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File: src/Utils/DI/Container.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Jaxon   src/Utils/DI/Container.php   Download  
File: src/Utils/DI/Container.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: Jaxon
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Last change: Replaced the Container contract with the PSR-11 ContainerInterface.
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 17,367 bytes



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<?php /** * Container.php - Jaxon data container * * Provide container service for Jaxon utils class instances. * * @package jaxon-core * @author Thierry Feuzeu <> * @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <> * @license BSD 3-Clause License * @link */ namespace Jaxon\Utils\DI; use Jaxon\Response\Response; use Jaxon\Request\Support\CallableRegistry; use Jaxon\Request\Support\CallableRepository; use Jaxon\Request\Plugin\CallableClass; use Jaxon\Request\Plugin\CallableDir; use Jaxon\Request\Plugin\CallableFunction; use Jaxon\Request\Plugin\FileUpload; use Jaxon\Request\Support\FileUpload as FileUploadSupport; use Jaxon\Request\Handler\Handler as RequestHandler; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\RequestFactory; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\ParameterFactory; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\CallableClass\Request as CallableClassRequestFactory; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\CallableClass\Paginator as CallableClassPaginatorFactory; use Jaxon\Request\Support\CallableObject; use Jaxon\Response\Manager as ResponseManager; use Jaxon\Response\Plugin\JQuery as JQueryPlugin; use Jaxon\Plugin\Manager as PluginManager; use Jaxon\Plugin\Code\Generator as CodeGenerator; use Jaxon\Contracts\Session as SessionContract; use Jaxon\App\App; use Jaxon\App\Bootstrap; use Jaxon\Utils\Config\Config; use Jaxon\Utils\Config\Reader as ConfigReader; use Jaxon\Utils\View\Manager as ViewManager; use Jaxon\Utils\View\Renderer as ViewRenderer; use Jaxon\Utils\Dialogs\Dialog; use Jaxon\Utils\Template\Minifier; use Jaxon\Utils\Template\Engine as TemplateEngine; use Jaxon\Utils\Template\View as TemplateView; use Jaxon\Utils\Pagination\Paginator; use Jaxon\Utils\Pagination\Renderer as PaginationRenderer; use Jaxon\Utils\Validation\Validator; use Jaxon\Utils\Translation\Translator; use Jaxon\Utils\Session\Manager as SessionManager; use Jaxon\Utils\Http\URI; use Pimple\Container as PimpleContainer; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Lemon\Event\EventDispatcher; use Closure; use ReflectionClass; class Container { /** * The Dependency Injection Container * * @var PimpleContainer */ private $libContainer = null; /** * The Dependency Injection Container * * @var ContainerInterface */ private $appContainer = null; /** * The class constructor * * @param array $aOptions The default options */ public function __construct(array $aOptions) { $this->libContainer = new PimpleContainer(); $this->libContainer[Container::class] = $this; $sTranslationDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../translations'); $sTemplateDir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../templates'); $this->init($sTranslationDir, $sTemplateDir); $this->getConfig()->setOptions($aOptions); } /** * Get the container provided by the integrated framework * * @return ContainerInterface */ public function getAppContainer() { return $this->appContainer; } /** * Set the container provided by the integrated framework * * @param ContainerInterface $container The container implementation * * @return void */ public function setAppContainer(ContainerInterface $container) { $this->appContainer = $container; } /** * Set the parameters and create the objects in the dependency injection container * * @param string $sTranslationDir The translation directory * @param string $sTemplateDir The template directory * * @return void */ private function init($sTranslationDir, $sTemplateDir) { /* * Parameters */ // Translation directory $this->libContainer['jaxon.core.translation_dir'] = $sTranslationDir; // Template directory $this->libContainer['jaxon.core.template_dir'] = $sTemplateDir; /* * Core library objects */ // Global Response $this->libContainer[Response::class] = function() { return new Response(); }; // Dialog $this->libContainer[Dialog::class] = function() { return new Dialog(); }; // Jaxon App $this->libContainer[App::class] = function() { return new App(); }; // Jaxon App bootstrap $this->libContainer[Bootstrap::class] = function() { return new Bootstrap(); }; /* * Plugins */ // Callable objects repository $this->libContainer[CallableRepository::class] = function() { return new