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File: QueryTemplates.php

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File: QueryTemplates.php
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Description: QueryTemplates.php
Class: Query Templates
Template engine using load, traverse and modify
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<?php /** * QueryTemplates is a PHP templating engine using pure HTML files in popular * web 2.0 pattern load-traverse-modify using jQuery-like chainable API. * * @version 1.0 Beta1 * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @license MIT License * @link */ require_once(dirname(realpath(__FILE__))."/QueryTemplatesTemplate.php"); /** * Static methods namespace class. * * @static * @package QueryTemplates * @author Tobiasz Cudnik <tobiasz.cudnik/> * @license MIT License * @link */ abstract class QueryTemplates { /** * Turns on/off debug. Includes phpQuery's one. * @param bool * @see phpQuery::$debug */ public static $debug = false; /** * Path to direcotry where cached templates will be stored. * @var string * @see self::$cacheTimeout */ public static $targetsPath = './cache/'; /** * Checks if source template file exists and if it has been modified. * Can be turned off for performance reasons on production enviroment. * @var bool */ public static $monitorTemplateModification = true; /** * Checks if source code file has been modified. * Use it only on developement enviroment as it runs debug_backtrace() every time. * @var bool * @TODO */ public static $monitorCodeModification = false; /** * Path prepended to templates names. * @var string * TODO refactor to $sourcePath */ public static $sourcesPath = ''; /** * Timeout for cached templates in minutes. * Generally uneeded because of checking templates modification time. * False (default) means no timeout. * -1 turns off cache. * @var mixed * @see self::$cache * @see self::$targetsPath */ public static $cacheTimeout = null; /** * Use HTML Tidy for pretty output (if avaible). * Tidy is included with every PHP5 installation, but it has be manually activated in php.ini. * Value == 1 means tidy only partial templates (with no <html> or <body> tags) * This is supposed to work quite well. * Value == 2 means tidy all, including files with <head>, and this can fail, * if You have <?php tags inside <head> with nested <script> tags. * @todo Strip out HTML/BODY if it's soudlnt be in the template (something what show-body-only should do). * @todo tidy removes empty tags (shouldnt !!!!) * @TODO create formatter API * @var int */ public static $useTidy = false; /** * Use tabs insted of spaces for tidy intendation. * @var bool * @TODO create formatter API */ public static $tidyIntendWithTabs = true; /** * Config fo Tidy. * @link * @var array * @TODO create formatter API */ public static $tidyConfig = array( 'indent' => true, 'indent-spaces' => 4, 'wrap' => false, 'show-body-only' => 'yes', 'merge-divs' => false, 'new-inline-tags' => 'php', 'tab-size' => 4, 'output-bom' => false, // TODO support other charset 'input-encoding' => 'utf8', 'output-encoding' => 'utf8', 'char-encoding' => 'utf8', ); /** * PEAR XML_Beutifuler * XML only. No PHP code support (at least working one). * @TODO create formatter API * @var unknown_type */ public static $formatterEnable = false; /** * @TODO create formatter API * @var unknown_type */ public static $formatterOptions = null; protected static $formatterInstance = null; /** * Fixes paths to CSS, JS and image files. * @todo Dont update external links. * @var string */ public static $fixWebroot = ''; /** * Returns cached template's path for inclusion. * Returns false if cache isn't up-to-date. * * @return string|false */ public static function loadTemplate($templateName, $targetsPath = null) { list($cachePath, $cacheDeps) = self::getCachePaths($templateName, $targetsPath); $useCache = false; if (file_exists($cachePath) && self::$cacheTimeout >= 0) { $useCache = true; // check dependencies if (file_exists($cacheDeps)) { foreach(file($cacheDeps) as $line) { list($file, $time) = explode("\t", $line); if (! file_exists($file)) { $useCache = false; continue; } // check if template source have been modified if (filemtime($file) > $time ) { $useCache = false; continue; } // check timeout (stiff refresh) if (self::$cacheTimeout && time()-$time > self::$cacheTimeout ) { $useCache = false; continue; // debug('cacheTimeout'); } } } if ($useCache ) return $cachePath; } return false; } /** * Creates new template and returns it's path. * If You want to use self::$fixWebRoot You have to pass phpQuery object directly. * CAUTION: this method will call unload() on passed phpQuery object, so You cant use it futher. Use $unloadDocument to avoid this. * * @param phpQuery $_ HTML from object will be fetched by htmlOuter(), so take care of proper stack. * @param string $templatePath * @param string $templateName * @param array $dependencies * @param string $targetsPath * @param bool $unloadDocument * * @return string|false */ public static function saveTemplate($pq, $dependencies = array(), $templateName = null, $vars = null, $targetsPath = null, $unloadDocument = true ) { // for performance cache stuff is checked only when writing if (! self::validateCacheSettings() ) return false; if (! self::$monitorTemplateModification) $dependencies = array(); if (! $templateName ) $templateName = md5(microtime()); $html = self::postFilters($pq); // needed to avoid conflicts if ($unloadDocument) $pq->unloadDocument(); list($cachePath, $cacheDeps) = self::getCachePaths($templateName, $targetsPath); $varsPHP = ""; if ($vars) { $varsPHP = "<?php\n"; foreach($vars as $var => $val) { $varsPHP .= "\$$var = ".var_export($val, true).";\n"; } $varsPHP .= "?>"; } file_put_contents( $cachePath, $varsPHP.$html ); $dependencies = array_map( array('QueryTemplates', 'mapDepends'), $dependencies ); if (self::$monitorCodeModification) $dependencies[] = self::mapDepends(self::srcFilePath()); file_put_contents( $cacheDeps, implode("\n", $dependencies) ); return $cachePath; } /** * Fetches included templates content into parsed one. * * @param phpQuery $_ * @return array Array of dependencies. * @TODO refresh */ public static function parseIncludes($_) { // $rootDir = dirname(self::$sourcesPath.$templatePath).'/'; $rootDir = self::$sourcesPath; // collect included templates name $dependencies = array(); // FIXME change codetype to type (attribute) $selector = 'object[type=text/template]'; foreach( $_->find($selector) as $include ) { $include = pq($include, $_->getDocumentID()); $includePath = $rootDir.$include->attr('data'); if (strpos($includePath, '{') !== false ) continue; if (file_exists($includePath) ) { $_nested = phpQuery::newDocumentFile($includePath); $dependencies[] = $includePath; $dependencies = array_merge( $dependencies, self::parseIncludes( $_nested ) ); $include ->after($_nested) ->remove(); } else throw new Exception("File '{$includePath}' doesn't exists, couldn't include template"); } // remove unincludable includes (with {n} args) self::removeIncludes($_); // dont loose main template phpQuery::selectDocument($_); return $dependencies; } /** * Removes included templates from parsed one. * * @param phpQuery $_ * @TODO refresh * @return phpQuery */ public static function removeIncludes($_) { $_->find('object[type=text/template]') ->remove(); } /** * Clears cache folder. Can be limited to files containing $search in names. * Returns number of deleted files. * * @param string $search Optional. Search pattern, accepts wildcard. @see * @return int */ public function clearCache($search = '*') { $i = 0; foreach( glob(self::$targetsPath.$search.'.code.php') as $file ) { unlink($file); // TODO get cache names from self::getCachePaths() and delete other files $i++; } return $i; } protected static function mapDepends($file) { return $file."\t".filemtime($file); } protected static function srcFilePath() { foreach(array_slice(debug_backtrace(), 2) as $r) { $phrase = 'QueryTemplates'; $filename = substr($r['file'], strrpos($r['file'], '/')+1); if (substr($filename, 0, strlen($phrase)) != $phrase) return $r['file']; } } protected static function normalizeVarName($string) { return preg_replace('@[^\\w$]@i', '_', $string); } protected static function validateCacheSettings() { if (! self::$targetsPath) { throw new Exception('QueryTemplates::$targetsPath not set'); } if (! file_exists(self::$targetsPath)) { throw new Exception('Directory QueryTemplates::$targetsPath doesn\'t exist'); } if (! is_writable(self::$targetsPath)) { if (! @chmod(self::$targetsPath, 0666)) { throw new Exception('Directory QueryTemplates::$targetsPath isn\'t writtable'); } } $s = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::$targetsPath = rtrim(self::$targetsPath, $s).