PHP Classes

File: menu.php

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  Classes of Zak Johnson   Nested Menus   menu.php   Download  
File: menu.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: The class itself.
Class: Nested Menus
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 24 years ago
Size: 2,289 bytes



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<?php class menu { var $name; var $items; var $open; var $closed; var $indent; function menu($name, $open = '(-)', $closed = '(+)', $indent = '&nbsp; &nbsp; ' ) { $this->items = array(); $this->name = $name; $this->open = $open; $this->closed = $closed; $this->indent = $indent; } function add($name, $href = "", $target = "") { $n = count($this->items); if (is_object($name)) { $this->items[$n] = $name; } else { $this->items[$n]['name'] = $name; $this->items[$n]['href'] = $href; $this->items[$n]['target'] = $target; } } function show($nest = 0) { $urlname = strtr($this->name, ' ', '_'); $indent = ''; global $$urlname; global $PHP_SELF; global $QUERY_STRING; if ($nest) { $indent = str_repeat($this->indent, $nest); } if (isset($$urlname)) { printf('%s<a href="%s?%s">%s</a><br>', $indent . $this->open, $PHP_SELF, ereg_replace("{$urlname}=&", '', $QUERY_STRING), $this->name); echo "\n"; while (list(,$item) = each($this->items)) { if (is_object($item)) { $item->show($nest + 1); } else { printf('%s<a href="%s"%s>%s</a><br>', $indent . $this->indent, $item['href'], (!empty($item['target']) ? ' target="' . $item['target'] . '"' : ''), $item['name']); echo "\n"; } } } else { printf('%s<a href="%s?%s=&%s">%s</a><br>', $indent . $this->closed, $PHP_SELF, $urlname, $QUERY_STRING, $this->name); echo "\n"; } } } ?>