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File: LoggerDemo.php

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File: LoggerDemo.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: See "HowToInstall.txt" for info
Class: Logger_ciacob
Log variable values to files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 3,170 bytes



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require_once ('domit/xml_domit_include.php');
    require_once (
    require_once (

    * Showcases the functionality of the Logger class.
    * Logger is an on-disk var_dump()ing tool for PHP developpers. You use it to log values from your
    * PHP program, at runtime.
    * @author Claudius Tiberiu Iacob <>.
    * @license Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike - Claudius Tiberiu Iacob 2009
class LoggerDemo {

        * @constructor
        * Logging pretty much of anything one would need: strings, integers, arrays, objects...
public function __construct () {
// Log a string:
Logger::getInstance()->log ('This is my string');
// Log a number:
Logger::getInstance()->log (1908734619);
// Log an array:
$myArray = array ('red' => 0xff0000, 'green' => 0x00ff00, 'blue' => 0x0000ff);
Logger::getInstance()->log ($myArray);
// Log an object:
$myObject = new Foo();
Logger::getInstance()->log ($myObject);
// Log a resource:
$myResource = fopen (__FILE__, 'r');
Logger::getInstance()->log ($myResource);
fclose ($myResource);
// Log the special value NULL:
Logger::getInstance()->log (null);
// Log boolean false:
Logger::getInstance()->log (false);
// Log boolean true:
Logger::getInstance()->log (true);
// Done with logging.
            // Remember that you have no restrictions as to when is logging permitted; since output
            // goes to a file on disk rather than user's browser, you're not interfering with HTTP
            // headers, nor HTML layout.
$this->makePageContent ();

// Less relevant class methods...
private function makePageContent () {
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
            <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" >
                      <h2>Logger Demo</h2>
                      <p>This class executes a series of calls to
                      <code>Logger::getInstance()->log(...)</code> in its constructor method. Examine
                      the source code of <code>LoggerDemo.php</code> and the resulting <code>'
$this->getLogFileLocation() . '</code> file.

        private function
getLogFileLocation () {
$configData = new DOMIT_Document();
$configData->loadXML ('ParamsProxy_config.xml');
$configFolderPath = $configData->documentElement->getElementsByPath('//value', 1)->getText();
$commonParentFolder = dirname ($configFolderPath);
            if (
strpos ($commonParentFolder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !==
strlen ($commonParentFolder) - 1) {
$commonParentFolder .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$logsFolderPath = $commonParentFolder . 'logs';
$logFilePath = $logsFolderPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . LoggerDemo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .

$loggerDemo = new LoggerDemo();

// Sample class to demonstrate logging of objects:
class Foo {
$bar = 'bar';