$s; return true; } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $templateName * @param unknown_type $targetsPath * @return unknown * @TODO refactor to getTargetPaths */ protected static function getCachePaths( $templateName, $targetsPath = null ) { $replace = array('/', '\\'); if (! $targetsPath ) $targetsPath = self::$targetsPath; $clearCacheName = self::cleanCacheName($templateName); return array( $targetsPath.$clearCacheName.'.code.php', // $targetsPath.$clearCacheName.'.time.php', $targetsPath.$clearCacheName.'.deps.php', // $targetsPath.$clearCacheName.'.src_time.php', ); } protected static function cleanCacheName( $name ) { return str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '_', $name); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param phpQuery $_ * @return string */ protected static function postFilters($pq) { $partialDoc = $pq->documentFragment(); if (self::$fixWebroot) $pq->plugin('Scripts')->script('fix_webroot', self::$fixWebroot); // $html = $dom->php(); $markup = $pq->markupOuter(); /* <php>...</php> to <?php...?> */ /* $html = preg_replace_callback( '@<php>\s*<!--(.*?)-->\s*</php>@s', create_function('$m', 'return "<?php\n ".htmlspecialchars_decode($m[1])." \n?>";' ), $dom->htmlOuter() ); */ // tidy for pretty output if (self::$useTidy && function_exists('tidy_parse_string')) { // TODO use output-html output-xml output-xhtml // FIXME formatting attr with PHP code (input[value]) changes PHP tags (to normal) if ($partialDoc) { // if we doesnt want whole doc, but only a part, get <body> content // $config = array_merge( // self::$tidyConfig, // array('show-body-only' => true) // ); $tidy = tidy_parse_string($markup, self::$tidyConfig); // $html = tidy_get_output($tidy); $markup = ''; $body = tidy_get_body($tidy); if ($body->child) foreach($body->child as $node) // get outer html $markup .= $node->value; } else if (self::$useTidy === 2) { // adding <php> as new block element destroys tags inside <head>, // so we need to mask them for a while // this is DIRTY hack and You cant rely on it /* $html = preg_replace("@<\\?php(.+?)(?:\\?>)@", "<script type='text/php'>\\1</script>", $html);*/ $tidy = tidy_parse_string($markup, self::$tidyConfig); $markup = tidy_get_output($tidy); // and now backwards... /* $html = preg_replace("@<script type='text/php'>(.+?)(?:</script>)@", "<?php\\1?>", $html);*/ } if (self::$tidyIntendWithTabs) { $markup = preg_replace_callback("@(?<=\\n)(\\s+)(?=.)@", array('QueryTemplates', 'tidySpacesToTabs'), $markup ); } } if (self::$formatterEnable) { // XXX doent support <?php tags inside attribute if (self::$formatterInstance) $fmt = self::$formatterInstance; else { require_once "XML/Beautifier.php"; $fmt = new XML_Beautifier(); } var_dump($markup); $markup = $fmt->formatString($markup); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { self::debug($result->getMessage()); } } // it's important to convert markup to PHP AFTER using Tidy $markup = phpQuery::markupToPHP($markup); // FIXME just a quick fix, breaks nodes structure $markup = str_replace('?><?php', '', $markup); // safe tags /*$html = str_replace( array('<?php <!--', '--> ?>'), array('<?php', '?>'), $html );*/ // fix PHP tags inside HTML attr // separate regex needed for ' and " delimiters (make it in one if You can...) // attrs without delimiters are NOT supported (but can be) $regexes = array(/* '@(<[^>]+?\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(\')([^\']*)(?:&lt;|%3C|<)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?&gt;|\\?%3E|\\?>)([^\']*)\'@', '@(<[^>]+?\\w+\\s*=\\s*)(")([^"]*)(?:&lt;|%3C|<)\\?(?:php)?(.*?)(?:\\?&gt;|\\?%3E|\\?>)([^"]*)"@', */); /* foreach($regexes as $regex) $html = preg_replace_callback( $regex, // '@(<[^>]+?\\w\\s*=\\s*)([\'"])?&lt;\\?php(.*?)(\\?&gt;)\\2@', // '@(<[^>]+?\\w\\s*=\\s*)([\'"])?(.*?)&lt;\\?php(.*?)(\\?&gt;)(.*?)\\2@', create_function('$m', 'return $m[1].$m[2].$m[3]."<?php" .str_replace(array("%20", "%3E", "%09", "&#10;", "&#9;"), array(" ", ">", " ", " ", " "), htmlspecialchars_decode($m[4])) ."?>".$m[5].$m[2];' ), $markup ); */ return $markup; } public static function tidySpacesToTabs($matches) { $spacesPerTab = self::$tidyConfig['indent-spaces'] ? self::$tidyConfig['indent-spaces'] : 4; return str_repeat("\t", strlen($matches[1])/$spacesPerTab); } }