CallableRepository(); }; // Callable objects registry $this->libContainer[CallableRegistry::class] = function($c) { return new CallableRegistry($c[CallableRepository::class]); }; // Callable class plugin $this->libContainer[CallableClass::class] = function($c) { return new CallableClass($c[CallableRegistry::class], $c[CallableRepository::class]); }; // Callable dir plugin $this->libContainer[CallableDir::class] = function($c) { return new CallableDir($c[CallableRegistry::class]); }; // Callable function plugin $this->libContainer[CallableFunction::class] = function() { return new CallableFunction(); }; // File upload support $this->libContainer[FileUploadSupport::class] = function() { return new FileUploadSupport(); }; // File upload plugin $this->libContainer[FileUpload::class] = function($c) { return new FileUpload($c[FileUploadSupport::class]); }; // JQuery response plugin $this->libContainer[JQueryPlugin::class] = function() { return new JQueryPlugin(); }; /* * Managers */ // Plugin Manager $this->libContainer[PluginManager::class] = function($c) { return new PluginManager($c[CodeGenerator::class]); }; // Request Handler $this->libContainer[RequestHandler::class] = function($c) { return new RequestHandler($c[PluginManager::class], $c[ResponseManager::class], $c[FileUpload::class]); }; // Request Factory $this->libContainer[RequestFactory::class] = function($c) { return new RequestFactory($c[CallableRegistry::class]); }; // Parameter Factory $this->libContainer[ParameterFactory::class] = function() { return new ParameterFactory(); }; // Response Manager $this->libContainer[ResponseManager::class] = function() { return new ResponseManager(); }; // Code Generator $this->libContainer[CodeGenerator::class] = function($c) { return new CodeGenerator($c[TemplateEngine::class]); }; // View Manager $this->libContainer[ViewManager::class] = function() { $xViewManager = new ViewManager(); // Add the default view renderer $xViewManager->addRenderer('jaxon', function($di) { return new TemplateView($di->get(TemplateEngine::class)); }); // By default, render pagination templates with Jaxon. $xViewManager->addNamespace('pagination', '', '.php', 'jaxon'); return $xViewManager; }; // View Renderer $this->libContainer[ViewRenderer::class] = function($c) { return new ViewRenderer($c[ViewManager::class]); }; // Set the default session manager $this->libContainer[SessionContract::class] = function() { return new SessionManager(); }; /* * Config */ $this->libContainer[Config::class] = function() { return new Config(); }; $this->libContainer[ConfigReader::class] = function() { return new ConfigReader(); }; /* * Services */ // Minifier $this->libContainer[Minifier::class] = function() { return new Minifier(); }; // Translator $this->libContainer[Translator::class] = function($c) { return new Translator($c['jaxon.core.translation_dir'], $c[Config::class]); }; // Template engine $this->libContainer[TemplateEngine::class] = function($c) { return new TemplateEngine($c['jaxon.core.template_dir']); }; // Validator $this->libContainer[Validator::class] = function($c) { return new Validator($c[Translator::class], $c[Config::class]); }; // Pagination Paginator $this->libContainer[Paginator::class] = function($c) { return new Paginator($c[PaginationRenderer::class]); }; // Pagination Renderer $this->libContainer[PaginationRenderer::class] = function($c) { return new PaginationRenderer($c[ViewRenderer::class]); }; // Event Dispatcher $this->libContainer[EventDispatcher::class] = function() { return new EventDispatcher(); }; // URI decoder $this->libContainer[URI::class] = function() { return new URI(); }; } /** * Get a class instance * * @return object The class instance */ public function get($sClass) { if($this->appContainer != null && $this->appContainer->has($sClass)) { return $this->appContainer->get($sClass); } return $this->libContainer[$sClass]; } /** * Set a DI closure * * @param string $sClass The full class name * @param Closure $xClosure The closure * * @return void */ public function set($sClass, Closure $xClosure) { $this->libContainer[$sClass] = function() use($xClosure) { return call_user_func($xClosure, $this); }; } /** * Set an alias * * @param string $sClass The class name * @param string $sAlias The alias name * * @return void */ public function alias($sClass, $sAlias) { $this->libContainer[$sClass] = function($c) use ($sAlias) { return $c[$sAlias]; }; } /** * Set an alias * * @param string|ReflectionClass $xClass The class name or the reflection class * * @return null|object */ public function make($xClass) { if(is_string($xClass)) { // Create tye reflection class instance $xClass = new ReflectionClass($xClass); } if(!