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File: benchmark/benchmark.php

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  Classes of Oleg Butuzov   Cacheme   benchmark/benchmark.php   Download  
File: benchmark/benchmark.php
Role: Example script
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Description: benchmark
Class: Cacheme
Cache data in different types of container
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<? // // dima's bench $cn = (isset($_GET['cn']) && is_numeric($_GET['cn']) && $_GET['cn'] > 0 )? $_GET['cn'] : 1; // $path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/Cacheme/Cacheme.php'; include_once $path; /*************************************************************************/ class Test{ public function __construct(){ $this->var = rand(0,1000); } public function showme(){ return $this->$var; } } $variables = array( range(0,100), 'string is a string, life is life', new Test() ); function simrun($dsn, $driver, $method){ $c = CacheMeLoader::Factory($dsn); return $method($dsn, $driver, $c); } function objrun($dsn, $driver, $method){ $objname = $driver.'Object'; global ${$objname}; $objname = (isset($objname) && is_object($objname)) ? $objname : CacheMeLoader::Factory($dsn); return $method($dsn, $driver, $objname); } function cacheme_set_clear($dsn, $driver, $obj){ global $variables; $obj->lifetime = 60; foreach($variables as $k=>$v){ foreach(range(0,32) as $i){ $obj->set($k,$v); $obj->clear($k); } } } function cacheme_set_clear_all($dsn, $driver, $obj){ global $variables; $obj->lifetime = 60; foreach($variables as $k=>$v){ foreach(range(0,32) as $i){ $obj->set($k,$v); } } $obj->clear(); } function cacheme_set_get($dsn, $driver, $obj){ $obj->lifetime = 60; $obj->set('foo','bar'); foreach(range(0,99) as $i){ $obj->get('foo'); } } function cacheme_set($dsn, $driver, $obj){ global $variables; $obj->lifetime = 60; foreach($variables as $k=>$v){ foreach(range(0,32) as $i){ $obj->set($k,$v); } } } function cacheme_get($dsn, $driver, $obj){ global $variables; $obj->lifetime = 60; foreach($variables as $k=>$v){ if (!$obj->is_cached($k)){ $obj->set($k,$v); } foreach(range(0,32) as $i){ $obj->get($k); } } return true; } /**************************************************************************************************************************/ $phpbegin=' $_test = ""; define("test",""); '; $methods_desc = array(); $methods_names = array(); $descriptions = array( 'cacheme_get' => '3 set itteration = 3*33 Get itterators (33 per each set) ---- Test cache 3 variables (array, string, and object), after each setting - test get cached variable 33 times. <ul> <li><b>eaccelerator</b> - can work only in admin allowed path, take look at <a href="" target="_black">eaccelerator settings</a> more detailed.</li> </ul>', 'cacheme_set' => '3*33 Set itterators ---- Just setting 33 times pere each variable time (array, string, object) <ul> <li><b>eaccelerator</b> - can work only in admin allowed path, take look at <a href="" target="_black">eaccelerator settings</a> more detailed.</li> </ul>', 'cacheme_set_clear' => '3*33 Set itterators and clear for each ---- Clear speed testing. setting 33 times 3 data types (string,array,object) and making clear for each.<br> <b>NOTES</b> <ol> <li><b>memcached</b> dosen\'t actualy delate any value - it just mark it as expired</li> <li><b>eaccelerator</b> - can work only in admin allowed path, take look at <a href="" target="_black">eaccelerator settings</a> more detailed.</li> </ol>', 'cacheme_set_clear_all' => '100 Set itterators and one clear all ---- Clear speed testing. setting 33 times 3 data types (string,array,object) and making clear for each. <ol> <li><b>memcached</b> dosen\'t actualy delate any value - it just mark it as expired</li> <li><b>xcache</b> can flush cache but require a authorization for this action, so i deside to disable this method for xcache</li> <li><b>eaccelerator</b> - can work only in admin allowed path, take look at <a href="" target="_black">eaccelerator settings</a> more detailed.