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File: example_regex_callback.php

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  Classes of Thiemo Kreuz   TM::Apeform   example_regex_callback.php   Download  
File: example_regex_callback.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Extended validation methods with callbacks and regular expressions
Class: TM::Apeform
A very abstract web form builder and processor
Author: By
Last change: Accessible without user login
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 1,965 bytes



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// Include the original TM::Apeform class to be extended.

 * Extended TM::Apeform class.
class ExtendedApeform extends Apeform
regex($patterns, $offset = -1)
        if (
$offset < 0) $offset += count($this->_rows);
$value = &$this->_rows[$offset]['value'];

        foreach ((array)
$patterns as $pattern => $message)
// Required to handle multiple text elements.
foreach ((array)$value as $singleValue)
                if (!
preg_match($pattern, $singleValue))
$this->error($message, $offset);

callback_price($offset = -1)
        if (
$offset < 0) $offset += count($this->_rows);
$value = &$this->_rows[$offset]['value'];

$price = $value[0] + $value[1] / 100;
        if (
$price <= 0) $this->error("Price can not be empty");

callback_price(&$form, $offset = -1)
    if (
$offset < 0) $offset += count($form->_rows);
$value = &$form->_rows[$offset]['value'];

$price = $value[0] + $value[1] / 100;
    if (
$price <= 0) $form->error("Price can not be empty");

$form = new ExtendedApeform();

$price = $form->text("Price", "This one uses regular expressions\t.\t Euro",
"", array(10, 2));
// Define a bunch of regular expressions and error messages.
'/^\d*$/s' => "Invalid characters in price",
'/^.+$/s' => "Empty fields not allowed in price"));

$price = $form->text("Price", "This one uses an inner callback method\t.\t Euro",
"", array(10, 2));

$price = $form->text("Price", "This one uses an outer callback function\t.\t Euro",
"", array(10, 2));

