You just need multiple (protected!) functions in your class with the special signature to work with them in an object as known from JAVA etc.
There are 7 types that you can vary:
B - Boolean
I - Integer / Long
F - Float / Double
S - String
A - Array
O - Object
R - Ressource
Just add these letters after an underline character ("_") to define the signature of the function. All functions have to be protected!
Here is an example:
class Example extends Overload
protected function foo()
return NULL;
protected function foo_S($string)
echo $string;
protected function foo_SI($string, $integer)
$string . " equals " . $integer . ".";
Now you can call just "foo" with different signatures:
$o = new Example();
$o->foo(); // Will call foo()
$o->foo("Hello World!"); // Will call foo_S("Hello World!")
$o->foo("Pi", 3); // Will call foo_SI("Pi", 3)
$o->foo(3, "Pi"); // Will lead to an error because there is no
function with foo_IS
$o->foo($o, 1); // Will lead to an error because there is no
function with foo_OI
NOTE: It only works in objects / non-static functions.