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  Classes of Mark Quah   INIParser   README.TXT   Download  
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Class: INIParser
use ini format to generate HTML image
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Date: 22 years ago
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FUNCTION DESCRIPTION IS AT THE END OF THIS FILE. Description: This class is aim to read in .ini file into array for easy reference. Syntax: $data = new INIPARSER( "filename" [, "start state", "debuglevel"]) explanation: $filename: empty if you want to 'program' in the data. start state = 0 wait for keyword PARSERSTART before interpretation start state = 1 jump straight into interpretation This is give me three mode of reading an ini file which illustrates in the sample script ----------------------------------------------- EXTERNAL DATA FILE Say a file with format: [category1] item1="asfasfd" item2="safdasdfsaf" item3="asfdasfdasfd" [category2, FREE] line 1 lsjdfsadf line 2 lsajfdlsadfsf [ ] encloses the category name, if the items are free forms, ie no equal signs, use a ",FREE" after the category name. To read this file, $data = new INIPARSER("filename"); echo $data->item['category1']['item1']."<BR>"; echo $data->item['category1']['item2']."<BR>"; ... echo $data->item['category2'][0]."<BR>"; echo $data->item['category2'][1]."<BR>"; echo $data->item['category2'][2]."<BR>"; -------------------------------------------------------- INTERNAL SOURCE If I want to embed the table in my php script, here's how I do it: Note that class start with referencing itself using PHP built-in variable __FILE__, and init state 0, ie don't interprete unless between PARSERSTART and PARSEREND pair. <?php include_once "class_iniparser.php"; $data= new INIPARSER(__FILE__, 0); ..... die; // so I won't leak out the following lines to client ?> <! // so it will not display even it leak out PARSERSTART [cat1] item1=asfddsaf .... PASEREND !> -------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAMM MODE For those who want to rig in prgram code, here's how to assess parser engine directly, one line at one time: $data = new INIPARSER(""); $data->ParseLine('[cat1]'); $data->ParseLine('item1=sdfsadf'); .... ======================================================== Update Category using item from another category If I have two category: [FIELD] data1=abc date2=def [STYLE] HEADER=<BODY ALIGN=CENTER> [CONTENT, FREE] {HEADER} Data 1 is {data1} and Data 2 is {data2} Why don't I use data in FIELD to update CONTENT to give me Data 1 is abc and Data 2 is def That's how I do it: $data->UpdateCat('HTML', 'CONTENT', 'STYLE', 'FIELD', ...) The 'CONTENT' must be a FREE format since it is the data and not the key that changes and 'FIELD; must be a index field since it must have both key and value. The declaration of FREE category is by adding a ", FREE" prefix. Note that the change in destination cat is permanent, ie the data in 'HTML' is change permanently. If such changes is not desired, have to do a bit of work $content = $data->GetCatStr('HTML'); $html = $data->UpdateStr($content, 'STYLE'); $html = $data->UpdateStr($html, 'FIELD'); $html = $data->UpdateStr($html, 'FIELD2'); $html = $data->UpdateStr($html, 'FIELD3'); The command GetCatStr will return a string that contains all the row in the FREE format category. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================ function INIPARSER($file_name = "", $parse_state=1, $debug_level=1) USES: to initialize INIPARSER class INPUT: file_name : name of ini file to be read in "": start with empty set parase_state: 1: jump straight into interpretation 0: wait for PARSERSTART before interpretation PARSEREND will end. Use for embeded data within PHP program or data file debug_level: 0 - 9: 0 no output, 9: very messy output. ============================ function ParseFile($file_name="", $parse_state=1) USES: to read in category from a file INPUT file_name: file to be read parse_state: as in INIPARSER ============================ function ReadFile($des_cat, $file_name) USES: To read a file content into a FREE FORM category INPUT: $des_cat: destination category to be used $file_name: name of file to be read OUTPUT: content of file stored in $this->item[$des_cat][<line_no start from 0>] to reproduct: $str = $this->GenCatStr($des_cat); ============================ function