</li> </ol>', 'cacheme_set_get' => '1 Set itterators and 100 Get for each ---- 1 Set itterators and 100 Get for each ' ); foreach($descriptions as $_k=>$item){ list($title, $description) = explode('----', trim($item)); $methods_names[$_k] = trim($title); $methods_desc[$_k] = trim($description); } $type = isset($_GET['method']) ? substr($_GET['method'], strlen($_GET['method'])-3, 3) : 'sim'; $method = isset($_GET['method']) ? substr($_GET['method'], 0, strlen($_GET['method'])-4) : $methods[0]; $methods = array_keys($methods_names); $method = isset($method) && in_array($method, $methods) ? $method : $methods[0]; $phpexplode="~~~"; $phptest = ''; $dsnArray = array( 'file' => 'file://'.dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array('CacheStorage','FileCache')), /* 'sqlite' => 'sqlite://'.dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'CacheStorage/cache.sqlite', 'eaccelerator' => 'eaccelerator://',*/ /* 'xcache' => 'xcache://', */ 'memcache' => 'memcache://', 'apc' => 'apc://', /**/ ); $numers = array('foobar'); foreach($dsnArray as $k=>$i){ $phptest[] = " $type"."run(".'$dsnArray[\''.$k.'\']'.",'$k', '$method');\r\n" ; $numers[] = $k; } $cna = array('1', '10', '25', '50', '100', '250', '500', '1000'); $t = array(); foreach($cna as $i){ if ($i != $cn){ $t[] = '<a href='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?method='.$method.'_obj&cn='.$i.'>'.$i.'</a>'; } else { $t[] = '<b>'.$i.'</b> '; } } ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="<?php echo count($cna); ?>" style=" background:#404040; color:#fff; ">Calls number <ul> <li>Current test - <?=$methods_names[$method];?></li> <li>Type - <? echo ($type=='sim') ? ' Each call create new object ' : ' Each call use Single instance '; ?></li> </ul></td> </tr> <tr><td style='text-align:center;'> <?php echo implode(' </td><td style="text-align:center;"> ', $t); unset($t); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php $t = array(); foreach($methods as $i){ if ($i != $method || $type != 'sim'){ $t[] = '<a href='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?method='.$i.'_sim&cn='.$cn.'>'.$methods_names[$i].'</a>'; } else { $t[] = '<b>'.$methods_names[$i].'</b> '; } } //echo implode(' &#8226; ', $t); ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="<?php echo count($methods); ?>" style=" background:#404040; color:#fff; text-align:center">Tests ( Each call create own instance)</td> </tr> <tr><td style='text-align:center;'> <?php echo implode(' </td><td style="text-align:center;"> ', $t); unset($t); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php $t = array(); foreach($methods as $i){ if ($i != $method || $type != 'obj'){ $t[] = '<a href='.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?method='.$i.'_obj&cn='.$cn.'>'.$methods_names[$i].'</a>'; } else { $t[] = '<b>'.$methods_names[$i].'</b> '; } } ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td colspan="<?php echo count($methods); ?>" style=" background:#404040; color:#fff; text-align:center">Tests ( enstance created just once - each call use existed instance)</td> </tr> <tr><td style='text-align:center;'> <?php echo implode(' </td><td style="text-align:center;"> ', $t); unset($t); ?