3-5.7 3 1.4-1.6-1.4-3-4.8 2-4.8 4.1c0 2.1 7.2 2.8 12 1.2.9 4.7 1.3 5-5.3 13 4.8-3 5.2-3.8 10.5-2-5.3-4.6-1.4-13.7-1.2-16s-1-5.2-3.1-6.6c-3.8-3.4-12.2-3.6-17.2-1.4-7.2 3.3-7.6 12.8-5.7 16L87 316c1.5 2.4-2.3 10.4-10.9 10.7-9 .7-12.1-8.8-13.7-12.9l12.3 1s.5-2 0-3.2a110 110 0 0 1-12.3-1.6l-.5-6.2h6l-.4-2.8s-5.1.4-5.6 0c-.5-.3-1-6.2-1-6.2s-1-.4-2-.4-2 .4-2 .4-.4 5.9-.9 6.2c-.5.4-5.6 0-5.6 0l-.5 2.8H56l-.5 6.2s-6 1.2-12.3 1.6c-.4 1.2 0 3.1 0 3.1l12.3-.9c-1.6 4.1-4.7 13.6-13.7 13-8.6-.4-12.4-8.4-11-10.8L58 257.5c1.9-3.2 1.5-12.7-5.7-16-5-2.2-13.4-2-17.2 1.4-2.1 1.4-3.3 4.2-3.1 6.5s4 11.5-1.2 16c5.3-1.7 5.8-1 10.5 2.1-6.6-8-6.2-8.3-5.2-13 4.7 1.6 11.9 1 11.9-1.2 0-2-2-5.5-4.8-4.1-2.8 1.4 2 3-1.4 3-3.3 0-5.7-.6-5.7-3s3.3-5.2 8-5.2 10.5 2.4 9.6 11c-1 8.7-29 57-29 62.8 0 6 5.2 13.5 19 13.5 9 .7 12.3-8.7 15.5-11.9z"/> <path d="M59.1 160.6c3.3-3.2 6-12.6 15-12 13.8 0 19 7.7 19 13.6 0 5.9-28 54-29 62.8-1 8.6 4.8 11 9.5 11 4.8 0 8.1-2.7 8.1-5.1s-2.4-3.2-5.7-3.2 1.4 1.8-1.4 3.2-4.8-2.1-4.8-4.2c0-2 7.2-2.8 12-1.2.9-4.7 1.3-5-5.3-13 4.8 3.1 5.2 3.8 10.5 2-5.3 4.6-1.4 13.8-1.2 16s-1 5.2-3.1 6.6c-3.8 3.5-12.2 3.6-17.2 1.4-7.2-3.3-7.6-12.8-5.7-16L87 164c1.5-2.4-2.3-10.4-10.9-10.7-9-.7-12.1 8.8-13.7 12.9l12.3-1s.5 2 0 3.2c-6.4.4-12.3 1.6-12.3 1.6l-.5 6.2h6l-.4 2.8s-5.1-.3-5.6 0-1 6.3-1 6.3-1 .3-2 .3-2-.3-2-.3-.4-6-.9-6.3c-.5-.3-5.6 0-5.6 0l-.5-2.8H56l-.5-6.2s-6-1.2-12.3-1.6c-.4-1.2 0-3.1 0-3.1l12.3.9c-1.6-4.1-4.7-13.6-13.7-13-8.6.4-12.4 8.4-11 10.8L58 222.5c1.9 3.2 1.5 12.7-5.7 16-5 2.2-13.4 2-17.2-1.4-2.1-1.4-3.3-4.2-3.1-6.5s4-11.5-1.2-16c5.3 1.7 5.8 1 10.5-2.1-6.6 8-6.2 8.3-5.2 13 4.7-1.6 11.9-.9 11.9 1.2 0 2-2 5.5-4.8 4.1-2.8-1.3 2-3-1.4-3-3.3 0-5.7.6-5.7 3s3.3 5.2 8 5.2 10.5-2.4 9.6-11c-1-8.7-29-56.9-29-62.8 0-5.9 5.2-13.5 19-13.5 9-.7 12.3 8.7 15.5 12z"/> <path d="M59.1 136.7c3.3 3.2 6 12.7 15 12 13.8 0 19-7.7 19-13.6 0-5.9-28-54-29-62.7-1-8.7 4.8-11.1 9.5-11.1 4.8 0 8.1 2.8 8.1 5.2s-2.4 3.1-5.7 3.1 1.4-1.7-1.4-3.1-4.8 2-4.8 4.1c0 2.1 7.2 2.8 12 1.2.9 4.7 1.3 5-5.3 13 4.8-3 5.2-3.8 