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File: apihelm.txt
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Class: Helm 3.x XML API
Manage hosting account with Helm control panel API
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Helm Web Based Billing API Version 1.1.3 This API has been designed to be used in the provisioning systems of 3rd party billing systems. ________________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Usage ================================================================================ Use "/billing_api.asp?action=[MethodName]&Username=[HelmAccountName]&Password=[HelmAccountPassword]&{AdditionalData}" e.g."/billing_api.asp?action=GetUsers&Username=ADMIN&Password=Password12345" Both GET and POST methods are supported. ================================================================================ Methods ================================================================================ GetUser - Gets information about a user in the Helm system. GetUsers - Gets details about all Helm users under an account. AddUser - Adds a new user to the system. AddUserAndDomain - Adds a new user with package and domain to the system. NOTE: THIS APPLIES TO CUSTOMERS ONLY NOT RESELLERS AuthenticateUser - Authenitcate User login details UpdateUserPassword - Updates a user's account password. DeleteUser - Removes a user from the system. SuspendUser - Suspends a user's account. UnsuspendUser - Reactivates a user's account. GetPlans - Retrieves the details of plans configured in Helm. AddPackage - Adds a hosting package to a customer level account. GetPackages - Get packages in customer account DeletePackage - Removed a hosting package from a customer account. NOTE: THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DOMAINS IN THAT PACKAGE TOO! AddTransaction - Add a Transaction to an account AddDomain - Adds a hosted domain to a customer's package. AddSubDomain - Adds a sub domain to a Domain. DeleteSubDomain - Delete a sub domain to a Domain. GetDomains - Get List of your Domains DeleteDomain - Deletes a hosted domain from the system GetExtraFeatures - Gets a list of available extra features for a plan AddExtraFeature - Adds a purchased extra feature to a user's account DeleteExtraFeature - Removes a purchased extra features from a user's account GetUser ------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be returned Output [XML] Collection of user's details including name, address details and suspension status GetUsers -------- Input None Output [XML] List of user accounts and corresponding information about the user AddUser ------- Input *FirstName : First name of new user *LastName : Last name of new user *PrimaryEmail : Primary email address of new user *Address1 : Address line 1 of new user *PostCode : Postcode/Zipcode of new user *CountryCode : 2 character country code Title : Account holders title CompanyName : Company name Address2 : Address line 2 Address3 : Address line 3 Town : Town/City of new user County : County/State of new user HomePhone : Home Telephone Number WorkPhone : Work Telephone Number MobilePhone : Mobile Telephone Number FaxNumber : Fax number SecondaryEmail : Secondary email address NewAccountNumber : User specified account name for new account. Automatically assigns one if not provided. NewAccountPassword: User specified account password for the new account. Automatically generates one if not provided. *ResellerPlanId : Required if Admin is adding a reseller account only Reseller plan that reseller's new account will be based upon. ResellerAccount : If Admin you can specify the account number of the reseller that the user will be added to instead of adding as a reseller account. SendWelcomeMessage: Whether to send user welcome message from Helm. If not specified then will be "False". Set "True" to send. Output [TEXT] The new account's account number (user name) AddUserAndDomain ---------------- Input *FirstName : First name of new user *LastName : Last name of new user *PrimaryEmail : Primary email address of new user *Address1 : Address line 1 of new user *PostCode : Postcode/Zipcode of new user *CountryCode : 2 character country code Title : Account holders title CompanyName : Company name Address2 : Address line 2 Address3 : Address line 3 Town : Town/City of new user County : County/State of new user HomePhone : Home Telephone Number WorkPhone : Work Telephone Number MobilePhone : Mobile Telephone Number FaxNumber : Fax number SecondaryEmail : Secondary email address NewAccountNumber : User specified account name for new account. Automatically assigns one if not provided. NewAccountPassword: User specified account password for the new account. Automatically generates one if not provided. *CustomerPlanId : Hosting plan that customer's new account will be based upon. *PackageName : A friendly name for the customer's new hosting package. *DomainName : The name of the FQDN to add to the users account. ResellerAccount : If Admin you can specify the account number of the reseller that the user will be added to. SendWelcomeMessage: Whether to send user welcome message from Helm. If not specified then will be false. Set "True" to send. Output [TEXT] The new account's account number (user name) UpdateUserPassword ------------------ Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be suspended *NewAccountPassword: New password for the account Output None AuthenticateUser ------------------ Input *UserAccountNumber : user Account number *NewAccountPassword: user Account password Output None DeleteUser ---------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be deleted Output None SuspendUser ----------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be suspended Output None UnsuspendUser ------------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be unsuspended Output None GetPlans -------- Input None Output [XML] List of all plans that the user has set up in Helm AddPackage ---------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to be unsuspended *PackageTypeId : The Id number of the plan that the package is to be created against. *FriendlyName : A friendly name for the package Output [TEXT] The packageId of the newly created hosting package GETPACKAGES ------------ Input PackageID : Package Id number of the customer's package to remove CustomerAccountID : Customer ID of whom you require list of packages ResellerAccountID : Reseller ID of who owns the plan the customer is held in PackageTypeID : Package Type ID of the reseller plan the package is held in Output [XML] List of all Packages that has set up in Helm matching params DeletePackage ------------- Input *PackageId : Package Id number of the customer's package to remove Output None AddDomain ---------- Input *PackageId : The package Id number of the customer's package that the domain will be created within. *DomainName : The fully qualified domain name Output [TEXT] The DomainId of the newly created hosted domain AddSubDomain ---------- Input *DomainId : The Domain Id number of the customer's Domain *SubDomainName : The fully qualified sub domain name Output [TEXT] The SubDomainId of the newly created hosted domain GetDomains ---------- Input CustomerAccountNumber : The Customer Account Name ResellerAccountNumber : The Resellers Account Name PackageId : The package Id number of the customer's package that the domain will be created within. Output [XML] List of all Domains that have been set up in within the User or Plan DeleteDomain ------------ Input *DomainId : The domain Id number of the domain name that will be removed from the system. Output None AddTransaction ------------- Input *UserAccountNumber : Account number of the user to add the transaction *TransactionType : 0=Purchase, 1=Renewal, 2=Payment, 3=Credit, 4=Invoice *TransactionDate : Dateof the transaction supplied yyyy-mm-dd *TransactionAmount : Decimal currency value *TransactionQTY : Quantity in tranaction *TransactionDesc : Transaction Description Displayed in helm Output None DeleteSubDomain ------------ Input *SubDomainId : The domain Id number of the sub domain name that will be removed from the system. Output None GetExtraFeatures ---------------- Input *PackageTypeId : The Id number of the plan to list all of the extra features within. Output [XML] List of all extra features that have been set up in within the plan AddExtraFeature --------------- Input *PackageId : The package Id number where the extra feature will be added to *ExtraFeatureId : The Id number of the extra feature to be added. Quantity : The quantity of the extra feature to be added. If none specified it will assume a quantity of one. Output [TEXT] The PurchasedFeatureId of the purchased extra feature DeleteExtraFeature ------------------ Input *PurchasedFeatureId: The Id number of the purchased extra feature Output None * - Required field ================================================================================ Returns ================================================================================ Simplified XML in the form of: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <Results> <ResultCode>0</ResultCode> <ResultDescription>OK</ResultDescription> <ResultData>Result Text or XML</ResultData> </Results> Result Data ------------ Result data is in key pair form XML or just plain text depending on the method that has been called. Result in XML ------------- The following is an example of data being returned <ResultData recordcount="2"> <Record> <field name="FirstField"> <value>first field value</value> </field> <field name="SecondField"> <value>second field value</value> </field> </Record> <Record> <field name="FirstField"> <value>more data</value> </field> <field name="SecondField"> <value>more data</value> </field> </Record> </ResultData>