></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td style=" background:#404040; color:#fff; text-align:center">Tests description</td> </tr> <tr><td> <?php echo $methods_desc[$method]; ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL && ~E_NOTICES); $mytimestats = array(); function timestart($name) { global $mytimestats; if (strlen($name)==0) { return; } $x=explode(" ",microtime()); $x[1]=substr("$x[1]",2,14); $mytimestats[$name]['temp']=$x[1]+$x[0]; flush(); return true; } function timestop($name) { global $mytimestats; flush(); if (strlen($name)==0) { return; } $x=explode(" ",microtime()); $x[1]=substr("$x[1]",2,14); $param = ($x[1]+$x[0]) - $mytimestats[$name]['temp']; $mytimestats[$name]['all'] = $param; $mytimestats[$name]['counter']++; return true; } function timeprint($par="") { timestop("my_time"); global $mytimestats,$numers; $k=array_keys($mytimestats); if (strstr($par,"nomain")) { $nomain=1; } if (strstr($par,"%min")) { $proc1=1; $procent1="<td>% (fro, min time)</td>"; } if (strstr($par,"%max")) { $proc2=1; $procent2="<td>% (from max time)</td>"; } if (strstr($par,"graf")) { $graf=1; $grafik="<td align=center>total time</td>"; } if ($proc1 || $proc2 || $graf) { $mmin=999999; $mmax=-1; for ($i=0; $i<count($k); $i++) { if ($k[$i]=="my_time") continue; if ($mmin>$mytimestats[$k[$i]][all]) $mmin=$mytimestats[$k[$i]][all]; if ($mmax<$mytimestats[$k[$i]][all]) $mmax=$mytimestats[$k[$i]][all]; } } echo "<center><table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3><tr><td align=center></td> <td align=center>total calls</td> <td align=center>total time</td><td align=center> the average time</td> $procent1$procent2$grafik</tr>"; for ($i=0; $i<count($k); $i++) { if ($k[$i]=="my_time") continue; @printf("<tr><td><b>$numers[$i]</b></td><td>%d</td><td>%.4f</td><td>%.4f</td>", $mytimestats[$k[$i]]['counter'], $mytimestats[$k[$i]]['all'], (float)$mytimestats[$k[$i]]['all']/$mytimestats[$k[$i]]['counter']); if ($k[$i]<>"my_time") { if ($proc1) { printf("<td>%02.1f%%</td>",(float)$mytimestats[$k[$i]]['all']/$mmin*100-100); } if ($proc2) { printf("<td>%02.1f%%</td>",(float)$mytimestats[$k[$i]]['all']/$mmax*100); } if ($graf) { $width=round(100*(float)$mytimestats[$k[$i]]['all']/$mmax); $width2=100-$width; echo "<td><table width=100 border=0 ". "cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>". "<tr><td width=$width background=_dima_timestat1.gif>". "<img src='_dima_timestat2.gif' width=$width height=20><br>". "</td><td width=$width2 bgcolor=#ccaaaa>". "<img src='_dima_timestat2.gif' width=$width2 height=20><br>". "</td></tr></table></td>"; } $tt+=$mytimestats[$k[$i]][all]; $tc+=$mytimestats[$k[$i]][counter]; } else { if ($proc1) echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; if ($proc2) echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; if ($graf) echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } if (!$nomain) printf(" <tr><td colspan=4>вся пpогpамма pаботала %.4f сек</tD></tr> <tr><td colspan=4>все внутpенные вызовы заняли %.4f сек (%d pаз)</tD></tr> <tr><td colspan=4>остаток вpемени %.4f сек</tD>", $mytimestats[my_time][all],$tt,$tc, $mytimestats[my_time][all]-$tt); echo "</td></table></center>\r\n\r\n\r\n"; } timestart("my_time"); @set_time_limit(60*30); //error_reporting(0); unset($cf); unset($evalcod); for ($i=0; $i<50; $i++) { echo "<!-- -->"; } echo "Preparing..."; flush(); foreach($phptest as $s) { if (strlen(trim($s))>1) { $cf++; $evalcod[]= $s;; } } for ($i=0; $i<$cf; $i++) { $f[$i]=fopen("tmp.tmp$i","w+") or die("err# open '.tmp$i'"); fputs($f[$i],"<?php"."\r\n"); } for ($j=0; $j<$cf; $j++) { fputs($f[$j],$evalcod[$j]."\r\n"); } for ($i=0; $i<$cf; $i++) { fputs($f[$i],"?>"); fclose($f[$i]); } echo "Ready.<br>Lets! Test it!...<hr size=1 noshade>"; flush(); for ($i=0; $i<$cf; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<$cn; $j++) { timestart("test N".($i+1)); require("tmp.tmp$i"); timestop("test N".($i+1)); } unlink("tmp.tmp$i"); flush(); } echo "<hr size=1 noshade>\r\n\r\n<ol>"; for ($i=0; $i<count($evalcod); $i++) { echo "<li><b><font color=red>{</font><tt><font color=blue face='Lucida'>". str_replace(" ","&nbsp;",htmlspecialchars($evalcod[$i]))."</font></tt><font color=red>}</font></b>\r\n"; } echo "</ol>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n"; timeprint("%min %max graf nomain"); ?>