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6.5C78.8 58 70.5 58 65.5 55.8c-7.3-3.2-7.7-12.8-5.8-16L80 19.3c1.4-2.4 2-9.2-6.6-9.5-9-.7-12.2 11.6-13.8 15.7C57.5 21 55.1 8.6 46 9.3c-8.6.3-10.2 7-8.8 9.5l20.7 21c2 3.2 1.6 12.8-5.7 16-5 2.3-13.3 2.1-17.1-1.4-2.2-1.4-3.4-4.1-3.2-6.5s4.1-11.5-1.1-16c5.2 1.7 5.7 1 10.4-2-6.6 7.9-6.1 8.2-5.2 13 4.8-1.6 12-1 12 1.1s-2 5.6-4.9 4.2c-2.8-1.4 2-3.1-1.4-3.1-3.3 0-5.7.7-5.7 3s3.3 5.3 8.1 5.3 10.5-2.4 9.5-11.1-22-18.1-22-24c0-6 1.4-13.1 15.2-13.1 9-.7 10.1 4.6 13.4 7.8z"/> </g> <g fill="#ffe400" transform="translate(-194.7 8.3) scale(1.0673)"> <rect width="170.2" height="161.3" x="425.9" y="104.5" rx="85.1" ry="80.7"/> <path d="M507 56.4c-.8 0-4.6 26.8-6 32.8-1.4 13.5 18 13 14.8-.5L507 56.3zm6.8 259.8c.7 0 6.5-26.5 8.4-32.4 2.3-13.3-17.1-14-15-.4l6.6 32.8zM378.2 184.6c0 .7 27.9 6.3 34.1 8.1 14 2.3 15-16 .6-14l-34.7 6zm271.7 3.2c0-.7-28.2-5.3-34.5-6.9-14.1-1.7-14.2 16.6 0 14.1l34.5-7.2zM406.8 99.6c-.5.5 17.9 21.3 21.6 26.4 9.6 10 22.3-4 9.6-10.8l-31.2-15.5zm211.1 171c.5-.5-19.7-19.7-23.9-24.4-10.5-9.2-21.8 5.7-8.6 11.5l32.5 13zm-169-200c-.6.3 8 26.1 9.4 32.2 4.8 12.7 22.2 4.4 13.2-6.5L449 70.6zM572 303c.7-.3-6-26.6-6.9-32.7-3.9-13-21.8-6-13.7 5.6l20.7 27zm30.3-214.4c-.6-.5-22.8 16.6-28.2 20-10.7 9 3.8 21.2 11.2 9.3l17-29.3zm-183 193.7c.5.5 24-15 29.6-18.1 11.3-8.2-2.2-21.4-10.5-10l-19 28.1zm-35-144.1c-.3.6 24 14.7 29.3 18.4 12.5 6.5 19.8-10.5 5.5-13.2l-34.8-5.2zM638 236.6c.3-.6-23-16.3-28-20.3-12-7.4-20.5 9.1-6.4 12.7l34.4 7.6zM557.4 63.7c-.7-.2-14.6 23.4-18.3 28.5a7.8 7.8 0 0 0 14 4.7l4.3-33.2zM463.5 308c.7.3 16.3-22.4 20.3-27.3 7.3-11.6-10.4-19-13.7-5.6l-6.6 32.9zM386 238.7c.3.6 28-6 34.5-7 13.6-3.8 6-20.6-6-12.8L386 238.7zM638.1 136c-.2-.6-28.3 4.1-34.8 4.7-14 2.9-7.5 20.2 5 13.2l29.8-17.9z"/> <path d="M534.6 58.1c-.7-.1-10.1 25.4-12.9 31-4.1 13 15 16.2 14.7 2.4L534.7 58zM486.1 314c.7.2 12-24.7 15.2-30.2 5-12.6-13.8-17-14.5-3.3L486 314zm-9.7-253.4c-.7.2 1.9 27.2 1.9 33.4 1.9 13.3 20.6 8.7 14.4-3.7l-16.3-29.7zm68 251.9c.7-.1 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