ReadStr($des_cat, $str) USES: To store a string of text into a FREE FORM category INPUT: $des_cat: destination category to be used $str: data content OUTPUT: content of file stored in $this->item[$des_cat][<line_no start from 0>] to reproduct: $str = $this->GenCatStr($des_cat); ============================ function SetItem($des_cat, $field_name, $value) USES: to store a value to an item within a category INPUT: $des_cat: destination category $field_name: destination field $value: value to be stored REMARK to retreive: $value = $this->item[$des_cat][$field_name] ============================ function ParseLine($buffer) INTERNAL: parse ini file with a state diagram. ============================ function ParseCategory($input) INTERNAL: to determine a category header is free form or index ============================ function ParseItem($input) INTERNAL: to add an item according to category type ============================ function UpdateCat( $tmpl_cat, $data_cat, $des_cat = "") USES: To replace {} fields in $tmpl_cat with actual value from $data_cat If des_cat is ommitted, $tmpl_cat is overwritten INPUT $tmpl_cat: template category whose items contain {} field $data_cat: {name} field will be replaced by the $this->item[data_cat]['name'] $des_cat: destination cat to be written to, if empty, tmpl_cat is used. ============================ function UpdateStr( $str, $src_cat) USES: to replace {} fields in string with the src_cat ============================ function GetCatStr( $cat) USES: to combine the items in the $cat to give a string INPUT: $cat: category to be output OUTPUT: string eg. $html = GetCatStr("HTML_SOURCE"); ============================ function GenForm() USES: Single template with multiple data sources merge INPUT: Arg 1 (MUST) des_cat: des_cat to be written to Arg 2 (MUST) tmpl_cat: template cat with {} fields Arg 3- (OPTION) data_cat: zero or more data cat to be merged OUTPUT: string of the destination cat Example $html = $this->GenForm("HTML_FINAL", "HTML_TEMPLATE", "STYLE_DATA", "FIELD_DATA"); HTML_TEMPLATE's {} fields will be replaced by items in STYLE_DATA followed by FIELD_DATA in that order. The output is returned to $html. ============================ function FormLogic($action_cat, $action) USES: based on the $action, trigger respective function [HTMLACTION] ACTION1=FUNC1, FILENAME1.php, FILENAME2.php ACTION2=FUNC2 FormLogic('HTMLACTION', 'ACTION1') will cause this action: include FILENAME1.php; include FILENAME2.php; FUNC1(); FormLogic('HTMLACTION', 'ACTION2') will cause this action: FUNC2(); Note that I have not master how to throw in the argument. If you can post it to me. ============================ function ShowItem( $html = 1) USES: to show all category and item on screen. For debugging purposes. ============================ function SetForm($form_name, $action_file="", $action_field="form_action", $method="POST", $extension="") USES: To create a form related field: INPUT: form_name: name of the form to be generated action_file: the form will be submitted to this URL action_field: the name of the field containing the action value method: form method, either POST or GET extenstion: eg encode=multpart/application ... OUTPUT $this->item["FORM_NAME"]["FORMSTART"] = <FORM NAME=FORM_NAME METHOD=GET ACTION=action_file $extension> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=action_field> note that this formstart will be added hidden fidden field with AddFormHidden statement; $this->item["FORM_NAME"]["JSSUBMIT"] = <script>function SUBMIT(value) { document.forms.FORM_NAME.action_field = value; document.forms.submit(); } </script> use for page link. Eg <A HREF='javascript:SUBMIT('FORMACTION')'>FORM ACTION</A> will create a link to jump to the same page but execute the function defined by FORMACTION in the logic category. ============================ function AddFormHidden($form_name, $name, $value) USES: To add a hidden field to pass information between pages INPUT: FORM_NAME: form name to add to $name: name of the field $value: value of the field OUTPUT $this->item[FORM_NAME]['FORMSSTART'] will be appended with a statement: <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=name VALUE=value> ============================ function Debug($level, $msg) USES: Debug purpose. If $level < $this->debug_level, the msg will not be displayed ============================ function Output($str, $html) INTERNAL