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File: assets/js/app/ajax.js

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  Classes of Ahmad Mustapha   Utility Web PHP API   assets/js/app/ajax.js   Download  
File: assets/js/app/ajax.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Utility Web PHP API
API to retrieve movie details and other resources
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 9,437 bytes



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(function (ns) { let obj = ns.Ajax = {}; let errorCallback; obj.requestFactory = function (url, method, params) { let requestObject; if(typeof url === 'object'){ requestObject = url; = params; }else{ requestObject = { url: url, method: method, data: params }; } let req = obj.request(requestObject); return obj.applyCustomizations(req); }; obj.get = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'GET', params || {}); = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'POST', params || {}); obj.put = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'PUT', params || {}); obj.patch = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'PATCH', params || {}); obj.delete = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'DELETE', params || {}); obj.head = (url, params) => obj.requestFactory(url, 'HEAD', params || {}); obj.submitForm = function (form, options = {}) { let req = obj.request($.extend({ form: form }, options)); return obj.applyCustomizations(req); }; obj.applyCustomizations = function (req) { req.success = function (callback) { req.then(function (...args) { if(args[0].success){ if (args[0].success || args[0].success === undefined) { let response = args[0]; let returnData = [...args]; returnData[0] =; returnData[0].__response = response; callback(...returnData); } } }) return req; } req.error = function (callback) { req.then(function (...args) { if(! args[0].success){ let response = args[0]; let returnData = [...args]; returnData[0] = response.error; returnData[0].__response = response; callback(...returnData); } }); return req; } return req; }; obj.request = function (options) { let requestUrl = options.url; let requestData =; let requestMethod = options.method || 'GET'; let requestDataType = options.dataType;// || 'JSON'; //if form element is passed if (options.form) { let $form = APP.UI.El.getJQ(options.form); //if no url is passed, use form action attr value if (!requestUrl) { requestUrl = $form.attr('action'); } //if request method is specified, use it if ($form.attr('method')) { requestMethod = $form.attr('method'); } //blacklisted inputs let without = options.without || []; if (requestMethod.toLowerCase() === 'get') { //Prepare data for get transfer requestData = {}; $.each($form.serializeArray(), function () { if (without.indexOf( === -1) { requestData[] = this.value; } }); } else { //Prepare data for transfer let $inputsTypeFile = $form.find('[type="file"]'); //if we have file if ($inputsTypeFile.length !== 0) { requestData = new FormData(); options.hasFile = true; let fileInputs = []; $inputsTypeFile.each(function () { if (without.indexOf( === -1) { fileInputs.push(; requestData.append(, this.files[0]); } }); $.each($form.serializeArray(), function () { if (without.indexOf( === -1 && fileInputs.indexOf( === -1) { requestData.append(, this.value); } }); } else { requestData = {}; $.each($form.serializeArray(), function () { if (without.indexOf( === -1) { requestData[] = this.value; } }); } } } //Check if we have files to upload that are not in input fields if(options.files){ if (! (requestData instanceof FormData)){ let objectKeys = Object.keys(requestData || {}); //If data already exists, set it to FormData if(objectKeys.length > 0){ let newData = new FormData(); objectKeys.forEach(function (key) { newData.append(key, requestData[key]); }); requestData = newData; } } //If requestData is not instance of FormData, then initialize is. if(! (requestData instanceof FormData)){ requestData = new FormData(); } options.files.forEach(function (file) { requestData.append(, file.file); }); //Indicate that we have file options.hasFile = true; } //Check if input data is set if(options.inputs){ options.inputs.forEach(function (input){ if(requestData instanceof FormData){ requestData.append(, input.value); }else{ requestData[] = input.value; } }); } requestUrl = obj.url(requestUrl, {}); //check if we have file to upload if (options.hasFile) { options.cache = false; options.processData = false; options.contentType = false; } //Replace the sensitive data with modified one options.url = requestUrl; = requestData; options.method = requestMethod; options.dataType = requestDataType; //Delete unnecessary properties delete options.form; delete options.hasFile; //Send request let $request = $.ajax(options).retry(obj.getRetryValue()); /** * Modify successful request * We will snoop in to the request result * We will handle any success error, like server error... * @return Jquery ajax object */ $request.then(obj.getData); /** * Modify error request * We will snoop in to the request result * We will handle any error, like form validation... * @return Jquery ajax object */ $; return $request; }; obj.url = function (link, payload) { let url = link; if (link.indexOf('http://') === -1) { url = window.location.origin + '/api/' + link; } if (payload) { //append payload let param = $.param(payload); if (link.indexOf('?') > -1) { url = url + '&' + param; } else { url = url + '?' + param; } } return url; }; obj.getRetryValue = function () { //503 = service unavailable //599 network connect timeout return { times: 3, timeout: 5000, statusCodes: [ 503, 599 ] }; }; //attach ajax token in the data obj.withToken = function (data = {}) { let token = localStorage.getItem('token'); if (token) { data.token = token; } return data; }; obj.getData = function (response) { if (response.error) { let errors = response.error.errors; let modal = new ns.UI.Modal('general'); let html = '<div class="list-group">'; html += '<div class="list-group-item">' + response.error.message + '</div>'; for (let errorName in errors) { errorName[0] = errorName[0].toLocaleUpperCase(); errors[errorName].forEach(function (errorMessage) { html += '<div class="list-group-item"><b>' + errorName + ':</b> ' + errorMessage + '</div>'; }); } modal.header('Request Error'); modal.body(html).show(); } return response; }; obj.handleError = function (error) { let modal = new ns.UI.Modal('general'); let html; if(error.status !== 200){ if(error.responseJSON){ html = error.responseJSON.message; }else{ error = error.statusText; } } modal.setHeader('Request Error').footer(false); modal.body(html).show(); return error; }; })(window.APP); $ajax = window.APP.Ajax;