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File: Abs_Xml_Rss/AbsRssWriter20/how_to/how_to_AbsRssWriter20.txt

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File: Abs_Xml_Rss/AbsRssWriter20/how_to/how_to_AbsRssWriter20.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: How to use this class
Class: Abs_Xml_Rss
Read and write RSS and Atom feeds
Author: By
Last change: I've added the documentation for the GetDocument function.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 5,508 bytes



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This file describes the usage of the following class: * AbsRssWriter20 * class AbsRssWriter20 This class can be used to create an RSS 2.0 xml feed document. * Protected Properties * $_doc : Holds the feed's content * Public Methods * StartDocument( $xmlStylesheetFile = '' ) * AddNamespaces( $xmlns = array() ) * AddChannelTags( array $channelTags ) * AddItems( $itemTags = array() ) * EndDocument() * Display() * GetDocument() * SaveDocument( $dirPath, $fileName ) * final public function StartDocument( $xmlStylesheetFile = '' ) Starts the xml document. The optional argument is the path to the xml stylesheet file. * Example: <?php include "class.AbsRssWriter20.php"; $xml = new AbsRssWriter20(); // START DOCUMENT $xml->StartDocument('xsl_stylesheet.xsl'); ?> will have as a result: <?php <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xsl_stylesheet.xsl"?><rss version="2.0" ?> * final public function AddNamespaces( $xmlns = array() ) This function adds the provided namespaces to the document. These are optional. * Example: <?php // ADD NAMESPACES $ns = array( 'slash' => '' ,'content' => '' ,'wfw' => '' ,'dc' => '' ); $xml->AddNamespaces($ns); ?> will have as a result: <?php xmlns:slash="" xmlns:content="" xmlns:wfw="" xmlns:dc="" > ?> * final public function AddChannelTags( array $channelTags ) This function adds the provided channel tags. * Example: <?php // ADD CHANNEL TAGS $channelTags = array( 'title' => 'Latest entries on: Blog Name Here' ,'link' => 'http://blog-url-here/' ,'description' => "Coding is fun!" ,'pubDate' => 'Mon, 10 Apr 2009 22:00:40' ,'generator' => 'Blog Name Here' ,'language' => 'en-us' ,'dc:publisher' => 'Costin Trifan' ,'copyright' => 'Copyright (c) 2008 Costin Trifan. All rights reserved. blah blah.. ); $xml->AddChannelTags($channelTags); ?> will have as a result: <?php <channel> <title>Latest entries on: Blog Name Here</title> <link>http://blog-url-here/</link> <description>Coding is fun!</description> <pubDate>Mon, 10 Apr 2009 22:00:40</pubDate> <generator>Blog Name Here</generator> <language>en-us</language> <dc:publisher>Costin Trifan</dc:publisher> <copyright>Copyright (c) 2008 Costin Trifan. All rights reserved. blah blah..</copyright> ?> * final public function AddItems( $itemTags = array() ) This function adds the provided item tags to the document. The $itemTags parameter should be provided as a bidimensional array. * Example: <?php // ADD ENTRIES // A bidimensional array is required! $itemTags = array( array( 'title' => 'Post 1' ,'link' => 'http://blog-url-here/post.php?pid=11' ,'description' => "<![CDATA[Posts's short description goes here]]>" ,'slash:comments' => 40 ,'comments' => 'http://blog-name-here/post.php?pid=11#comments' ,'pubDate' => 'Sun, 12 Apr 2009 02:01:52 GMT' ,'category' => 'PHP' ), array( 'title' => 'Post Title 2' ,'link' => 'http://blog-url-here/post.php?pid=10' ,'description' => "<![CDATA[Posts's short description goes here]]>" ,'slash:comments' => 120 ,'comments' => 'http://blog-name-here/post.php?pid=10#comments' ,'pubDate' => 'Sun, 11 Apr 2009 02:01:52 GMT' ,'category' => 'WEB' ) ); $xml->AddItems($itemTags); ?> will have as a result: <?php <item> <title>Post 1</title> <link>http://blog-url-here/post.php?pid=11</link> <description><![CDATA[Posts's short description goes here]]></description> <slash:comments>40</slash:comments> <comments>http://blog-name-here/post.php?pid=11#comments</comments> <pubDate>Sun, 12 Apr 2009 02:01:52 GMT</pubDate> <category>PHP</category> </item> <item> <title>Post 2</title> <link>http://blog-url-here/post.php?pid=10</link> <description><![CDATA[Posts's short description goes here]]></description> <slash:comments>120</slash:comments> <comments>http://blog-name-here/post.php?pid=10#comments</comments> <pubDate>Sun, 11 Apr 2009 02:01:52 GMT</pubDate> <category>WEB</category> </item> ?> Note that you should escape special characters before adding them into the document. * final public function EndDocument() This function adds the closing document's tags. * Example: <?php // END DOCUMENT $xml->EndDocument(); ?> will have as a result: <?php </channel></rss> ?> * final public function Display() This function will display the generated xml feed. * Example: <?php // DISPLAY CONTENT $xml->Display(); ?> * final public function GetDocument() This function returns the content of the document. * Example: <?php // GET DOCUMENT $content = $xml->GetDocument(); ?> Now, the $content variable will contain the generated xml document; * final public function SaveDocument( $dirPath, $fileName ) This function will save the generated xml feed into the specified file($fileName) in the directory($dirPath). * Example: <?php // SAVE THE FEED'S CONTENT INTO AN XML FILE $xml->SaveDocument(getcwd(),'rss_2.xml'); ?>