($xClass instanceof ReflectionClass)) { return null; } // Use the Reflection class to get the parameters of the constructor if(($constructor = $xClass->getConstructor()) == null) { return $xClass->newInstance(); } $parameters = $constructor->getParameters(); $parameterInstances = []; foreach($parameters as $parameter) { // Get the parameter instance from the DI $parameterInstances[] = $this->get($parameter->getClass()->getName()); } return $xClass->newInstanceArgs($parameterInstances); } /** * Get the plugin manager * * @return PluginManager */ public function getPluginManager() { return $this->libContainer[PluginManager::class]; } /** * Get the request handler * * @return RequestHandler */ public function getRequestHandler() { return $this->libContainer[RequestHandler::class]; } /** * Get the request factory * * @return RequestFactory */ public function getRequestFactory() { return $this->libContainer[RequestFactory::class]; } /** * Get the parameter factory * * @return ParameterFactory */ public function getParameterFactory() { return $this->libContainer[ParameterFactory::class]; } /** * Get the response manager * * @return ResponseManager */ public function getResponseManager() { return $this->libContainer[ResponseManager::class]; } /** * Get the code generator * * @return CodeGenerator */ public function getCodeGenerator() { return $this->libContainer[CodeGenerator::class]; } /** * Get the callable registry * * @return CallableRegistry */ public function getCallableRegistry() { return $this->libContainer[CallableRegistry::class]; } /** * Get the config manager * * @return Config */ public function getConfig() { return $this->libContainer[Config::class]; } /** * Create a new the config manager * * @param array $aOptions The options array * @param string $sKeys The keys of the options in the array * * @return Config The config manager */ public function newConfig(array $aOptions = [], $sKeys = '') { return new Config($aOptions, $sKeys); } /** * Get the dialog wrapper * * @return Dialog */ public function getDialog() { return $this->libContainer[Dialog::class]; } /** * Get the minifier * * @return Minifier */ public function getMinifier() { return $this->libContainer[Minifier::class]; } /** * Get the translator * * @return Translator */ public function getTranslator() { return $this->libContainer[Translator::class]; } /** * Get the template engine * * @return TemplateEngine */ public function getTemplateEngine() { return $this->libContainer[TemplateEngine::class]; } /** * Get the validator * * @return Validator */ public function getValidator() { return $this->libContainer[Validator::class]; } /** * Get the paginator * * @return Paginator */ public function getPaginator() { return $this->libContainer[Paginator::class]; } /** * Get the event dispatcher * * @return EventDispatcher */ public function getEventDispatcher() { return $this->libContainer[EventDispatcher::class]; } /** * Get the global Response object * * @return Response */ public function getResponse() { return $this->libContainer[Response::class]; } /** * Create a new Jaxon response object * * @return Response */ public function newResponse() { return new Response(); } /** * Get the App instance * * @return App */ public function getApp() { return $this->libContainer[App::class]; } /** * Get the App bootstrap * * @return Bootstrap */ public function getBootstrap() { return $this->libContainer[Bootstrap::class]; } /** * Get the view manager * * @return ViewManager */ public function getViewManager() { return $this->libContainer[ViewManager::class]; } /** * Get the view facade * * @return ViewRenderer */ public function getViewRenderer() { return $this->libContainer[ViewRenderer::class]; } /** * Get the session manager * * @return SessionContract */ public function getSessionManager() { return $this->libContainer[SessionContract::class]; } /** * Set the session manager * * @param Closure $xClosure A closure to create the session manager instance * * @return void */ public function setSessionManager(Closure $xClosure) { $this->libContainer[SessionContract::class] = $xClosure; } /** * Set the callable class request factory * * @param string $sClassName The callable class name * @param CallableObject $xCallableObject The corresponding callable object * * @return void */ public function setCallableClassRequestFactory($sClassName, CallableObject $xCallableObject) { $this->libContainer[$sClassName . '_RequestFactory'] = function() use ($xCallableObject) { return new CallableClassRequestFactory($xCallableObject); }; } /** * Get the callable class request factory * * @param string $sClassName The callable class name * * @return CallableClassRequestFactory */ public function getCallableClassRequestFactory($sClassName) { return $this->libContainer[$sClassName . '_RequestFactory']; } }