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File: js/code/chat.js

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  Classes of António Lira Fernandes   Chat Text   js/code/chat.js   Download  
File: js/code/chat.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Chat Text
Exchange text messages between Web site users
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,894 bytes



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//const _SERVIDORgt = ""; const _SERVIDORch= window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/"; const renderChat = async () => { //console.log("ver"); const response = await fetch(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/listaMensagens`) const lv = await response.json() //console.log(lv) let strHtml = ` ` let foto let last=-1 let msgForRead=0 //alert("bbb"); for (const l of lv) { if (l.senderFoto!=""){ foto=l.senderFoto; }else{ foto="/templates/AdminLTE/dist/img/user.png"; } if (l.idSender==l.idLog){ //I'm the sender if (l.noRead==1){ txt=`<small class="badge badge-info" ><i class="far fa-clock"></i>Ainda não lido</small>`; }else{ txt=""; } strHtml += ` <div class="direct-chat-msg"> <div class="direct-chat-infos clearfix"> <span class="direct-chat-name float-left">${l.sender} -> ${l.destination}</span> <span class="direct-chat-timestamp float-right">${l.dateTime}</span> </div> <!-- /.direct-chat-infos --> <img class="direct-chat-img" src="${foto}" alt="${l.sender}"> <!-- /.direct-chat-img --> <div class="direct-chat-text"> ${l.msg} ${txt} </div> <!-- /.direct-chat-text --> </div> ` }else{ //I'm the destination if (last==-1){ last=l.idSender; } msgForRead+=l.noRead*1; if (l.noRead==1){ txt=`<small class="badge badge-info" onClick="read(${})"><i class="far fa-clock"></i>Novo</small>`; }else{ txt=""; } strHtml += ` <div class="direct-chat-msg right"> <div class="direct-chat-infos clearfix"> <span class="direct-chat-name float-right">${l.sender}</span> <span class="direct-chat-timestamp float-left">${l.dateTime}</span> </div> <!-- /.direct-chat-infos --> <img class="direct-chat-img" src="${foto}" alt="${l.sender}"> <!-- /.direct-chat-img --> <div class="direct-chat-text"> ${l.msg} ${txt} </div> <!-- /.direct-chat-text --> </div> ` } } document.getElementById("chatTxt").innerHTML = strHtml document.getElementById("chatTxtDest").value = last //alert(msgForRead); document.getElementById("chatTxtNewMsg").innerHTML = msgForRead } const renderDestinatarios = async () => { //console.log("ver"); const response = await fetch(_SERVIDORch +`public/users/lista`) const lv = await response.json() //console.log(lv) let strHtml = ` <option value=-1>... Seleciona um destinatário</option> ` //alert("bbb"); for (const l of lv) { strHtml += ` <option value='${}'>${}</option> ` } document.getElementById("chatTxtDest").innerHTML = strHtml } const addMsg = async () => { let idD=document.getElementById("chatTxtDest").value let msg=document.getElementById("chatTxtMsg").value //alert(`idD=${idD}&msg=${msg}`); //console.log("aqui"); //console.log(px); const response = await fetch(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/addMsg`, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, method: "POST", body: `idD=${idD}&msg=${msg}` }) renderChat(); document.getElementById("chatTxtMsg").value="" } const read = async (id) => { let idD=document.getElementById("chatTxtDest").value let msg=document.getElementById("chatTxtMsg").value //alert(`idD=${idD}&msg=${msg}`); //console.log("aqui"); //console.log(px); //alert(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/read/${id}`) const response = await fetch(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/read/${id}`) renderChat(); //document.getElementById("chatTxtMsg").value="" } const renderChatNews = async () => { //console.log("ver"); //alert(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/news`) const response = await fetch(_SERVIDORch +`public/chat/news`) const lv = await response.json() //console.log(lv) //alert("bbb"); let novas=document.getElementById("chatTxtNewMsg").innerHTML for (const l of lv) { if (>novas){ renderChat(); } } document.getElementById("chatTxtNewMsg1").innerHTML = novas }