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File: csvfd.1m

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File: csvfd.1m
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: man file for csvfd (csvfielddump)
Class: csvFieldDump
Pull only the fields you want from a csv file.
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 1,799 bytes



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'\" t .\"*************************************************************************** .\" Mark made this csvfd 2002/nov/08 * .\"*************************************************************************** .\" .TH csvfd .ds n 5 .ds d /usr/bin/csvfd .SH NAME \fBcsvfd\fR - Dump specified fields from a csv file .SH SYNOPSIS \fBcsvfd\fR [ GNU style options] [\fB-F -FO -dh -dn 1,2,3 \fR] [\fBfile\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBcsvfd\fR looks in \fIfile\fR for \fBfields\fR specified. For each one found, a line is written to standard output. The csv field headers can also be sing the -dh (dump headers) flag. Fields can be specified by either name or number (both can be acertained using the \fI-dh\fR flag on the csv file first to figure out which fields you want. .TP 5 \fB-dh\fR Dump csv file headers - dumps the first line of the specified csv in a numbered list. .TP 5 \fB-df\ <n>\fR Dump field(s) number n - accepts comma delimited list for multiple field numbers eg: -df 1,2,3 .TP 5 \fB-dn <n>\fR Like \fB-df\fR but takes the names of the csv fields instead - eg -dn Code,UID,Desc,Name (commas for multiple names) .TP 5 \fB-F\fR Sets the field delimiter that is used in the input csv file .TP 5 \fB-FO\fR Sets the output field delimiter that will be used in the output of csvfd .SH FILES .TP 20 \*d .SH NOTES This script was written by Mark Williamson - its a php class sitting in a dir in a path. It tries to pretend its a c style linux app in its argument processing. .SH SEE ALSO \fBphp\fR(3X) .SH AUTHOR Mark Williamson .\"# .\"# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS .\"# Local Variables: .\"# mode:nroff .\"# fill-column:79 .\"# End: .\"# 8/nov/2002